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I am:
Bobby Bukkake, male, heterosexual
Swampass, Florida, United States
Female, heterosexual
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Hello thanks for visiting my profile. I was hoping this profile would illustrate just what I'm into, non porn, and porn alike, but I kind of ran out of space at the end, and I couldn't fit as much JAV interests in it that I wanted to, but I plan on making posts in my blog with the rest of the sections that I couldn't fit, so stay tuned for that, but this is my profile. Next time I do a profile revamp, it will all be porn, that way I can fit way more JAV content in it. If you are looking to send an invite, please read my "Requirements for Add" post in my blog. I don't expect anybody to read my whole profile, but if your sending an invite, I expect you to read that. Alright, onto the fracking profile.
I'm a somewhat average guy, that has a lot of interests, as you will soon find out. I've always been like that, It's hard for me to stay interested in one thing for too long before I want to move on to something else. It's the same way for porn for me, I have many categories, and fetishes of porn, or JAVs that I get into.
I joined Xhamster years ago, and it was always my favorite porn site, but it wasn't until about a year ago that I decided to be social on this site. I basically just used it to save my favorite videos. Now that I am social I have met many like minded people on this site. Which is actually really nice, I mean where else can you talk to people about explicit sex scenes and scenarios or just how hot somebody is. I choose to keep my identity private, but Arthur is my real name. I won't give out personal information like email addresses, or I won't skype with anybody, because I want to keep my interest of porn, or JAVs private, and I'm not gonna mix my friends in real life, and my porn friends.
Sci Fi
I love Sci Fi films, and TV shows. Space, the future, aliens, multiple universes, time travel, alternate time lines, aliens, ect. have always interested me. I love the the out of this world ideas that these films and show make, future cities, space travel, time travel, aliens, multiverses, ect ect. I don't know why Sci Fi films usually just barely make a profit, and sci fi tv shows never usually last on TV (I'm still mad at Fox for canceling Firefly, and Almost Human). I think it might have something to do with the budget. Sci Fi shows usually demand a bigger budget. So even if the ratings are decent, they will cancel it, because it's harder to make money on it. If your a fan of sci fi, message me, and tell me your favorite sci fi movies and shows.
I'll talk a bit about the movie that the pics and gifs are of above. The film is titled Ex Machina. It's basically a computer programer that works for a genius programer, and he wins a chance to work with him. He finds out on arrival to that what he will be doing is testing through sessions if the AI android is indeed self aware. The idea of AI is very creepy for me, but I do enjoy movies about it, and I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it, and you enjoy sci fi.
Blade Runner is one of my all time favorite sci fi films. It's based on the Philip K. Dick Novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". I haven't read the book yet, but Dick was apparently very happy with the adaptation. It was released over 30 years ago, and it still holds up. In fact I think the practical effects used in the movie are even better than some of the stuff made today.
I'll quickly list some of my favorite sci fi movies and shows.
-Star Wars
-Blade Runner
-Alien Frachise
-Pacific Rim
-Starship Troopers
-The Fifth Element
-District 9
-The Matrix
-Star Trek
-Ex Machina
-Star Trek
-Battlestar Galactica
-Falling Skies
-Doctor Who
My interest in anime started when I was a young boy in the early - mid 90s. I was blessed to watch Dragon Ball, and from then on I was an anime fan. Soon after Dragon Ball, I learned about other animes and sought them out seeing how they weren't airing on American tv at that time other than Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon. Akira was one of the animes I sought out. After watching it for the first time, I didn't really understand it, now remember I was a boy, maybe 11, but the movie did leave an impact on me, so I would end up understanding the movie when I became a teenager, and from then on I loved it.
The gifs and pics in this section are of the anime Psycho-Pass. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. It's about the near future where Japan is controlled by a system called Sibyl. People are randomly checked through screenings, to check their Psycho-Pass. It's basically a system to see if your Psycho-Pass is at a criminal level, and you are either locked up for the rest of your life, or you are permanently disposed of. People that are locked up have the option of serving for the police force, where they handle people with a bad Psycho-Pass. I know my description leaves much to be desired, but this is a great anime.
Here are some animes that I've gotten into over the years.
