Hypnoporn effects on me

Just maybe im in limbo, and maybe I can try to dodge and avoid their dicks, but I know that once I tasted the first or felt one up my about-to-be boipussy, I'll never not want it again! I can still try to avoid the mindbreak though... but to be honest, if you are at the mercy of such monsters it's really just a waste of time to pretend you don't like it. Lastly I can try to avoid tasting cum, but one of them eventually will shoot his load down my throat anyway, so trying to avoid this inevitable mindbreak would be as successful as trying to pretend Im not addicted to cum after the first drop!… Read more

Posted by Acuckboy 3 years ago 21


"Negging (derived from the verb neg, meaning "negative feedback") is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator's approval." - My question has anyone ever tried this out, gay on gay, gay on straight, and has it worked? I myself got negged by a gay coworker, and have been fantasizing of him taking me and seducing me for years; and look for him on internet now. So just wondering...… Read more

Posted by Acuckboy 3 years ago 10

Black Cock Gay

When you become obsessed with Black Cocks, and think about Big black cocks soo much you become a complete black cock obsessed faggot. Only aroused by black cocks, and only Jack off to and edge to black cocks. You have an insatiable lust to serve black men and love to eat their cum.… Read more

Posted by Acuckboy 3 years ago 46