More fun
I am tied spread eagle face up on your bed. You are naked but not hard yet. You stare down at me and reach out to pinch my nipple. I moan and you pull it holding my tit up high. You let go and slap my other tit. I see your coc k has started to harden. Next you lay between my legs and pull my fat outer puss y lips apart. You put a clothes pin on the left one and I cry out and start to wiggle. You slap my puss y with your hand and tell me to lay still. you tape the pin to my leg holding the lip back so my whole puss y will be exposed to you. Next you do the same to my right lip. You blow on.My puss y and say baby you are so wet for me. You begin to flick my cli t with your thumb and index finger. It hurts and I moan. You crawl up to my head and grab my hair and force your hard coc k in my mouth. I gag and you laugh. You say suck it you slut you know you want me. Do you like this story? Do you want more? You write the next part for me.
5 years ago