What I know about AMPs.

Iā€™ve been in a relationship for 3 years with a ā€œMama Sanā€ who owns an Asian massage parlor. Because of this, and having had well over a thousand massages, Iā€™ve come to understand a little about the industry and the women who are involved.

Hereā€™s what I know for sure:

All Asian masseuses hate their jobs. They are in it strictly for the money and feel unqualified to do any other decent-paying work.

If you think they enjoy touching you, youā€™re wrong. They hate it. If you think they enjoy jacking you off, youā€™re doubly wrong. They may put on an act but itā€™s solely for the tip. If they go any further, they're probably being forced into it.

Their American first names mean nothing. They choose it arbitrarily and change it depending on the situation. Even their Chinese names are questionable because of the English-letter spelling.

Most of the older providers have families here. Immediate family is the most important thing in their lives: hard to believe but much more so than Americans. The next most important thing is money. Then comes their Chinese girlfriends. Husbands come next. Boyfriends come last.

Some of the women are citizens but most of them are here on green cards, which are ofter-times expired. When they get caught, you are told "She go back to China" and never see the girl again.

Owner-managers live in constant fear of being busted. The Robert Kraft publicity in Florida has added to the anxiety. The lure of money is what keeps them going. My woman, who is a citizen (how she passed the test is another mystery), got busted a few years ago and I bailed her out. This is what started our relationship. Somehow, she retained her massage license and eventually re-opened her spa using a friend as a shell-owner. Very clever but it's only a matter of time before the LEOs show up again. I try to warn her off but to no avail.

I used to think that AMPs were some sort of secret underground network controlled by a mafia-like Chinese triad. I still think this is true but only for the places where there's a lot of turnover or where undocumented girls, who live in the back room, are employed. The independent places can be recognized in a number of ways: e.g., older women, shorter hours of operation, long-term workers and lack of sleeping space. These spots don't make as much profit as you might think. The girls usually get about half of the massage fee plus keep all of their tip. The owner gets the other half but must cover overhead such as rent, supplies, utilities, insurance, .....

Update 4/30/20: Massage Parlors in MA are closed. The girls are scared stiff. I'm hoping they stay this way and I can resume my at-home therapy.

Update 3/1/21. I trust my AMP girlfriend about as far as I can throw her. She's a huge tease who is nice to me as long as I'm spending money on her. So far it's been a small fortune and I don't get much in return. But, I can't quit her.

Update 3/31/21. I'm still spending money on her and not getting any sex beyond the happy endings which I pay for. We sleep together but she stays pinned to the other side of the bed. I have basically zero control over the relationship and ought to break it off. However, I'm 75 years old and she is my only diversion in life. So for now, I'll continue to be a sap.

Thatā€™s it.
Published by gezbo
5 years ago
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66AndHorny 2 years ago
thanks, interesting
gnawinghunger 4 years ago
Very interesting and informative.Ā 
freshWV 4 years ago
Great summary
fishkiller 5 years ago
Well written....