AReeves83 opinion wanted


Suppose I was now a male subservient to you, not in any sexual way, but simply I would obey you as you controlled my masturbation habit using chastity. In this fantasy, you are in control of how long my penis would be caged, and how often I was allowed to masturbate when released. After my current one month in chastity (my new record), and after I release myself when finished and shoot a video of me masturbating my penis and letting go of it to ruin my orgasm after I reach ā€œthe point of no returnā€ when I cannot stop my penis from sperming, which option would you choose for my next step:

1. Allow a short shower to wash my penis and testicles thoroughly, then back in the cage for another month plus one week. (no pubic hair shaving)
2. Allow one day for me to masturbate as often as I want, and shave my pubic hair off, then back in the cage for another month plus 2 weeks.
3. Allow one week for me to be cage free, masturbate whenever I want, and shave as often as I want, then back in the cage for 2 months. (With the understanding the time off includes attempting to go to one ring size smallerā€”from 43mm to 38mm)
4. Same as number 3 except I am required to shave from the nose down, all pubes, butt, legs, arms, armpits, like a girl, and post pictures.
5. Same as number 4, except the pictures require a face shot included!
6. You have a better idea Angel, tell me?

7. No release after the first month, get back to me after your first nocturnal emission --wet dream occurs (without any help from your girlfriend--your right hand :) !)

8. No release after the month caged. Do another month and then get back to me :)

9. You are really annoying me. No release after the month, prove your loyalty and only contact after 6 months caged.





Published by Chastity_Addict
5 years ago
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jblvdgr 2 years ago
I would allow you option 3: one week ( a whole week!) of masturbation. But: masturbation to complete exhaustion, starting with 2 orgasms the first day, and than one more orgasm every day, or at least trying it. You will need the complete exhaustion as a good start to make the next period of chastity more bearable.
Naughtynev69 2 years ago
# 5 for me.
rickkink 3 years ago
Of course you'd be shaved everywhere from the neck down. But after a month in chastity, I'd let you out, give you a couple of Viagra, and let you masturbate. You must tell me when you're about to cum, at which point I will order you to stop. I will do the same thing two more times, not letting you climax. Then I ice you down and put you back in the cage for another week.
Chastity_Addict Publisher 5 years ago
Ā I will keep it simple, since I won't reach my month gal for another 8 days. I'll decide then whether to masturbate and video it, or go for more weeks. Sorry, when I get horny, I tend to horny boys do :smile:
Chastity_Addict Publisher 5 years ago
You are right, Ma'am, I always overthink everything.........Thank you
AReeves83 5 years ago
I think for me your slightly over thinking this , keep it simple....a couple of rules! As mentioned not an expert but sounds fun
Chastity_Addict Publisher 5 years ago
I added choice 7 and 8 Angel, I am embarrassed to say, but you know I am a pervert, and addicted to the thought of my penis caged. Please comment?
Chastity_Addict Publisher 5 years ago
Thanks Ma'am for your comments. Not sure how exactly they fit in with the choices? Are they all related to choice one? or choice 2 or 3? or? Just curious, thanks...........
AReeves83 5 years ago
to AReeves83 : Touching around the Penis permitted, if precum forms you must stop
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AReeves83 5 years ago
3a.First Masturbation must be straight forward, enjoyable, simple, no edging or ruining to allow that eruption of cum.Ā  The following day masturbation must only be standing
AReeves83 5 years ago
2a. After release and showered you must lie naked, no touching until the third time of erection.