This is my penis from several years ago. Nothing to brag about between 3 and 4 inches soft 5 1/2 inches hard on a really good day some times could reach 6 inches hard. Really enjoyed using my penis to fuck my wife. Made 8 babies with my modest penis. My wife started to lose interest in sex. Weeks would turn into months and it has now been (as of 5/23/20) 25 months since I really been allowed to fuck my wife

My penis today 5/23/20. 1 to 1 1/2 inches soft some times less than an inch. Hard maybe 3 inches rarely over 3 1/2 inches. When offered pussy my penis goes limp and squirts at the entrance to my wife's pussy. No matter how hard it was before the offer it will not get hard so that it can enter my wife's pussy

this is my look today 5/30/20. Moving along getting smaller
also wonder if you lift and bulk up what would happen. It might turn out the guys who run cross country