-Dragon Ball
-Dragon Ball Z
-Sailor Moon
-Ninja Scroll
-Ranma 1/2
-Cowbboy Bebop
-Sword Art Online
-Attack on Titan
-Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions
-Hentai Prince, and the Stoney Cat
-Fatal Fury
-Ghost in the Shell
-Elfen Lied
-Moon Phase
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
-Strike Witches
-Kill La Kill
-Fooly Cooly
-Gunslinger Girl
-Tokyo Ghoul
X-Men Comic Books
Seeing how I've been a fan of X-Men since I was a boy, I have a special place in my heart for X-Men. I love the characters, the stories, and different rosters over the years. It's really cool to see how they have changed, and evolved over the years. My favorite character would probably be Psylocke, the British telepath who had a body switch with the Asian woman Kwanon, and with it she gained ninja skills, plus her powers went through a change. I'll talk more about her in my fictional crushes section. I like all the characters though, and only a few I dislike. I don't think X-Men gets better than Chris Claremont's run in the late 70s through the 80s. Chris Claremont made X-Men cool, and X-Men probably wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for him. Grant Morrison's run in the early 2000s I really enjoyed. Also Joss Wheddon's after his. I should also mention that I also immensely enjoyed Rick Remmender's run on Uncanny X-Force.
I was originally intending this section to cover my favorite runs of X-Men titles that I mentioned with pics , but seeing how I'm running out of space, I had to make it shorter, so I decided to cover Joss Wheddon's and John Cassaday's run on Astonishing X-Men. It made the most sense with the content I had. Now I'll talk a little bit about this run.
This run on Astonishing X-Men would not have happened if not for the horrible X-Men 3. Joss Wheddon was a contender to direct the movie, and he would obviously would have been the smarter choice over Brett Ratner. Have you seen Avengers? Because of this Whedon agreed to write a run on the title with Sean Cassaday on art. It is considered by many one of the best runs on an X-Men title in recent memory. I personally think it's one of the best X-Men runs of all time, because it's modern X-Men the way they should be done.
What have you been doing Chuck?
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is my favorite fantasy saga, I have read the books, and watched every episode. I still have to read the last two books that have been released before season 5 comes out, so please no spoilers. I have many favorite characters from the series, which can be kind of stupid, if you know what I'm saying. You really shouldn't get to attached to characters in these stories, because they are likely to die, "They killed my nigga Ned!". The one person I hope survives this series is, George RR. Martin. He's pretty old an has two more books to finish to end the series.
Daenerys is one of my favorite characters. She's obviously really sexy, but she's also a great character. She's pretty badass in my opinion even if she doesn't really fight herself, she is a kelessi, she really doesn't have to. In the book she's actually much younger, well all the characters are, and she has purple eyes. I'm happy they made her older (I don't know how I'd feel about a 14 year old Daenerys), but I really wish they could have given her purple eyes. Apparently they were going to, but the contacts made it harder to act with, so they got rid of them. It's okay though, they are doing a great job with the show, so I'm not gonna complain.
Right from the beginning Tyrion was my boy. He was the only Lanister that I liked on the show. I did end up starting to like other of them, like Jamie, but it took a while for me to warm up to them. In my opinion he's probably the best character on the show and I know I'm not the only one that thinks this. When they were casting for the role, George RR Martin flat out said the only person that could play Tyrion was Peter Dinklage ( the Dinkles :P ) and he was right on with that one. I relate to Tyrion in many ways, now I'm not saying I'm as clever and smart as he is, but I seem to have his luck with women sadly. That and I have a soft spot in my heart for cripples and bastards. I would have put a gif or a pic of Tyrion up on the profile, but because of lack of space I didn't put one up. I might go back later to at least I can find artwork of Tyrion, if it's up already then you know why.
Now Arya Stark, my favorite Stark. She's one of the last surviving Starks because while she may be young, she can handle herself in any giving situation, and it seems that she has balls of steel. I always loved when the show would move to her story. I'm always interested in what is happening with Arya, and I'm always concerned for her. If she dies, like the meme says, WE RIOT! :P After last season of GOT though, it seems that more bad things will happen to Arya before she dies.
