I always wanted to Show like girls tits To my friend I'm pretty sure he will like it and I would like to see his girls tits Have a question for all you girls Do you guys Like to hear other guys tell you I'll find sexy guys are Read more
why do girls get wet
This one time I was very on one with Tanya We started talking about that I want to see her sucking your cock I'm sure if you're okay with that Or if my friend could see your titties And suck one of them We should be alright with that Sure can't wait When I'll tell her stuff like that Read more
is tha so wrong
Everything with me and Tanya will get on one We will talk about sex and your we would like to have I swapped Perfect in front of other people And then She mention my friend Jackie and Jonathan And I said well it's up to them I'm pretty sure they're down I'm sure he'll love your big tits And she said that If I will get jealous As long as we both keep their mutual I told her that I would let him See your tits And suckin And she just got red And she said That she would love To see his cock And then I said well I'm sure he will show you his cock So She smiled and she said that If she would Like D Read more
my girlfriend sex dream
This one time It wasn't me Con you Having a good time getting drunk And on one We're super On one That We started talking aboutIf we would ever do a swap And then she told me she had a dream It was me her My friend Jonathan Jackie There we were together in a hotel drinking smoking getting very on one That Weird Was watching p*** That my friend Ask my girl How big are your tits and she said big enough And I told her to flash you She did And he Tell his girl flash me So she told me that her dream She was dancing on his dick And his girls dancing on my dick and then he started sucking her titties Read more
is it normal for me n my gf to do meth n watchers
This one time Me and my girl were in a hotel Getting high drunk Watching p*** Tell you about finances and stuffI take pictures of her body have big tits I'm sure she loves How she looks I was tell her if she don't mind if I could show her to my friend I know deep down she gets his tingly feeling she want stupid she doesn't say anything which it turns me on Is that normal Read more
love too
THIS ONE TIME ME TANYA JONATHAN N JACKIE GOT SUPER ON ONE TANYA WOULD CONSTANTLY GO OUT OUT SIDE TO SMOKE A CIGG WITH MY FRIEND I WAS WITH JACKIE LOVE HER TITS IM SURE HE WAS. STARTING AT TANYA BIG TITS TO AT SOME POINT I OVER HEARD THEM TALK N SOMETHING HAPPENED IM SURE HE SUCKED HER TITS I SHOWED JACKIE MY DICK i always wanted to fuck jackie or just get my cock Sucks But after that you got more on one We had a girlfriend in shirts n thongs They were dancing Cock and his cockThen Tanya started Booty dancing on his cock Jackie's for dancing on my cock And then we began To grab each other's Read more