Covid interesting case study

Some friends and I had been talking amongst our selves here on XH about the lack of traffic. Regular posters have gone silent. DM’s are at a 9 year low. I’ve seen some tumble weed roll on through and crickets are the norm.

How can this be?! The whole world is on lockdown, people have more time on their hands than ever, what gives?! Is it the fact that not working makes for less “me” time, or time to unwind and chill? Is it the fact that pandemics overall and the fear screw with your libido?

IMO and an educated guess is that all the guys whose wife’s went off to work are now at home and in their faces putting a damper on any DM’s or sexy down time without their significant others being at home. Plausible?!

Another thought provoking stream of consciousness from yours truly...
Published by bassman30069
4 years ago
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bassman30069 Publisher 3 years ago
to Henry_Rinoceronte : Goes with the old adage “if you don’t use it you lose it.”
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Henry_Rinoceronte 3 years ago
Interesting discussion!  I'll add one no one has mentioned yet.  NEAT (Non-Exercise-Activity-Thermogenesis), which is extremely important in nearly all arenas of health including libido, dropped significantly during the lockdown.  There's a lot of research on NEAT and libido going back over 100 years and I've even been a part of some of it.  I worked with a team that helped design exercise classes for the elderly and increased libido was one of strongest reported results, although not always a welcome one, as it led to a few troubling situations.  Anyway, you need to MOVE to maintain your GROOVE is my addition to the conversation.  And as it is looking like another lockdown might be in our future, I suggest everyone get themselves a 4 inch step for their homes.  Much better at moving lymph than those rebounders and keep you up and running in the sex drive department.  Cheers!
bassman30069 Publisher 3 years ago
to dawg75 : Same but the wife closed their office and her employees worked remotely.
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dawg75 3 years ago
to bassman30069 : Because of my job, I still had to go in to work?
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dawg75 3 years ago
to nadia877 : I still had to go to work.
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bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to nadia877 : It’s certainly been odd to say the least.  You’d think there would be way more activity if you’re now able to be out and about dating and going out on the town...
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nadia877 4 years ago
It is interesting, isn't it?  i used to work from home, along, and carve out time for role play and other activities, without taking away from the work i could get done.  Now, with my Husband working at home with me for almost a year now, that free play time is gone.  We are doing great working out of the same space (which is more than i can say for others we know) but the role play time online is almost none now. 
aguynamedchuck 4 years ago
I made the same observation and came to the same conclusion as you.  I wonder how many men go to work and spend time on corporate assets and time lurking on Xhamster when they should have been working and earning their keep.  The signs were everywhere it was occurring before COVAD.
bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to chiguy_38 : That’s a possibility.
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chiguy_38 4 years ago
That and probably the kids are home schooling...
bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to sub_packin_attitude : That’s never an issue???
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Screw it !!! Let's go Fishing !!!
alexispalmer 4 years ago
Interesting. I think feeling sort of well 'locked down' and low level anxious? We don't know. We have been quite sexually active but not on here. That is for other reasons though: maybe something was changing anyway and the lockdown amplified it? 
Stiltskins 4 years ago
to bassman30069 : I'm learning something new every day thanks 
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bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to Stiltskins : Direct messages 
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Stiltskins 4 years ago
this is probably a dumb question but I'm stumped and it's got me curious .... what are DM's?
ahiker 4 years ago
Pretty much hit the nail on the hammer!
bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to Silentnobody : True...
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Silentnobody 4 years ago
to bassman30069 : im never kidding  
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bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to Silentnobody : You ain’t kidding.
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Silentnobody 4 years ago
the sounds of silence is loud here
bassman30069 Publisher 4 years ago
to Lola_GSpot : I’m sorry to hear that Lola.  It’s obviously affecting everyone differently.  It has become apparent that things certainly are quieter than usual.
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Lola_GSpot 4 years ago
Plausible for sure.  I had spent some time with relatives...all C19 free and share supplies at first.  Depression over the situation may have dampened my libido as well as a significant other who used to be on here all the time.  Now he plays games all the time.  My energy is down and it seems not much excites me.