Immature - small minded idiots!

If anybody is friends with this user Tributer247 you may want to delete them. The idiot sent me 2 private messages that I didn't respond to right away so he blocked me. Sorry I didn't respond right away. Sometimes we are logged into the page but not active. If anyone else has a problem with that please unfriend me as well.
And please tell that user that I will still sleep quite well tonight. What a small dicked loser.
Published by Kathylu
5 years ago
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to Kathylu : Well I look at this way, if you are there, you'd respond, so if you didnt, then Id assume you hadn't seen the message yet. Others should work on that assumption 😉 
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Kathylu Publisher 1 year ago
to TheBigStickman : Yeah, I need to be better at logging off. LOL
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I do exactly what you do and remain logged in around 98% of the time. The worst is when you're talking to someone new, phone goes, you answer but the tab remains open, so it looks to the other person, as if you're ignoring them, but you aren't. They then get huffy and block you, without so much as a chance for you to explain to them whats occurred at this end of a conversation. Nevermind using a smartphone & accidentally scrolling but blocking someone you didnt mean to. The site can be a proper muppet sometimes 
timetogotoo 2 years ago
guys like that ruin it for the rest of us.  
Six_gun 3 years ago
to Kathylu : Same here, and I need that often, so this is a pretty good outlet for it. 
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Kathylu Publisher 3 years ago
to Six_gun : Thank you! I agree with everything you said. And I'm glad you enjoy my page and comments. This site is where I get to be a little dirty minded and talk about fantasies!
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Six_gun 3 years ago
Another thing is, I don’t think these idiot guys take the time to consider how many messages most females are bombarded with on a daily basis. Good riddance I say, and before I leave too many comments, I’ll just say I love your page, bio, and comments you’ve left elsewhere. Your guy is one lucky dude.  
nipsiehustle29 4 years ago
to Kathylu : Always!
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Kathylu Publisher 4 years ago
to nipsiehustle29 : LOL. Thanks for having my back!
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nipsiehustle29 4 years ago
Found him, Kathy, and promptly blocked him...don’t need vermin like that in my life!
XijinpingPutin 4 years ago
to Kathylu : He is a real loser,waste no time on him
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mellow5678 4 years ago
to Kathylu : Yea stay away from her. She made up all this crap about me and put it on her page. None of it is true. I don't have any grandkids or any daughters! 
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Kathylu Publisher 4 years ago
to mellow5678 : I asked about it and it was confirmed. She blocked now. WTH????
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mellow5678 4 years ago
careful...lezzyjen is only 14  Just a warning!  muahhh xoxo
rahulgandhi46 4 years ago
to Kathylu : He is a real loser,missing you
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fearuisce 4 years ago
Most likely he is a sad loser with no real friends and thinks this is the real world. Love the Bush btw?
Kathylu Publisher 4 years ago
to Love2Cum09 : True words! Thank you!
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Love2Cum09 4 years ago
just do you..fuck the bullshit
forestman 4 years ago
Dude has issues!
CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago
Wow, people really do that? What losers!
Kathylu Publisher 4 years ago
to broadsword2 : Same for me. I instantly unfriend anyone who is so demanding that I reply "Right now!", Like I'm their pet or something. I stay logged in most of the time, but it does not mean I'm always active.
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broadsword2 4 years ago
Wouldn't now??? Know - digit trouble!
broadsword2 4 years ago
I am logged in to xh most of the time but not always active and consequently may not reply to messages for a while. I have also been blocked by users who almost 'demand' instant replies. 'Small dicked losers'? Wouldn't now, never found out. Losers? Yes! Thank you Kathylu.
Stiltskins 4 years ago
just ignore him   there's one in every crowd
Guy49007 4 years ago
Just ignore them there are all types about lol
matureBBWlover00 4 years ago
to Kathylu : My guess is he has some pysch issues with women and probably gets his twisted jollies by "harassing" females online all day from his parents basement.
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matureBBWlover00 4 years ago
to st_john_green : I know this is a "Pot Calling the Kettle Black" statement, and the irony is not lost on me, but yes, my guess is that overall the xhamster community probably has a much higher percentage of people with mental/emotional/social issues than the general population. You are 100% right, but I meet people in RL that act like this sometimes too.
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matureBBWlover00 4 years ago
Sadly that is more common than it should be, I have been cursed out big time just for telling someone my "Tribute Laptop" was broken and I could not comply instantly. That last happened to me a couple of weeks ago. All did was explain I could not do a tribute any time soon, and he/they said "You are an asshole!" and boom blocked me before I could respond.
st_john_green 4 years ago
Its a real drag when users here behave so horribly to each other. It has always made me curious if they are like that in real life or if they have problems they need to get help for. I wish people would practice the same respect and behaviour online as they would in real life. I block a lot of people and I don't feel bad about it because it is just part of setting healthy boundaries. Thanks.
lovethoseboobs 4 years ago
For me if I write someone and I don't receive a reply I just drop it, its not that big a deal