ciao cerco qualcuno che mi dia dei imput per masturbarmi hallo suche jemand der mir ideen gibt zu masturbieren hi i search ho can give me jerk instructions Read more
1. Tempo: 1: 2 min 2: 5 min 3: 10 min 4: 15 min 5: 20 min 6: 30 min 2. Maniglia: 1: Destra normale 2: Sinistra normale 3: destra verso sbagliato 4: sinistra verso sbagliato 5: utilizzare entrambe le mani 6: Utilizzare solo 2 dita 3. Pressione: 1: molto facile 2: facile 3: Media 4: Medio 5: Hard 6: Stretto 4. Velocità: 1: estremamente lento 2: Lenta 3: Normale 4: rapida 5: Molto veloce 6: Dadi di nuovo 5. Dove: 1: letto 2: pavimento 3: vasca da bagno 4: bagno 5: Divano 6: Dadi di nuovo 6. Dove viene sborrato: 1: la carta igienica 2: Mano 3: petto Read more
wichsspiel mit wurfel
1. Zeit: 1: 2 min 2: 5 min 3: 10 min 4: 15 min 5: 20 min 6: 30 min 2. Handgriff: 1: Rechts normal 2: Links normal 3: Rechts falsch rum 4: Links falsch rum 5: Beide Hände verwenden 6: Nur 2 Finger verwenden 3. Druck: 1: Sehr leicht 2: Leicht 3: Mittel 4: Mittel 5: Fest 6: Sehr fest 4. Geschwindigkeit: 1: Extrem langsam 2: Langsam 3: Normal 4: Schnell 5: Sehr schnell 6: Noch mal würfeln 5. Wo: 1: Bett 2: Boden 3: Badewanne 4: Klo 5: Couch 6: Noch mal würfeln 6. Wohin wird gespritzt: 1: Klopapier 2: Hand 3: Oberkörper 4: Gesicht 5: Unterwäsche 6 Read more
You may pick upto 2 items in a category for you to do. Example if your choice is A1,B1 and C1 I would have to Fap to Blowjobs, while using an ice cube, and cumming on my cock and rub it in. you will post the results. The game Fap to = A 1 Blowjobs 2 MMF 3 FFM 4 Lesbian 5 Shemales 6 Masturbation 7 Femdom 8 Bukkake 9 Hentai 10 Your Choice While Fapping = B 1 Ice cube 2 Rub balls 3 Taste precum 4 Rub precum on to face 5 Pinch nipples 6 Tie balls 7 Use precum as lotion on cock 8 Ruin orgasam 9 Condom 10 Your Choice Cum play = C 1 Cum on cock and rub it in 2 Cum Read more
giochino spiel
obbligo o verità?? warheit oder pflicht?? Read more