Covid interesting case study
Some friends and I had been talking amongst our selves here on XH about the lack of traffic. Regular posters have gone silent. DM’s are at a 9 year low. I’ve seen some tumble weed roll on through and crickets are the norm.
How can this be?! The whole world is on lockdown, people have more time on their hands than ever, what gives?! Is it the fact that not working makes for less “me” time, or time to unwind and chill? Is it the fact that pandemics overall and the fear screw with your libido?
IMO and an educated guess is that all the guys whose wife’s went off to work are now at home and in their faces putting a damper on any DM’s or sexy down time without their significant others being at home. Plausible?!
Another thought provoking stream of consciousness from yours truly...
How can this be?! The whole world is on lockdown, people have more time on their hands than ever, what gives?! Is it the fact that not working makes for less “me” time, or time to unwind and chill? Is it the fact that pandemics overall and the fear screw with your libido?
IMO and an educated guess is that all the guys whose wife’s went off to work are now at home and in their faces putting a damper on any DM’s or sexy down time without their significant others being at home. Plausible?!
Another thought provoking stream of consciousness from yours truly...
4 years ago