What Happened in Room 415 - Another M/S story
Happy Valentines Day. It's been an amazing five years.
I know you remember this photo I took of you before that weekend that changed our lives. This photo has a story to tell. It is OUR story.
* * * * *
That weekend I went with you, as your date, to that wedding where you only knew a few people and I knew no one. We joked about how we were crashing the wedding, enjoying the prime rib and free drinks. We laughed so easily, felt so comfortable with each other and then the dance.
We had no idea we were the only ones left on the dance floor. We got so lost in our song, THAT song, the one that tells how we really felt and yet neither one of us knew what the other was thinking. The wedding photographer took this photo and he sent it to us later because, he said, he was “so moved by the moment we were sharing” and wished us luck in our relationship.
Ha! “Our relationship”? We laughed at that together. What did he think?
Hours later we were still joking about our “relationship” as we finished a few cocktails at the hotel bar. You were getting sleepy and most of the wedding guests had left for their rooms.
You were leaning on my chest as I stood behind you when the bartender thanked me for the tip and winked.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
What was he suggesting?
When we got to our room, you flopped on the bed, still in your dress, and kicked off your shoes. I flopped next to you.
I woke up feeling you against me, spooning against my side with your head on my shoulder. I turned toward you to see if you’d wake and you lifted your leg to wrap it over my hip.
I could feel your heat against my body. Your breathing was slow and deep.
“Mom?” I whispered.
You gave no reply. I put my hand on your hip and gently massaged it. My cock started to swell. My hand found the bottom of your dress and then your stockings. I slipped my hand under your dress and ran it along your hip and over your ass. I could feel your panties.
My erection emerged between us, seeking that warmth between your thighs. I shifted just a little to move closer. Your leg wrapped around me. My cock pressing against my pants, aching for freedom.
This was all so wrong. But felt too right.
Your hips shifted toward me. I cupped your ass cheek and pulled you closer. That was enough for you to feel my erection poking against my pants and touching your deep forbidden place.
I heard you take that first deep breath.
Then you rolled over onto me. You kept your face on my shoulder, pressed against my neck. But you began to grind against the length of my swollen cock over my pants. Your pussy felt so hot and your panties were already wet. The humidity and heat made my pants damp.
It also made me feel like I was about to cum at any moment.
You continued to grind, pressing hard against me. Your breaths were faster, with deep moans on the exhale. The heat was so intense and my pants were now completely wet. I could smell you now and, yes, I know your smell. I had known it since the first time I discovered your panties in the hamper.
I kept my hands on your ass and bunched up the dress enough to touch you under it. The pantyhose and panties providing the only barrier between our skin. But this was already intense. My mother is dry-humping me … and sounds like she’s close to cumming.
The wet friction from my pants subdued my sensitivity and caused a little bit of pain, but there was no chance I was going to stop now. And just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, I felt her lift her hips slightly and reach between us.
She unbuckled my belt and tugged at my button. I reached down to help her. She unzipped me and reached in and pulled out my cock. Her hand felt it from the stem to the head.
“Mmmm” is what I swear she said.
I pulled my pants away and she raised her head from my shoulder just enough to begin kissing me.
We were locked in a deep kiss when she began to jerk me off.
I came very quickly. As I did, letting out gasps as I tried to hold in any embarrassing moans, she smiled as she kissed me and then kissed my neck. Her body moved off me and back to my side.
We sat there silent for a few moments until she then got up in the dark and walked to the bathroom. She turned on the shower, undressed, got in and cleaned up while I laid there, my pants and shirt sticky and wet with cum.
She came out after a little while and went to the other bed.
“I left the shower on for you” she said as she turned on the TV.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror and, yeah, I was a fucking mess. But it was a fucking beautiful mess.
I stripped naked and stepped into the shower. I cleaned my cock and felt it’s weight in my hand. It was still a little sensitive and just the touch of my fingers and the warm, sudsy soap got it swelling again.
I thought about Mom laying there in nothing but a towel. I was quickly erect.
I got out of the shower, toweled off and walked out of the bathroom, naked, into the dark.
All I could see was the glow of a cigarette in your hand as you sat by the window, opened as far as the hotel would allow. You were looking out over the parking lot of cars, most of them guests we hardly knew in a wedding that we'll never forget.
I didn't know what to say. You were wearing my tshirt, but, as far as I could tell, nothing else. I saw the soft skin of your thighs basking in the light from the window.
I waited there a moment in awkward silence before moving to the edge of the bed closest to the window. You took one more drag from the cigarette, exhaled out the window and flicked the butt out to the sidewalk below.
"I shouldn't have done that," you then said in a conflicted voice.
"No, it's cool. I really WANTED to..."
"Josh, no," you snapped. "No, that is wrong. This is wrong. We are wrong."
I stood up, my cock danging against my thigh, and faced you. The parking lot lights illumated my lean abs and precocious loins.
"It doesn't feel wrong," I said.
I watched you head slowly turn and your eyes take the glance you head tried to will you not to take.
"Josh, no..." you said softly.
"No one has to know," I replied, moving toward you.
"I promise, it'll be our secret."
"We already went too far," you whispered, trying not to look again my way.
Your eyes stayed fixed on the parking lot. The cars. The colorful lights from the restaurant across the street. The people walking to their cars, oblivious to what just happened in that window on the fourth floor, in Room 415.
