About gina (from her male body and brain)
this is about gina, my gurl side. gina is everything i want in a woman, and i can be her. she does things i normally wouldn't. she smokes, she has depraved desires - she is exactly the woman i would love to be with, but more importantly, she is exactly the woman i love being. she hasn't fulfilled everything she has hoped to, but i'm trying to find a way to allow her to do so.
originally i was called nicole, but that evolved into gina sometime in the early 2000's. gina is possessed by the spirit of baby, who is actually an ex girlfriend of mine. she was the wildest fuck of a woman i was ever with, and after we unfortunately had to part ways, i probably obsessed over a lot of the morals she was instilled with, and built a character of worship around her - baby is my spiritual god, but that is the baby in my mind, not the real baby. everything i do as gina is formed of an idea of what baby is like, based on my experiences of her, combined with my idea of what i would be like if i were baby.... and there you have gina.
gina is still struggling for independence - there are a lot of areas gina has yet to explore. it is hard trying to juggle two people in the one body. gina is still technically a virgin, and has issues with me restricting her from expressing her sexuality fully. i am a man of great conscience, and integrity, and dignity, and consideration for the greater good of human kind, yet gina is a total devil slut, not giving a damn or fuck for anyone but herself, and i respect that, but we conflict in this area.
I wish i could give gina the free reign she deserves, but it is hard in my situation, and i do give her as much freedom as i possibly can, but sometimes i have trouble letting her go with everything she wants to go with. i have evolved as a human being, thanks to her, but i still find myself holding her back from being the woman she deserves to be. i hope one day she can be that woman, as many of you on here already are.
i've seen amateurs evolve from crossdressing boys into trans-queens, into mainstream porn stars, and i feel like i've gone nowhere! i admire all these people for being true to themselves, and chasing their dreams, but i also hold hope for myself, that one day, i will allow gina, to be the woman she truly wants to be.
originally i was called nicole, but that evolved into gina sometime in the early 2000's. gina is possessed by the spirit of baby, who is actually an ex girlfriend of mine. she was the wildest fuck of a woman i was ever with, and after we unfortunately had to part ways, i probably obsessed over a lot of the morals she was instilled with, and built a character of worship around her - baby is my spiritual god, but that is the baby in my mind, not the real baby. everything i do as gina is formed of an idea of what baby is like, based on my experiences of her, combined with my idea of what i would be like if i were baby.... and there you have gina.
gina is still struggling for independence - there are a lot of areas gina has yet to explore. it is hard trying to juggle two people in the one body. gina is still technically a virgin, and has issues with me restricting her from expressing her sexuality fully. i am a man of great conscience, and integrity, and dignity, and consideration for the greater good of human kind, yet gina is a total devil slut, not giving a damn or fuck for anyone but herself, and i respect that, but we conflict in this area.
I wish i could give gina the free reign she deserves, but it is hard in my situation, and i do give her as much freedom as i possibly can, but sometimes i have trouble letting her go with everything she wants to go with. i have evolved as a human being, thanks to her, but i still find myself holding her back from being the woman she deserves to be. i hope one day she can be that woman, as many of you on here already are.
i've seen amateurs evolve from crossdressing boys into trans-queens, into mainstream porn stars, and i feel like i've gone nowhere! i admire all these people for being true to themselves, and chasing their dreams, but i also hold hope for myself, that one day, i will allow gina, to be the woman she truly wants to be.
5 years ago