Hey there! I've gone a bit more daring and put a face pic up now. Nothing exciting to look at mind. No idea how long I'll have the guts to keep this up for mind you, so get a look whilst ya can :p Anyways lately I've been thinking about sex a hell of a lot more than normal, which is odd cos I now have a full time job which should distract me! Well whatever, it just means I'm wanking earlier in the day before work and for longer when I get to sleep after work. But I've never really thought of a fantasy before, so I've been exploring it. I've come up with two fairly simple ones: Read more
Taking a guys virginity
So I was reading some of the stories here on X Hamster, I enjoy reading first time stories the most as I can't really relate to any of the others. When I read one blog post asking how women feel about taking a man's virginity. It got me thinking, I've a lot of stories about girls losing their virginity, how they felt, how the man felt whilst taking it. But not so much the other way round . I'd like to know how the gals out there handle their virgins! Is that a turn on for you, or can you not really be bothered? I'd imagine its to boring really, especially if you've got someone like Read more
A quick update and what I'm into (non-sexual)
Been a while since I've written anything now, far too busy watching videos to write blog posts lol Anyway not much to say really, other then been growing more confident on here and actually have the odd conversation with people. Nothing sexual just normal chat really. I have also gone through my friends list and got rid of people who are clearly just collecting friends and not talking or updating with new vids, pictures, blog posts/stories or fav vids. I'm not very experienced when it comes to sex and have only had about 6 or 7 encounters so I can't really say what I like other than Read more
My thoughts on the live Cams
So I've been getting into the live cams lately and I must say its been pretty interesting. I've seen both really sexy stuff from strip teases to full on girls masturbating. To really unimaginative stuff like sitting there with no top on, doing well nothing-not even chatting, just sitting. But I think what I've enjoyed the most is actually the girls who just chat and are being themselves, for me its just nice to see the everyday side of people on here. If after that they decide to give a proper show I tend to cum very hard, its just much more enjoyable for me. I have a fav person Read more
Long over due post and accidental recording!
Right so its been quite awhile since I last wrote anything here, this is purely because I'm lazy :p There's not much to say to be honest, I've recently been exploring more of the site and have found my way to the live cams section! might get to grips with that more as I liked what I saw! Lately I've been thinking about when (or at this rate IF) I lose my virginity how potentially awkward it could be. I'm so under practiced I can't imagine it'll be good for either of us :p So I wouldn't mind hearing from the more experience women out there how they would handle being with a young inexp Read more
Taking a break
So as I have more than once said before, I masturbate a lot! watching this amount of porn on such a regular basis is kinda losing it's edge. So I'm gonna take a break from it all for a week...or at least try lol. No idea how successful its gonna be though. Also on a side note, so many fake profiles adding me...kinda getting annoying now, god knows what it'll be like after a week of not checking lol Read more
A few thoughts
So I haven't been as active as I had wanted to be, this is down to a mix of laziness and shyness I guess. But anyway just some thoughts I've had since exploring this site more. I've actually started to get really interested in blog posts more than stories or videos. I don't have anyone to talk to when it comes to sexy time, so its kinda an interesting experience to read what people are like behind closed doors (or in a couple of cases in the open lol) One thing I've noticed is the lack of shallow women on here! This is quite refreshing cos my personal experience with women is they a Read more
So i've woken up about an hour ago and had morning wood, so ive been slowly stroking it since ive seen it. I would love just randomly for a woman to come in take over and leave after i've cum. not cause i wouldn't want her to stay and explain where she'd come from but just for the wtf factor I guess. I still haven't cum yet, but i have been distracted setting all this up :p I've been checking out some of the profiles and there are so many really open people its amazingly awesome! I often wonder if they're real profiles, I don't want to waste this hour of build up on a lie! I'm Read more