Whoring myself for busmoney

One morning, after a heavy night of drinking, I was standing at the busstation, waiting. I came late so there was about an hour before the next bus would arrive so I was bored out of my mind, walking up and down the station. I was kinda in a bad mood for being late, hungover, hungry and a bit short on money. I was enjoying a smoke while walking to a more secluded part of the station. It was cold so I was the only person outside, when suddenly, an older man, perhaps in his fiftys, came out. I thougt nothing of it at first untill he started walking over towards my remote corner of the station. H… Read more

Posted by bigdogjk 9 years ago

I have no idear who fucked me

I'm a 20 year old student from Denmark and this is my first story so be nice. It is about a deal I made with an older guy some months ago and I cant stop thinking about it. Friday night and I was feeling horny and bored so I went on my usual chat-room to find some random strangers that could fill me with some nice, hot, sticky, white... A message came up on the front page about an older guy (48) seeking a young tight asshole to fuck. I wrote him back that I was young and a bit unexperienced so I was very tight. He asked me about my data, where I lived and what I was into. I told him… Read more

Posted by bigdogjk 9 years ago