The submissive. By Sally.

[French version below] It's tonight. In front of my screen, unable to work. I think about what lies ahead. No news yet. It's already 3pm. This silent waiting is increasing the pressure. I've already got a half boner, brought on by this confused mixture of fear and excitement. We've been talking about this for months. She had me fill in a very detailed questionnaire, and asked me a lot of questions, the level of precision of which impressed me. But it also reassured me. She leaves nothing to chance, so it's impossible for something to happen that I wouldn't have agreed to. But it's not her I'm… Read more

Posted by Black_Kiss 10 months ago 1

Un weekend à Berlin / A weekend in Berlin

(English version below) Tu es venue à Berlin pour le weekend. Il fait beau. On a ri, on a bu, on a beaucoup dansé. Mais maintenant nous nous reposons. Nous sommes dans un salon marocain, assis au sol. Tu es assise près de moi. Contre moi. Tu me caresses le torse. puis les cuisses. On remarque tous les deux à travers mon short que je durcis. Alors tu me regardes bien dans les yeux, tu sors lentement ma bite, et tu commences à la branler. Chaleur dans tout mon corps. Je gémis. tu respires dans mon oreille, de plus en plus fort. Il fait chaud, tu commences a transpirer. ta peau glisse sur… Read more

Posted by Black_Kiss 1 year ago 2