Now John Snow, the bastard son of Ned Stark. Another great character that met an early end. I liked the fact that at the beginning of the GOT saga Jon decided to volunteer for the Night's Watch, it said a lot about his character, and the fact that he moved up to the top of the Night's Watch in such a small amount of time is an a amazing feat. The ending of his story (that's if he's not revived, I so hope does) hit me right in the feels. I never thought I'd hate a little boy so much. If it is the end, I think his arch was great, but if he is revived somehow, that will put it over the top, but that's not my decision, I have faith in whatever Martin will decide to do with the characters and story.
Doctor Who
I love Doctor who, it has become my favorite Sci Fi TV show since I started watching it. I love all the different Doctors there has been over the years including the new 12th Doctor. I don't think there is any other Sci Fi series that can contain such diverse, and out there Sci Fi concepts, and stories, and make you care so much about the characters. My favorite three favorite Doctors are Tom Baker the 4th Doctor, David Tennant the 10th Doctor, and Peter Capaldi the current 12th Doctor. I do like the other Doctors, well the ones that I have watched, but those are the top doctors for me.
If you've watched the show, you know to heed this warning, don't blink.I know they are relatively new to Doctor Who, but I love the Weeping Angels. They are such an interesting concept. Villainous statues that can only move if your not looking, that can transport you to any past time, where you will be stuck at till the end of your days. I do like all the other monsters and villains in Doctor Who, but I thought I'd talk about the Weeping Angels.
As you can see the 10th Doctor is the Doctor in my profile. Like I said he's one my of my favorite, and he was my first Doctor. I've noticed that everyone's first has a special place in their heart. Which is kind of weird, but whatever. Who's your favorite Doctor? Do you like the current 12th Doctor? Send me a PM.
Marvel Studios Movies
I can't express how much I love movies produced by Marvel Studios. I loved them since Iron Man, and have enthusiastically followed their films since. Some films were better than others, but to produce two big budget films a year every year, that all interweave in between each other, to create a Universe of characters, and have these films be genuinely good, and entertaining, is amazing. I only hope that these films turn kids onto comic books, and I encourage parents to buy their children comic books if their kids are into Marvel Studios movies, or any comic book movie for that matter.
Some might think that because my favorite comic book fandom is X-Men that X-Men movies would be my favorite comic book movies, but that is not so. Fox bought the rights from Marvel way back in the late 90s to make the movies, and from the start Fox and Singer strayed from the source material considerably, while when Marvel started making their own movies, they were true to the characters, orgins, and stories. What? You can make a comic book movie, and stay true to the source material? Marvel Studios started that, and Warner Bros, and Fox still don't get that, that's one of my main reasons for having Marvel movies be my favorite studio that produces comic book movies.
As you start progressing further in this section of the profile, you'll notice a lot of Captain America content. There are two reasons for that, one it's a practical matter of the fact that his gifs were the best, and two, I think his solo movies are the best out of any of the Avengers characters with solo movies, and after Civil War comes out, the Captain America trilogy coulf be the most well received comic book movie trilogy ever maybe, among fans, among critics, they will be classics to all. The only other trilogy that's done that is the Dark Knight trilogy, which I enjoyed, but the Captain America movies have more of that comic book universe cool that is lacking in the Dark knight movies. The Dark Knight's world was gritty and realistic, and it was self contained, unlike Cap's movies which are much more optimistic, and light hearted. Even with shit on the line, a joke could still be made and it didn't diminish the stakes at hand.
The character of Steve Rogers is something I can relate to more than other Avenger. Steve was a short puny kid that had a good heart, believed in goodness, had a head on his shoulders and wanted to fight against the evil in the world even though it was out of his capabilites. It was because of his strengths as a good human being, that he was chosen to be the first to be tested with the Super Soldier serum. I can relate to that, well not the Super Soldier serum part but the small guy with a good heart, believing in good over evil, trying to have some moral compass.
I'm gonna conclude talking about Captain America by talking a bit about his new movie, which I think will be the next Marvel Studios movie being released, Civil War. If you are unaware, Civil War was originally a crossover event at Marvel Comics. Now I haven't read it (which I'm pretty unhappy about), but I know the story synopsis. The government is passing a law to register all super powered beings for the protection of the country. Now Tony Stark is for this, and Steve Rogers is not. They end up fighting against each other for what they believe in. The Marvel characters are all split down the middle as to which side they are on, Tony's or Steve's. Spider-Man will be making his first ever Marvel Universe appearance in Civil War. I don't want to spoil who's side he's on in the comic book, but seeing how this is his first appearance, he might end up on a different side in the movie.
