
If you are reading this then you must want to get a tribute. Let me start by saying I love doing tributes! The thought of people getting turned on by pictures of me getting off on their pictures drives me crazy! I love it!! But if you want to request a tribute I have a few requests of my own. 1) Have some good pictures on your page for me to choose from. 2 or 3 pictures of you is not enough pictures for me to choose from. 2) Your pictures should be naughty and nasty. Having pictures of you fully clothed or in a bathing suit doesn't turn me on. Yes you may be beautiful but I can see beautifu… Read more

Posted by amsmnt 13 years ago 3

Things that piss me off! (my rant!)

First things first. My number 1 peeve is when I'm driving down the road and the guy in the car in the next lane wants into my lane. So I slow down a bit to let them in and they don't even give you a courtesy wave! How fucking hard is it to just lift your fucking arm and wave your hand? Your windows are tinted? Roll your fucking window down and wave your arm asshole! Maybe if you weren't on the fucking phone you would be able to think about what you are doing! Things about xHamster that bother me. People who send friend requests with NOTHING on their profile page. Not even favorites. My god… Read more

Posted by amsmnt 13 years ago 2