Poll about limits, likes, wants and such.
A question I pose to any and all,
Tell me, do you have lovers that want to do something with you, to you or have done to them, so badly that they’d beg, plead, negotiate or something similar?
I am sure there are plenty of “acts”... I’d like to hear from others the specifics. Reason being I was propositioned by one semi regular but a somewhat newer lover... they want so badly to pee in my mouth that I was offered several different forms of shall we say compensation!?
Please share your experiences and thoughts with me
Tell me, do you have lovers that want to do something with you, to you or have done to them, so badly that they’d beg, plead, negotiate or something similar?
I am sure there are plenty of “acts”... I’d like to hear from others the specifics. Reason being I was propositioned by one semi regular but a somewhat newer lover... they want so badly to pee in my mouth that I was offered several different forms of shall we say compensation!?
Please share your experiences and thoughts with me
5 years ago