Old fashion gang bang
My Mrs has told me about other women she has discussed having more than one guy at a time with, of the few that admitted fantasizing about it several said that the only way they would do it is by having one guy at a time in the bedroom, rather than being surrounded by all at once which is usual now. One at a time is sort of 1950's amateur gang bang. The living room would look like the waiting room at a brothel when they were called gentleman's clubs. I want to see and hear everything. There were things my Mrs liked to do, but felt very weird being watched doing them, being watched sucking a guy off and swallowing made her blush, so we made a game of it., but I didn't pressure her to do it...teased her...sweet talked her, but it was her choice to put on a show for us. If she would have insisted having one guy at a time, I probably wouldn't have done it as often as we did. I guess with the old swingers wives took turns being the girl in the bedroom, and that would make the closed door more acceptable. It has been fun to have the door closed, or know she was probably having sex with one of the guys with my consent, but it made me so horny I was a menace to work with because I was so distracted thinking about it. I guess playing cards for who goes next with very pornographic cards while waiting with the other gents in the parlor...what would we talk about...waiting while my Mrs took a 1/2 hour break from getting pumped we talked about how great the sex had been, and having sex with her some more. I'm wondering how many of us would share their wives if it was just one at a time with the door closed. I also wonder if more wives would agree to it if it was done one at a time in privacy .
5 years ago