Guardians of The Galaxy is the Marvel Movie that I most recently purchased and seen. I know I'm veeerry late to the party, but that's how it goes when you don't make that much money. I have to admit though when I watched it I was a little drunk, so I will have re watch it again soon, but I loved this movie. A sci fi space adventure is one of the stories I was waiting for Marvel to make into a movie. Space adventures have been in comic books for the longest time, and I'm now happy that Marvel Studios is taking on these types of stories. I also would like to see some multiverse or alternate time lines in a Marvel movie, but I'm talking about GOTG, so I won't get into that.
The characters in Guardians of the Galaxy are extremely likable, and fun to watch on screen. I'll admit that I was unaware of this comic book the entire time I read comic books because I mainly read X-Men comic books, but I'm now a fan of these characters. My favorite is probably Rocket Racoon, he's a fucking talking racoon that can kick your ass. What's not to love about that. He might be my favorite character, but the character that I relate to most in Guardians of the Galaxy is Star Lord. In fact I relate to him the most out of any Marvel movie character, but I'm not a narcissist, so Rocket is my favorite.
Now onto Avengers movies. I want to say before I begin, that I haven't seen Age of Ultron yet, I'm gonna see it when the blu-ray comes out, so please no spoilers.
Avengers is an example of how you make a team comic book movie. Fox has tried to make team comic book movies with X-Men movies, but it usually just ends up being Wolverine and those other dirty muties. While Avengers every character gets fleshed out, and developed. I hear the problem with Age of Ultron is that there are too many main characters, but I haven't seen it, so I can't really weigh in on that, I still want to see Age of Ultron though despite the mediocre reviews.
When I first watched the first Avengers, I remember thinking there has never been a movie that was more like a comic book than Avengers. The story seems straight off the pages, and onto the screen, and the casting for the characters is dead on for the characters. That's another thing Marvel does better than any other studio, casting. I can't help but get mad, or laugh at who Warner Bros, and Fox is casting for their characters. Marvel knows who these characters are, while Warner Bros, and Fox have no clue.
Well that's it for my Marvel Studios section of my profile. I wonder what your guys opinions on this. Is Marvel your favorite comic book movie makers, or is it Fox or Warner Bros, or what's your opinions on Marvel maybe someday getting the rights back from Fox for X-Men, and Fantastic Four. Feel free to express your opinion without getting angry or offended, I will be calm as a cucumber, and respect your opinion,so you can express yourself freely.
Fictional Crushes
I've had crushes on fictional characters since I was a kid. I know that might seem weird to some, seeing how they are just drawings, or just a created character and don't exist but those ladies still turn me on. I'm only mentioning two fictional crushes, because my profile is already too big, and I don't want it any bigger. I have also put cosplay pictures of the characters, so you can see what they look like in real life. I might add a list with pics and gifs of other fictional crushes in my blog later.
Psylocke AKA Betsy Braddock
My first fictional crush is Psylocke or Betsy Braddock from X-Men, and X-Force. I've had a crush on her since I was a boy. She was my waifu way before I knew what the word was. Becoming an adult hasn't changed that. I know some might not understand being attracted to a female character who is completely fictional, and is in her purest physical form is a drawing, but I think it's normal and healthy.
Betsy has a complicated story, starting off as a British telepath, she was later body switched with a Japanese female ninja named Kwanon. After the body switch she was also giving the abilities of a ninja, as well as her telepathic powers were changed. She would later gain some of those earlier telepathic abilites back and also gain some new powers. She is classified as an omega mutant, which is basically one of the most powerful mutants in the world, but I'll go futher into that later in this section.
The picture above is a cosplay from my favorite person to cosplay Betsy, Vampy Bit Me. It's the fact that she looks the part, but also she can carry that sexy badass thing that Psylocke has. She's wearing her most modern iteration of her costume, or uniform. I personally find the uniform very sexy. I'm glad it stuck around unlike some of her other uniform revamp attempts.
Psylocke as one of the Four Hoursemen of Apocalypse.
