Back almost 7 yrs ago now, my ex-Hubby subscribed us both to a Website called XHamster! It was a porn video type of a site, but it was unlike all others around at the time. Not only did they show free porn videos, but they also had a small Cam Room Section, similar to most others, but it had only about 65 Girls at the Maximum. Most other Cam Sites had Thousands of girls, the rooms were nowhere near as personal feeling as most girls Broadcasted from studios, Not from their Homes like most our girls did at the time. The girls on other sites didn't want to talk and get to know you, they only want… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 7

**Cam Models Lack Of Appreciation Breeds Contempt!

For the past couple of yrs I have been doing all I can to get the Cam Model Monthly Contest Rules changed. If you watch the contest closely you can easilly see the Rules are not fair for all the girls out there. The ratings need to be changed to include more than just overall Tokens to find a winner each month. The most popular girl should win each month, but that hasn't happened for a long time now!! Actually, the girls with the least amount of viewers have been taking the Top 5 Spots each month, while many much more popular girls don't even make the Top 100! (Rich Boyfriends!!) I've talked… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 8

Been a Member 1000+ Days?*Get Your XH-OG Tag Here!

On your Profile, click -"Edit Profile" You can enter the code below your profile- "About Me" info, -(see my profile for example) Just Email us at [email protected]. for the code instructions… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago

**What is the full meaning of OG?

****(Google)***What is the full meaning of OG? OG means "Original Gangster" or "Old Git" So now you know - OG means "Original Gangster" or "Old Git" - don't thank us. YW! What does OG mean? OG is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the OG definition is given. ****Been a Member of XHamster for more than 1000/DAYS??? Then ask about/join the New XH-OG Group, Forming Now!!!! Send your XH I/D and Email Addy to [email protected] . Let's return XHamster to the Great Website it once used to be!!… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 1

***LAST CHANCE for OG Group Enrolling Completion!!

Those who have not sent their Email addresses to [email protected] will be scratched from the list.… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago


Have you taken a look at my profile page?? It's all explained right there!! I cannot take hundreds of people by the hand like c***dren and explain everything individually!… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago

***Cam Contest Winner 3/18 - https://postimg.org/i

https://postimg.org/image/64fz4gho5/ This is a picture of all Nasty Jessica did last month to win the Cam Model Contest!! ***No Joke!!! How did she win you ask?? Well, she has some idiot of a boyfriend, (TinnutsSC) who spent over $50,000.00 to Buy her the Win!! She Won a $2000.00 Prize!! Not very smart if you compare figures!!! Well, For her it is ok, but for him, Well he's gotta be a complete idiot!! $50k to win $2k??? The price of love I suppose!! lolololol If I was NJ I'd be mad and want the $50k instead!! After all, it takes a lot of convincing to get the guy to… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 7

***Do You Get Paid For Doing Nothing???

It amazes me as I watch some of these girls, ("Models") "Work", as they might call it. They open their cams, display the same old Topic Line from the day before, (and the day before that), adjust what amount of Tokens they want as their "Goal", Then just sit and stare into the Cam with a 1/2 disapointed look, waiting for the Tips to just start rolling in to reach their Goals! Sure they return "Hello's" and "How are you's" with those guys who wander in, but after their abbrieviated "HRU", they just go back to staring, and waiting.... *Wait! What did we all miss here?? While most of the gir… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 6

***NastyJessica Cheats Her Way Thru Another Monthl

Well, for the 10th Month in a Row, Nasty and her 1 idiot Fan/lover TinnutsSC "Purchased" another Monthly Contest 1st Place!! She Gets the Prize, but she Wins nothing!! As a matter of fact she and He only continue to lose Respect with every Monthly Contest, as everyone knows she does not deserve to Win anything! The Contest is suppossed to be won by the most popular Cam Model, but in this case it is just the girl with the richest Boyfriend!! She has the lowest Room user Rate of all 1000+ Girls out there, and her beauty and personality leave a lot to be desired!!! Yet still, she… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 4


****(Google)***What is the full meaning of OG? OG means "Original Gangster" or "Old Git" So now you know - OG means "Original Gangster" or "Old Git" - don't thank us. YW! What does OG mean? OG is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the OG definition is given. ****Been a Member of XHamster for more than 1000/DAYS??? Then ask about/join the New XH-OG Group, Forming Now!!!! Send your XH I/D and Email Addy to [email protected] . Let's return XHamster to the Great Website it once used to be!!… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago


"The Cam Model Contests!!" for the past 10 months has simply been the *purchase of the wins by 1 Rich Fan that is buying the wins for the "Model, NastyJessica". The "Contest" is over on Day 1 of the Month! I'm sure everyone has noticed. The girl that has won the last 8 contests in a row, is by no means the prettiest, sexiest and far from being the most personable!! To be honest, she would legitimately be rated in the lower end of all those areas in any other Cam Site! So, something has to be getting this Fan to spend crazy amounts on this girl!! Hell, She don't even change out of her PJ's wh… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago 3

**XHamster OG Members! **Sign Up On Our Twitter L

To All XH-OG Members - Please go to- https://twitter.com/OgXhamster - and Sign Up on our Twitter List! Here we can list/discuss problems we would like to see changed, so just maybe we can get back the XHamster we all once loved!! We need your cooperation ASAP so we can get moving here! Thank You, Maria… Read more

Posted by bcifu 6 years ago


Please send your I/D and email address to [email protected] so we can send important info to you! Thank You!… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago

**Have You Been a Member for more than 1000 Days??

Then ask about the New XHamster-OG Group, Forming Now!!!! Full details will be sent out shortly. Let's return XHamster to the Great Website it once used to be!!… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago 2


Back almost 7 yrs ago now, my ex-Hubby subscribed us both to a Website called XHamster! It was a porn video type of a site, but it was unlike all others around at the time. Not only did they show free porn videos, but they also had a small Cam Room Section, similar to most others, but it had only about 65 Girls at the Maximum. Most other Cam Sites had Thousands of girls, the rooms were nowhere near as personal feeling as most girls Broadcasted from studios, Not from their Homes like most our girls did at the time. The girls on other sites didn't want to talk and get to know you, they only want… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago 2

*Tell Me What You Would Like To See Change Here!

Those of us that have been around a long time remember how things used to be here. Please let me know your ideas on how we can make this a great site once again!! It's up to all of us to help eachother bring about change. Maybe if XH and SC see what we want in large numbers, changes will be made to keep us satisfied. We have to do something or things will only continue to deteriorate. Please send me your ideas ASAP Thank You!!. Maria… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago

**Bring Back The Old XHamster!

The old XHamster was a great site. It was seperated into 2 parts much like it is now, (Videos/Cam Models)but the proceedures especially in the Cam Model Dept were far different. Back about 2 yrs ago, we would have approx 65 girls Modeling here, about 50/50 Independent vs Studio Models. It was fun picking your favorites and becomming friendly with other members who frequented the same room. It was kind of competitive between each girls Rooms members. Who was going to either win or lose the contests were determined by the amount of Fans each girl had, and the Tips they all gave. But, the Cam B… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago 5

Having Many Friends! The Best Thing To Have Here!

If you are here to be a part of a social Website, and would like many people to know what you are thinking or saying, the only way to achieve that here is to have many friends and followers, which followers are normally friends already! Whatever you write in your Profile is sent to each friend *ONLY over the XHamster ""NEWS" Section so they can keep up with you. If you have no Friends or followers here, anything you may write only stays within your Profile, and if nobody knows you are here, nobody is going to be able to read anything you may say in your Statuses, Comments or Blogs unless they… Read more

Posted by bcifu 7 years ago