Careful what you wish for boys

First let me introduce myself I'm Claire married to a man who failed to see what he had his constant nagging about would I like to sleep with other men finally got the better of me and partly to shut him up I took a massive plunge and allowed a young man to have sex with me . The result is that I now have a fantastic boyfriend who totally appreciates what he has much to the annoyance of my poor old husband "wimp " . Now a word of warning to all your wankers on here before you encourage your wife's and girlfriends to fuck other men take a good look at what you've got to lose saying "I made a mistake " is tot little to late as once opened that door can never be closed . I have found a wonderful young black man whos sexual prowess far out strips that of the man I married thus relegating him to serving us I have discovered during lockdown how much I love my boyfriend wile loathing my poor old wanker of a husband and how annoying he's become (perhaps he always was ) only I never was this I now no longer allow him anywhere near me not even to clean me out which is what he craves or to watch us making love. Now a word to all pestered women take hold of the situation turn the tables on your pervert husband to your advantage and head out find that guy who know how to bring out the whore in you and enjoy every second and inch of cock you get my own preference is for BBC'S and I encourage all women to go black . Controlling your wimp husband brings big dividends freedom confidence and huge sexual release much to the displeasure of your husband who has to accept your and there's of coarse new life . Losing ones wife to a better man is extremely had to take for most men adding to there humiliation is the fact he was the one who orchestrated the whole thing is the first place . I just love me new life and sexual freedom . Thanks hubby wanker .
Published by Jolly-Barra
4 years ago
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xjanis 1 year ago
to SlaveWifeFucker69 : Enjoy lifestyle togetherness 
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to xjanis : I call it sexciting. Its a lifestyle more common than most people think/realize. It really exploded with the development of the internet. Those interested in sexperiencing being collared and owned were finally able to reach out and find others craving to be owned or to own submissive individuals. I just happen to have specialized as a Dom Naster of SubCuckCouples. You'd be surprised how many marriages it's saved. Cucks and their sluts no longer had to hide their cheating once they were able to be open to their spouses about their submissive sexual cravings. Marriages on the edge of divorce instead became renewed stronger. My number is rule was no jealously and no Bulls allowed to attempt to attempt to convince a SlaveKuntWhoreWife to leave her SubCuckHubby.  It did happen twice with the Bull seriously regreting his moron level mistake. The other Bulls took care of that for me.
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xjanis 1 year ago
to SlaveWifeFucker69 : Experience is exciting, more couples do the more they need try sexualy 
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xjanis 1 year ago
to SlaveWifeFucker69 : Experience except 
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to xjanis : Not all, pretty much the ones who turn out to have a submissive side they've never let out. Once I have them tied in a chair watching the slut they love and married getting her FuckHoles gapped and seeded all of them eventually begged me to let them clean the whores seed filled FuckHoles then fluff those big black cocks to get that seed straight from the source. Once a SubCuckHubby sucks a black cock I know he's going to beg to take one in his AssPussy. From then on they are a he/she SubSissyBiFagCuckHubby that loves being black cock tag team pimped with their SlaveKuntWhoreWife. 
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xjanis 1 year ago
to SlaveWifeFucker69 : People attitude changes, straight white men are exciting about watching, now sucking and being fucked by black men 
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SlaveWifeFucker69 2 years ago
to xjanis : Believe me, the overriding majority of wannabe CuckHubbies crave to be submissive to his SlutWife and her black cock Bulls. Especially with SubCuckCouples who are both truly submissive black cock craving whores. All of the CuckCouples I've collared, leashed, broken and trained into black cock slaves have loved being broken and trained into the lifestyle. Almost always the fantasy of the CuckHubby who doesn't realize he's going to sexperience being treated the same way as the whore he married as her craving for fair play.
