The Diamond Standard

Poor Rupert hates it when I turn up at the office, to see him, but being the loyal Trophy Wife has responsibility plus the young male workers get to ogle me.


Giving Rupert his homemade Falafels... "You left these darling" I tell him.
as I perch on the edge of his antique desk.


I tell him I think he needs a drink with that as I recently read that a man choked to death with homemade
falafels. I proceed to the kitchen my Lahboutain heels click clacking...on the floor as my suspender clips pull on the sheer ff stockings Im wearing with every stride, young Clive follows me in there. "Hi not seen you since Christmas works party" he says looking me up and down. Did I do anything embarrassing all I can remember is wearing an awfully low cut dress and no bra. " No I tend to be at home most days" I reply. " Here let me make you those" Clive offers to make the two coffees. I glance out the kitchen area window the rain outside is lashing down. "I was wanting a cigarette but look at it" I complain. "I'm sure you could smoke out the window after all you are the bosses wife reckon you can do anything you want" said Clive. Adding" here let me take your jacket and hang it up next to the loo's"
Clive scooped it from my shoulders, leaving me in my floral blouse.


"mmm you smell gorgeous Mrs D. what's the perfume and are those stockings your wearing" Clive asked staring at my bosom. " Its Miss Dior and yes they are stockings would you like to see the tops? " I replied tartily.
"Oh please I'm such a fan of stockings" he replied staring at me as I hitched up my right a-line skirt and reached in my bag for my cigs and holder.


I placed a Sobranie in my holder and lit it Clive moved in closer and opened the small top light window, his hand brushing my thigh on its return "They feel so silky smooth" he remarked as Tony walked in "wow am I missing a party" he said looking at me smoking and having my thigh rubbed. " Shhhh your get me in trouble" I replied giggling and doing a French inhale Tony moved towards my right thigh " I best stroke the other thigh" he said managing to lift my skirt higher until my panties were on show, they were a fine mesh with embroidery a bit see thru.... " You two are very naughty" I said giggling but suddenly realising my shaved foo foo was on show thru the fabric.


"hey that's taking liberties a thigh rub is one thing but what if Rupert was to walk in, his coffee is there, be a darling Clive and take into his personal office." I requested that meant leaving me on my own with sleaze bag... Tony.
" go on let me finger you as you smoke, feel that I have a rod of iron" he said grabbing my free hand and placing it on his bulge. "" that's enough your being very inappropriate Tony" I told him as he groped my left boob and gripped my hand over his crotch. "let's go in the loos it's private there I can give your posh cunt a proper seeing to" he said trying to pull me in that direction " no I told you Christmas was a mistake" I replied trying to justify my drunken behaviour of getting my tits out in the summerhouse at the Xmas party. "I'm getting my jacket" I said as I reached up at the coat hooks to procure it he pushed me into the ladies cubicle and bolted the door the man was crazy he freed his penis and pushed me down onto the closed seat " that's disgusting you can't just wank in my face* I moaned as I felt the warmth of it on my cheek" I have been dreaming of what your tongue piercing would feel like on my big head why would you have that done if not to give pleasure to big cocks go on suck it you know you want to" said Tony clearly overcome with sexual excitement. "I suggest you unbolt the door put that away and let me go if you want to keep your job" I replied firmly. He just held his throbbing cock and placed it on my lips. " Your not listening.... Glympphhhhh you can't force me to suck you orf... Glymphhhh" that's it bitch suck it use that tongue ball roll it around my bulbous head oh fuck! Yes that feels wonderful " he said gripping the back of my head and forcing it forward gluck gluck gluck


Once I get in the zone I really get into
sucking big cock " Look up at me" said Tony. "Please don't take photos I don't think you can be trusted with them" I said. I was right he had sent Clive an attachment of me. I stopped the oral sex, pushed pass Tony and as I opened the door Clive stood there.... cock out! "I'm not sucking you too" I said protesting as Tony pushed down on one of my shoulders but it was where his other hand and fingers were that worried me he was frantically fingering me
it felt so good I opened my mouth to say " Oh fuck" that was the cue for Clive to get a sample of the tongue ball fellatio. "keep up the finger fucking Tony she's noshing my knob" he exclaimed.
........Nixxx wake up your talking in your sleep again.....said Rupert. "What where am I" I replied in a grumpy just been rudely awoke way! "Your in bed hun it's o.k. your quite safe."
"I must have been having a nightmare" I said feeling guilty!....
Published by DiamondLife
4 years ago
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Oh Clive, you naughty puppy.
42gary 4 years ago
Mmmm so sexy and sluty, would have you bent over the window ledge, skirt up knickers down in a second.  ?