Learning dirty Japanese: ゴックン
It’s a new era in Japan!
Not because of anything I did. Seriously, it’s a new era. But that’s not what you came here for. Today’s dirty Japanese is about cum-swallowing. In Japanese it’s just called ゴックン. It’s a phonetic sound for someone gulping something. Of course it can be used innocently, but it’s one of those words that have a dirty double entendre quality. If you wanna find out how freaky she is; ask her if she enjoys swallowing. To ask her in Japanese would be あなたはゴックンをするのが好きですか? If she says yes, drop everything and find a love hotel!!
Not because of anything I did. Seriously, it’s a new era. But that’s not what you came here for. Today’s dirty Japanese is about cum-swallowing. In Japanese it’s just called ゴックン. It’s a phonetic sound for someone gulping something. Of course it can be used innocently, but it’s one of those words that have a dirty double entendre quality. If you wanna find out how freaky she is; ask her if she enjoys swallowing. To ask her in Japanese would be あなたはゴックンをするのが好きですか? If she says yes, drop everything and find a love hotel!!
5 years ago