What a gorgeous day for a wedding my friend Louise has been so lucky fantastic weather and venue everything is perfect It has been great catching up with so many friends and now the evening party guests are starting to arrive Mark is chatting with his friends over at the bar when I hear oh my God Annette is that you turning around it takes me a while but then I recognise the guy stood before me, Brian oh my! I nearly didn't recognise you we hug each other and Brian looks me up and down wow you look amazing I'm going to the bar would you like a drink yes please gin and tonic please Brian retur Read more
New year's eve
It's new year's eve 1980 myself and my friend Miriam are going to our local pub to see in the new year she arrives at my house all dressed up blouse short skirt and boots and a bottle of wine in hand we head upstairs with opened wine and glasses time to get into the spirit of things. I ask Miriam for her opinion of what I should wear and we end up pretty much identical short skirt stockings boots and blouse wine finished we head off to the pub both feeling very excited. The pub is rocking music playing everyone having a great time the drinks going down very well and soon I'm feeling the effect Read more
Another great meet
Ok, I'm just going up to shower and get ready, Mark nods and says give me a shout when you're done and I'll jump in after you. As I'm washing myself my mind wanders and I start thinking about the evening ahead I'm always slightly nervous when meeting someone new for the first time and tonight was extra special as I would be meeting two new guys I shave my legs then give myself a trim leaving a little bit of hair as they requested hopefully they enjoy what I have to offer Mark comes into the bathroom nearly done he asks as he looks me up and down yes just rinsing myself off I dry off and pick Read more