It was the mom with her teenage son. The late reservation added to the wedding group rate after Mrs. Elaine Bennett confirmed she would be attending a day after the RSVP. Mrs. Bennett was divorced and didn't want to go alone, but decided to drag her teenage son, Josh, with her because she hadn't had a vacation in over a year and hadn't had a reason to dress up since the company holiday party.
So she bought herself a dress and got him a sportcoat. She asked him to do it for her. She didn't want to go alone and had no one she really wanted to take with her.
Josh agreed. He saw how tired his mom's eyes looked all the time after work and the hours she put in down in the home office after dinner. He was old enough to recognize the look of a woman who desperately needed some fun.
On the drive upstate, they connected. They played music, sang along and played trivia games on his phone. She asked him about girlfriends he had, he made it clear he wasn't interested in knowing why her third marriage failed. He knew why: she was married to her career and didn't put out. That's what his stepfather told him.
So rather than ask about her past failures, he asked her what she looks for in a man. Josh paid close attention and realized almost everything she described ("Handy, handsome and a homebody" she said with a laugh) was what he felt he was.
Along with one more H: hung. But she didn't know about that.
When Elaine asked her son what he looks for in a woman, he replied, "A little flirty, very nerdy and secretly dirty."
They both laughed. Elaine, like Josh, realized he had just described her.
* * *
With my heart racing, I reached for your hand. You didn't turn your eyes toward me at first.
"C'mon, Mom," I then said. "I feel stupid standing here naked in the window."
That's when you turned your eyes to meet mine and chuckled.
"Why are you naked?" you asked.
"Because you're wearing my shirt."
Your eyes then darted to my cock and then back to the parking lot. You couldn't hide your grin.
"Looks like you need more than just a shirt," you then said.
My hand then slipped along your soft thigh and moved gently up inside to your muff. You were still so warm.
"So do you," I said.
As my fingers pressed against your swelling clit, you raised your head toward me and I lowered my head to meet you. Our lips touched with only a brief hesitation before our tongues met.
You rose from the chair next to the window and caressed my ribs and abs with your hand as we kissed. My hand moved up from your hip and under the t-shirt. I cupped your bare, heavy breast and ran my thumb over your nipple.
My cock thickened quickly and pressed against your body. You took hold of it and gasped. We walked together to the bed and I laid back. You stood before me, the light from the window making you a beautiful silhouette. You lifted my t-shirt over your head and stood naked before me.
"Oh my God you're so beautiful, Mom" I whispered as you crawled over me like a panther on the prowl.
Your breasts dangled over my chest as you positioned yourself. You held my cock in hand and guided it toward your womanly depths.
"Our secret" you whispered as my cock touched your slit.
I nodded, trembling with anticipation.
Your eyes closed as you took me in slowly and I lifted my hips to meet you. I heard you say "ow" and flinch.
"Easy, honey," you said.
You gasped. Then another "ow".
"Sorry" I whispered.
You then dropped your head and kissed my neck. I was barely halfway inside you and my cock it started to hurt.
"Slap my ass" you growled into my ear.
"Slap my ass!"
I slapped.
I smacked it.
"OH! Yes, HARDER!"
I smacked it again.
My cock slid deeper. I could feel your boiling cunt clench around my shaft.
"Oh God...Oh GOD"
That's when I realized, Mom, that you were secretly dirty.
I slapped your ass again and put my other hand around your neck.
"Take it DEEP" I commanded.
I thrusted my cock into you and heard you let out a moan that I know they could hear in the hallway.
"Come on, take it ALL" I ordered, just like those guys do in the porn movies I have watched.
I buried my cock into you and you rose up, put your hands on my chest and looked down at me with wicked eyes.
Your hips bucked wildly over my cock and I watched your tits bounce as you rode your son like a wild horse. Your hair whipping around, your eyes closed and your face intense.
My balls were churning again, ready to cum some more.
We moved all around the bed that night. I flipped you around and lifted your legs around me so I could bury my meat deep into you. Your moans were the loudest when you were on all fours on the bed and I stood up and fucked you from behind. You tried to bury you face in a pillow but eventually we had to change positions.
We moved to the desk, so you could sit on the top while I fucked you standing up, with your legs around my hips. We went by the window, where you had your hands on the window sill, looking out over the cars, while I kneeled on the chair and pounded your ass deep.
I could have gone all night. There was so much I wanted to do to you. But you were getting tired and our movements became less aggressive and more sensual.
"Fuck me," you then asked in a begging voice.
I thought I was, but I still had so much to learn.
You pulled me to the bed and we laid next to each other, kissing like teenagers hiding behind the bleachers. We were on our sides, touching, kissing and loving.
That's when you lifted your leg over my hip, where it all started so many hours ago in the innocence of the night. My hand explored your soft inner thigh and massaged your pulsing clit.
"Fuck me," you whispered.
I moved closer to you, inching my hips under your thigh until my cock pressed against your muff. Our eyes met, you took my cock in your hand and positioned it in place. Our hips did the rest.
Our bodies started to grind. Your breaths were short. Your eyes closed.
Oh Josh...mmm...yes...
I kissed your nipple and kept up the rhyhtm.
I kissed your neck.
I watched your face.
Your mouth then stayed open but you didn't make a sound.
Our hips stopped, my cock stayed deep inside you and I felt your body collapse against me.
"Oh my GOD" you then sighed.
The next thing I remember was the room filled with daylight and the sound of the shower running. It was time to go home.
I never will forget that weekend in Room 415.
(Photos: MarieRocks)
5 years ago