In Uncanny X-Force, written by Rick Remender, Psylocke was turned into one of the Four Horseman, Death, by Archangel, the heir to Apocalypse. Angel had lost his battle and control over Archangel, and was no longer driving ship. Archangel still had feelings for Betsy though the Archangel persona is dominant, and Warren was locked down somewhere deep within his psyche, but wanted her by his side while he reshaped the world in his twisted vision. She later overcame his hold on her and kicked ass. That's all I should reveal about that because you might want to read the run. ;)
I'm gonna take this moment to talk about the casting of Olivia Munn as Psylocke in the upcoming X-Men flick. While I think she somewhat looks the part, and from videos she made of her training for the movie it seems she can do the action too. It honestly has me excited to see all this unfolding, I've always wanted to see Betsy in a movie. I have to say though, it's still yet to be seen if she can actually play a convincing Psylocke outside looking the part and doing the action.
Psylocke, or Betsy Braddock also has a British accent because she is British, she has an Asian body because of a body swap she had with a Japanese woman named Kwanon. I know when I see the movie It's gonna bug me when I hear Olivia Munn, talking like Olivia Munn.
The person I would have picked to play Psylocke is "Humans" actress Gemma Chan. She's Asian, she looks like Betsy, she's British, she has acting chops, the only thing that is unclear is if she could do the action, but I have faith she could do it.
If you have any opinions on this, message me. I'm actually interested in what other people think of this.
Psylocke has somewhat recently been revealed to be an Omega class mutant by Uncanny X-Force writer Rick Remender. I think that is extremely cool and good for the character. Now I know many of you might not know what an Omega level mutant is, I'll copy and paste the definition bellow.
Some abilities depicted by mutants described as Omega-level include immortality, extreme manipulation of matter and energy, high psionic ability, strong telekinesis, and the potential to exist beyond the boundaries of the known physical universe. No firm definition has been offered in comics.
Basically there are Alpha Level mutants who's mutant power isn't extremely powerful, like Wolverine, Beast, Kitty Pryde, ect, and there are the much stronger Omega mutants like, Professor Xavier, Phoenix, Rachel Summers, Iceman (yep he's on there),yada yada..
I think Psylocke being grouped with powerful mutants like those I mentioned makes sense for the character. Ever since she came back from the dead she was stronger, regaining old powers lost long ago, and then later gaining new powers she never had. I hope another writer like Rick Remender can come along and write Betsy so well, and make it exciting to be a Psylocke fan.
Rikka Takanashi
My Next fictional crush is Rikka Takanashi from the anime Love, Chunibyo, & Other Delusions. What makes her so attractive to me besides being a cute loli, is she has that Peter Pan thing going on, that I also do, not wanting to grow up, even though society wants you to, but she takes it to a new extreme, and develops a delusional persona for herself, which can be quite hilarious, and I love a girl that can make me laugh. Did I mention the cute loli thing?
The anime That Rikka is in LCAOD is a slice of life anime that is starts as a comedy that turns serious and ends really sweetly, the first season that is. The second season wasn't as good to me. Rikka's delusional persona and world turns out to be something deeper than her pretending to be Wiked Lord Shigan just for fun. It's in this that the anime turns into something than just a comedy, and I think it moves seamlessly from comedy to serious matters.
I would like to take this moment to talk about the one character that I really don't like in LCAOD, Yuta. I know he's the lead after Rikka and that's part of the problem. He's one of the lead characters and he's a complete insensitive jerk. He belittles everything that Rikka says and does. Doesn't he remember he was just like her a year ealier? That's not even the worst, he abuses her. I know it's in the sake of comedy, but if your gonna have some kind of romantic relationship, you shouldn't have the male beating on the female. I just don't like that guy.
I adore Asian women. I think they are the most beautiful women in the world. I love everything about them, the way they act, and carry themselves, their eyes, their hair, how they perform in bed. They can do no wrong in my eyes. I like all types of Asian girls, or women, but I especially like cute, short, and petite lolicon Asian girls. The barely legal lolicon looking ones drive me crazy, but I do want them to be of age, I'm not a pedo. Even though I think Asian women are the most beautiful of all women doesn't mean I think other races of women are ugly, or anything. It's just I have always had a thing for Asian girls, and the way I see it is if some white girls have a thing for Black guys, why can't I have a thing for Asian girls. My only problem is meeting a nice Asian girl can be hard where I live, where the Asian population is 2%, but I plan on one day moving to California, then I'll be swimming in Asian girls, lol. No, but seriously I'm at an age where I just want to find a cute Asian girl, or woman to settle down with if that doesn't sound too cheesy.
