why have so many of them stopped working?????????????????????????? more

Posted by _valerie_ 10 years ago 5

Madame Cong

“Is this your final decision?” The tall, elderly foreman of the jury wiped some sweat from his forehead as he glanced around the courtroom. This was his one moment of fame. “Yes, Your Honor,” he replied, pushing his chest out. “The case of Mrs. Sara James is upheld against Madame Lili Cong of Cong Enterprises.” Valerie Townsend was ecstatic. The young barrister had put together a thorough, detailed and patient presentation of the facts during the long trial. Not only that, but she had been up against one of the country’s finest barristers in Toby Griffith-Jones. The grey-haired… Read more

Posted by _valerie_ 11 years ago 2