What is with......

All the galleries labeling women as sluts? Seriously......Guys wonder why women dont want em, try treating and talking to women with a bit more respect! Whats wrong with calling your gallery....'Hot women I like', instead of....'some naked sluts'? Would ya like it if some women referred to You as....some dickhead guy I think looks hot?… Read more

Posted by arachnid 11 years ago


Normally I'm a quiet guy, and I dont complain much, but..... Every day, people keep posting up the same fucking pictures that other people previously posted up!! Its almost pointless to look at a freshly posted gallery, because, you can go into any number of other galleries and see the same goddamn pics! Maybe whoever is in charge of screening pics for content could cut down on the doubles, triples, etc of posted material by deleting stuff thats already uploaded? It would also help keep storage space free for NEW and NEVER seen before material!! Rant off :)… Read more

Posted by arachnid 12 years ago

Being outta work sux

Was given the axe last thursday, just before thanksgiving in Canada....nice :-( So, after 5 years with the company, and 20 in the automotive business.....its back to square one, or do I take a leap of faith, and try something totally different? Course....if any Ladies out there would 'donate' to my new cause(keeping on top of my bills), I'd gladly sell photos of myself, but I'd probably make more money from woman giving me money to keep my clothes on....LOL!!… Read more

Posted by arachnid 12 years ago

Welcome to my buddy......

I'd like to welcome my bud Dave to this site! Ladies, please take some time to check out his page and and him as a friend....or more. He's a great guy and is looking for a great woman http://xhamster.com/user/kiwicamaro Cheers Ash.… Read more

Posted by arachnid 13 years ago


To All those that have accepted me as a friend, and to all those who post great vids and pictures :-)… Read more

Posted by arachnid 13 years ago