Now we have reached the more appropriate for Xhamster half of my profile, thanks for putting up with my non porn interests. Because I love Asian girls, I mainly watch JAVs (Japanese Adult Videos if you didn't know), or other Asian porn. It's not just because I love Asian women, but also I like the quality, and direction, and I was told by a friend on this site, that the actresses get paid the most, and are treated better than western porn stars, which I'm happy about, because I think all women should be treated right, even if they are in pornography. Women should be treated like princesses, queens, and even goddesses in some cases. Some people think some JAVs are weird, but I love them. I understand the complaints about most of them being censored, but I don't complain, I'm so used to it by now. Yes, I would like to see them uncensored like everyone else, but I understand, and respect the reason why they are not. If anything I wish they had subtitles more than wanting them to be uncensored. It would be nice to see what these cuties are saying. I can only imagine, until the day I learn Japanese. I must before I forget to thank all the JAV uploaders on Xhamster. You guys are the best out of all uploaders on any site.
My Favorite JAV Actresses - Aimi Usui
Aimi Usui, or Sakaya Takahashi (that's her other screen name), my favorite JAV idol, I can say nothing bad about her. She is without a doubt a promising up and comer. Some of the many things I like about her is her beautiful eyes that make my heart, and cock melt, her cute smile with her slight overbite that makes her look like a cute little chipmunk, her cute lolicon body, with small tits, and tiny sexy feet. She is also a great performer, you can really tell she loves what she does, and loves cocks. Her moans, and high pitched cries during coitus are music to my ears. The only thing I wish is, I wish she would do a some GOOD bukkake/gokkun scenes, and foot fetish scenes, I mean why not use those adorable feet for good. It also would be a dream to see her in a cosplay JAV movie, or scene. She would be perfect for cosplaying a little loli character. If you want to see some of her videos there are some available on Xhamster, just ask me, I'll link them to you, and a special thanks to three of my friends, that uploaded those videos, I wouldn't have been able to see them if it wasn't for you three.
The gifs from above are from a movie by Aimi that I have recently seen. it's about Aimi as a schoolgirl escort. I liked the movie a lot. It's different than the other movies she stars in that I've seen. In others I have seen she always has an innocent vibe, and this one she does as well, but other movies she's not as shy and apprehensive as this one. She does get into the sex acts but it's later in the scenes that she starts to drop her inhibitions, and gets into it. As you can see from the gifs above Aimi can take dick and still look cute doing it. PM me if you're interested in the name of the movie and where you can buy and download it.
The gifs from above are from a movie that I don't think I've seen. I have seen only one uncensored Aimi Usui movie, and I don't think it's this one. If anybody knows the name or anything about this movie, send me a private message. As it stands this movie is unavailable to me.
The gifs above are from movie that contains scenes of Aimi's first gangbang and bukkake. The ganbang scene is great. Aimi is very good at her role of pleasing multiple men and enjoying it while she does it. You can tell she really gets into the act of the gangbang and has a lot of fun. The bukkake part wasn't my favorite bukkake scene, I have no doubt seen better, but it's the only Aimi Usui bukkake scene ever filmed to this date and that's a reason that is well worth watching it. Again if you're interested in the name and buying and downloading this movie, send me a private message.
And for a job well done, cute little Aimi deserves a pat on the head for being a good little sex kitten, good girl.
Obviously Aimi isn't the only actress I get into, I am a guy, lol. Here are some other actresses I like. I will add more as time goes by and I find gifs for actresses.
My Favorite JAV Actresses - Yui Saotome
I've just recently discovered Yui, so I've only seen two movies by her so far but she's definitely one of my favorites. She has that petite barely legal thing that I love. Please don't confuse my love for short petite young women with being a pedo, because I'm not a pedo. All models actresses and cosplayers on my page are 18+ like it says on the top of my profile. Also I am 5 foot 5, so I am attracted to women shorter and smaller than me. She doesn't have to 18-23 which is the age for the porn term "teen" or the name that I prefer barely legal, but JAVs are fantasies, and what guy wouldn't want to be with a woman 18-23. I had to say that because I was once accused of being a pedo by someone on here because of my pics and gifs on my profile, and I don't like being called that, especially for the reason that I'm not, and that's the worst thing you could call someone in my book. Okay now that I've got that out of the way, I'm gonna talk more about Yui.