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erzika34 2 years ago
you're me, my husband was the first man in my life and he introduced me to sex and sharing.after a couple of months of marriage, I was with another for the first time in the presence of my husband.he is not a chuckold although he likes to watch me while I am with others and often joins us.we are middle-aged now and we still enjoy sharing but we still love each other even more and I would never humiliate or deceive him he allowed me to enjoy and thank someone else
Plonk123 2 years ago
Once you’ve watched your attractive older wife sucking off a big, throbbing, teenage cock 💦👄 ….. then there’s no going back for anyone. 
That's actually not what your husband had in mind and you know it. You just added the extras because that is just your personality shining through so don't try yo hyper-inflate the situation as his fault. He was doing you a favour and you threw it back in his face in the most demeaning manner and now you have the gore to breach to us.
Gene04 4 years ago
to Jolly-Barra : Sounds like an honest reply.  Besides, your story title, and the story itself tell it all.  I knew/know a lady that wants another biracial baby.  I wanted to be her life partner.  She is 46, im 60.  She evidently could not handle having a steady man love her, or didn't think i could watch her fuck black men, and breed her again.  Truth is i can handle that.  Heck id find it nice just to be there to hold her hand during these fuck sessions.. or not.  Besides, the life she leads, its not like I'd never get strage pussy.  Anyways, she basically quit talking to me.  Kinda sad cause ger and i think a lot alike.  Oh well...hope she gets that 4th baby.  Just i wont be there for her.
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rainmaker20 4 years ago
Wow! And I must say you are a goddess!
Paar___NRW 4 years ago
well, this is pandora's box
do you make hubby suck your bf's cock and/or creampies? 
Pat2610 4 years ago
Go girl
Jolly-Barra Publisher 4 years ago
to aa13 I've no intention of leaving him I have the best of both worlds black cock to stretch my pussy mouth and ass and a wimp who wants to please me and will eat my fuck any time I want him to why would I leave 
aa13 4 years ago
to Jolly-Barra : you gonna end up leaving him?
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latinocuck 4 years ago
had u been turned on by bbc? what if your husband had not asked you? would you convince him to go into the lifestyle knowing what u do know? how would you do it?
Jolly-Barra Publisher 4 years ago
mwmluvsGayMen it never does take long to become hooked on BBC'S just something about the way they use what god gave them 
MWMluvsGayMen 4 years ago
It only took my wife one night with a black man to declare her pussy 'black only.'
inchman49 4 years ago
Nice one Claire loving your style and if you’re ever in London I’d love to show you how I get down with my smooth hard BBC ,also show hubby how to fuck his wife properly....??♠️
pearl_1950 4 years ago
smutlvr 4 years ago
I am in your husband`s situation. We moved in with my wife`s boyfriend a little over a year ago and I am now more house maid than anything.I no longer get to watch although I do get to listen from my room as the doors are always open.I`m happy for her getting what I could not give and happy with my weekly chastity releases.
Rossieno 4 years ago
I am totally agree with you, Jolly-Barra. 
ayne99 4 years ago
I feel this is more the reality. Think of it, the cuck wants to basically watch live porn with his wife as one of the performers. So it is still about the cucks wishes. I suppose it does benefit the wife by her being able to have a lover(s). But if it gets old and the wife no longer wants to share then that's it. Lock the door and let him listen from the other room!
Jolly-Barra Publisher 4 years ago
Larry I totally agree he's made his bed now he's got to accept what's happened I've fallen in love with Jay resulting in also becoming a total BBC slut with no interest in white men anymore and even less interest in my husband for the moment I'm tolerating him just about 
larrycuckold 4 years ago
I think most cuckold husbands have this outcome in the back of their minds, and it scares them to bits - but the lure of having a better man satisfy the wife the way she deserves for most cucks is too much to resist...........
Jolly-Barra Publisher 4 years ago
Yes cranky in deed as he can no longer watch quite frankly I got fed up with performing for him as I now found my true love I don't feel like sharing him with my wimp anymore 
xjanis 4 years ago
Cranky husband just wanted see dick forget cocksucker needs and enjoy cocks without interference 
ssivalingam 4 years ago
You are teasing husband, nicely