Careful what you wish for boys
First let me introduce myself I'm Claire married to a man who failed to see what he had his constant nagging about would I like to sleep with other men finally got the better of me and partly to shut him up I took a massive plunge and allowed a young man to have sex with me . The result is that I now have a fantastic boyfriend who totally appreciates what he has much to the annoyance of my poor old husband "wimp " . Now a word of warning to all your wankers on here before you encourage your wife's and girlfriends to fuck other men take a good look at what you've got to lose saying "I made a mistake " is tot little to late as once opened that door can never be closed . I have found a wonderful young black man whos sexual prowess far out strips that of the man I married thus relegating him to serving us I have discovered during lockdown how much I love my boyfriend wile loathing my poor old wanker of a husband and how annoying he's become (perhaps he always was ) only I never was this I now no longer allow him anywhere near me not even to clean me out which is what he craves or to watch us making love. Now a word to all pestered women take hold of the situation turn the tables on your pervert husband to your advantage and head out find that guy who know how to bring out the whore in you and enjoy every second and inch of cock you get my own preference is for BBC'S and I encourage all women to go black . Controlling your wimp husband brings big dividends freedom confidence and huge sexual release much to the displeasure of your husband who has to accept your and there's of coarse new life . Losing ones wife to a better man is extremely had to take for most men adding to there humiliation is the fact he was the one who orchestrated the whole thing is the first place . I just love me new life and sexual freedom . Thanks hubby wanker .
4 years ago