There are many things I love about Yui, as I mentioned I like short and petite women, so you know I love that about her. She has one of the sweetest faces in porn in my opinion and I love her smile. When having sex she makes the sexiest moans, and cries, with a smile and a giggle in between. It is pure joy to see her suck a dick because you can tell she is really good at it.
You can see from the gif above that Yui gets very playful with cocks. That sort of stuff turns me on to no end. A woman that can enjoy and love cocks is a great girl in my book. I don't like forced blowjobs, or forced anything for that matter. I know it's just acted out, but I like to see the actress having fun sucking dick, or getting fucked.
Yui Saotome is a newcomer so there are some type of gernes and fetishes that I would like to see her do, like foot fetish stuff. I've seen her give a footjob in one of the movies I have bought, but it was really short. She has cute feet and I would love to see those toes get sucked, or those feet pumping a guys cock. Another is cosplay, Yui could play several loli type anime characters, that's pretty obvious. Bukkake is last type of JAV I want to see Yui in. It would be a joy to see her cute face covered in cum.
My Favorite JAV Actresses - Riona Minami
Riona is another cutie, as you can see I definitely have a type, short petite and cute, and Riona is definitely that. I have yet to see any full length movies by her, but I have my eye on a few. The only way for me to see any of her movies is if I buy them like I did with the Aimi Usui and Yui Saotome movies, but I don't make a lot of money, so eventually. I have seen a few scenes with her, they were actually on this site, (I would credit the uploader right now, but I can't remember who they were), but were deleted sadly. I also have seen a bunch of trailers by her, but those are only clips.
From what I've seen of Riona I can say she is a great performer. There are numerous JAV that I want to see her in, but there is one in particular where she stars in a gokkun movie. I love cumplay of any kind, facials, swallowing, bukkake, gokkun, lesbian cum swapping, and lesbian snow balling. The only complaint that I have with those movies is they rarely have the cute short and petite girl, so to see Riona swallow load after load seems very enticing. I would have bought the movie already, but it was expensive for some reason.
One thing that all my favorite JAV actresses have in common is that they all have sexy/cute small feet. I like all types of women's feet, but I just love small sexy feet. There isn't really any foot fetish stuff available for my favorites right now, which kind of sucks, because most foot fetish JAV, the actress is tall, and has long feet with long toes, which is still sexy, but it isn't my favorite.
Marie Konishi
Alright, Marie Konishi will be the last JAV actress on my listed in my favorite JAV actresses. Out of all my favorite JAV actresses, Marie has the most videos on Xhamster, but most of them don't have her name listed with her name because I think it's so that they won't be deleted, and they do get deleted. I think the reason why she has so many videos on Xhamster is because she is a fucking trooper. She does so many movies, and so many genres. I had a hard time finding pics and gifs for her for some reason though.
Some of things about Marie that I love are her mousy ears, I don't know why, but girls with mousy ears have always turned me on, and I also love her small cute frame, you already know I like short and petite women, but what I love the most is the cute shy innocence she brings to her roles. I'm pretty sure she doesn't act like that in real life. I would like to meet her and the rest of my favorite JAV actresses someday. The only one way to do that would be if I go to Japan and go to an AV convention, then I can't meet my JAV girlies, and just get a glimpse of who they really are, and thank them for their movies.
Well that's my profile, what I could fit in that is. I hope you guys appreciate the hard work I put into it. I plan on later making posts in my blog and making the stuff that I was gonna make on here, that I couldn't fit in the blog. If you want to send an invite, please read "Requirements For Add" in my blog. Excelsior!

Private teacher

Bukkake & Fuck For Meisa Hanai

Japanese Mom Takes Boy's First Time


Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Cosplay - Madoka Kaname (5)

Pick-up of friendly mother

Shaved Pussy 127

Japanese cute girl pantie shots (Aisu) 18


Shaved Pussy 125


JK Style Bondage