The Fs

IF1: Irene Fah
TF1: Tyler Faith (2000s)
RF1: Rita Faltoyano (2000s)
CF1: Chelsie Farah
PF1: Patricia Farinelli (1980s)
TF2 (aka VB4): Tanya Faulkner (aka: Vanessa Blue) (1990s)
AF1: Alexis Fawx
AF2: Alexsis Faye
LF1: Lillian Faye
DF1: Dors Feline
VF1: Virginia Felsom (1980s)
LF2: Lolo Ferrari (1990s)
FF1: Fernanda Ferrari
VF2: Vanessa Ferraz
AF3: Ariella Ferrera
KF1 (aka: J02): Katie Fey (aka: Jenya)
SF1: Stacy Filmore
JF1: Jeanna Fine (1990s)
NF1: Natalie Fiore
WF1: Wendy Fiore
JF2: Jada Fire
JF3: Joey Fisher
KF2: Karen Fisher
PF2: Penny Flame
BF1: Bea Flora (2000s)
KF3 (aka: J01): Kitana Flores (aka: Jazmyn)
CF2: Cynthia Flowers
DJF: Debra Jo Fondren (1970s)
EF1: Erica Fontes (2010s)
AF4: Alexis Ford (2010s)
AF5: Aidra Fox
MLF: Mary Louise Fox
SF2: Samantha Fox (1980s)
SF3: Shay Fox
SF4: Stella Fox
DF2: Dava Foxx
DF3: Desi Foxx
JF4: Jenna Foxx
RF2: Reagan Foxx
TLF: Tara Lynn Foxx
AF6: Ana Foxxx
DF4: Diamond Foxxx
TF3: Tessa Fowler
EF2: Emma Frain
F01: Franka (aka: Eva)
KF4: Kimberly Franklin (1990s)
BF2: Bella French
LF3: Lupe Fuentes (2000s)
MF1: Monique Fuentes
Published by carambajo110
5 years ago
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KristyAngelo 5 years ago
I cannot wait for PF1, JF2 and SF2 !!!!!!! Also LF2, JF1, also DJF and LF3
KristyAngelo 5 years ago
to carambajo110 : Jejejejee
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carambajo110 Publisher 5 years ago
to KristyAngelo : LOL, The Es was the first list I made
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KristyAngelo 5 years ago
What! No E list??