Je Suis Charlie On a peur aussi mais on n'abandonne pas Read more
some fuckin good songs
NANCY SINATRA & LEE HAZLEWOOD-SUMMER WINE Dion - The Wanderer ( Alternate Stereo Verison ) The Elegants - Twinkle little star (original demo) The Box Tops - The Letter (Upbeat 1967) Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry Gerry And The Pacemakers Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying With Lyrics HD Read more
The 12 Universal laws
The 12 universal laws: An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book "The Light Shall Set You Free"(1998). 1. 1. The Law of Divine Oneness The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us. 2. The Law of Vibration This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same princip Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins No chat messages, please. Ordinary comments are welcome This short essay reviews the traditional Christian list of the attitudes that make people do wrong. "The seven deadly sins" is a list from the early middle ages, more properly "the seven capital vices", or roots of misbehavior. You will not find the list in the Bible. But it has been popular since the Middle Ages. I will try to make a brief case against sin, based both on my reading and my own experience of lif Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " PRIDE "
Traditional name:PRIDE Better known today as: Ego-tripping We have a saying in medicine, "Mistakes don't kill patients... egos do." There is no reason you should not enjoy your own genuine abilities and genuine achievements. "Pride" is not a sin when it merely involves taking satisfaction in a job done well -- nobody ever hurt anybody else over this. But we make ourselves and others unhappy by demanding attention and recognition, or by not asking for help and guidance when we need it. And I've seen this a Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " ENVY "
Traditional name: ENVY Better known today as: Entitlement Everybody knows how miserable we make ourselves when we compare ourselves unfavorably to others. Perhaps we learn to do this when our parents try to influence our behavior by making comparisons with k**s that they want us to be like. And it's human nature to want what others have, especially when we consider ourselves better-qualified and more deserving. But in today's egalitarian times, envy has a more subtle face. I think that most Americans will Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " WRATH "
Traditional name: WRATH Better known today as: Abuse; v******e; Racial / Sectarian Hatred We all get angry. We need to be able to do this in order to survive and to communicate. Much of the skill of relating to people is knowing how to manage anger. Life's taught me that there's nothing to be gained, and everything to lose, by b-tching a family member out for more than 60 seconds. (And do this in today's job setting, or in a friendship, and you've lost your job or your friend.) To get somebody to do w Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " SLOTH "
Traditional name: SLOTH Better known today as: Whining Traditional depictions of sloth are laziness, the person who doesn't do his or her job or attend to the household needs. Ill-health can be a factor, and of course this is not a sin. The stereotype of the "lazy American sharecropper" had a lot to do with iron deficiency caused by hookworm, so much that the disease came to be known as "the germ of laziness." And depression will make a person seem lazy, which is part of the tragedy of the disease. There Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " AVARICE "
Traditional name: AVARICE Better known today as: Greed; Materialism A free market has proved to be the most effective way to make a nation prosperous. The profit motive, which medieval Christianity distrusted, is not the sin of greed. In fact, when Gordon Gecko proclaims that "Greed is good", he's merely proclaiming (though for a bad purpose) this fact of life. We get into sin when we equate our worth as people with our financial assets. There is no reason to go without the basics that you need to live a Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " GLUTTONY "
Traditional name: GLUTTONY Better known today as: Addiction In the 1980's pop psychology, everything was "addiction". However good a description of human misbehavior this might be, our world is full of people who are distracted from ordinary work, ordinary play, and ordinary friendship by preoccupations that take the balance out of life. Some things (alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, opiates) actually enslave the brain, so that one cannot be happy without them. There is no need to explain how addictions of all k Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins " LUST "
Traditional name: LUST Better known today as: Many synonyms. In Dante's story about the ascent to heaven, he discovers that some souls avoid some of the deadly sins, but that every adult does at least some penance for sexual misbehavior. Especially in the Episcopal church, the limits of suitable behavior remain the subject of controversy. Frankly, I don't think it's the church's business to tell consenting adults what they may and may not do in private. You might not agree. My own conservatism in these ma Read more
The Seven Deadly Sins Page " short"
This is a plain text explanation of the traditional christian 7 deadly sins, with normal explanations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each of the seven deadly sins are normal emotions and everyone experiences them in daily life. They are also motives that when taken too far lead to Bad Stuff. This is an old list; it is commonly known, but I decided to put an explanation on my site here because I couldn't find many other websites with normal plain-talk explanations for what they are. I should caution that I’m Methodist, so if yo Read more
Excerpts from The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Nut, the Sky, swallows the sun each evening and brings it forth into the world again at dawn. GIVING BREATH TO OSIRIS I am the blue egg of the Great Cackler. I am the egg of the world. I was asleep inside a mound of dirt, now I rise from a buried egg. I live, I say, I live. I smell the air. I sniff the air. I walk with my toes in the dirt. I give my family duck meat to eat. I guard the fledgling in the nest. What food there is for man in the sk Read more