Hi baby so good to have you back. I love seeing your msgs, and your gorgeous pix. But mostly I love how sweet your are, OMG you are delicious I know you are and I would so love to taste you, devour really you really. Beginning with my hands and fingers caressing your body, the curves the heat the silky lust of your heaving breasts and you arching your pubic mound toward me as I run my hand through your beautiful fragrant blonde hair. I linger taking in the sweet smell and continuing to entwine my body with yours. I move down to your long luscious neck to feel the heat of that inviting satin sk… Read more
A couple looking for fun
A couple looking for fun I don’t know their names Oh to know would be such bliss They pose and play for the world to see Yes they temp the world and me On this mystic electronic playground, we share They burn my soul with desire Quite certain this dilemma is not mine alone They bare themselves in anonymous ways Showing all and yet showing nothing at all All the beautiful lines of lust and curves and flesh All the beauty of her dripping honey hole is shown All the beauty of his hot turgid pink flesh Hot are her mounds of velvet and cashmere flesh Hot mounds guarding her hottest tightest h… Read more
More than a dream (a pervert's poem of lust)
More than a Dream It was the memory of a lover the desire to regain what was lost There was no vivid clarity a pleasant fog really Watching from above and below side by side Arms, lips, tongues, fingers and legs intertwined, wrapped in passion's heat searching, touching, begging for more liquid lust I could taste the warm inviting mouth the neck the sweat on the breasts dripping toward a heaving plateau the lovely valley waiting below My arms encircling those torrid, tight, swimmer's thighs hugging them closer to my chest spreading them wide smelling the pending bliss burning my ears… Read more
Hope you like it
Ok 1st post rather long like the session I had to go with it...lol. So if you want to chat HMU "IION' (If I'm On Line)...if you have seen my profile Pix/Vids etc. you have an idea what I like aka everything lol. So those of you in SE AZ Tucson area lets chat...would love to have a group of friend to play with mmmmm… Read more
The fog of lust
So somewhat new to the site...have read some post...some very erotic perusing the content and got the urge to pursue the lust in the fog in my first blog… The Fog Feelin’ good in the mood So I really think I should Relaxing with the bowl The pungent sexy odor The orange pipe is turgid As is a great state by the ocean A Sea awash with vessels Pulsing vessels of Hot rivers running red Running in this state Of Turgid slick ‘n long They lead to the coast Meating the sea of lust Comfortable in my skin In a pervert's robe of desire A desire to enjoy it so The beating music Stimul… Read more