Interlude 3 – Farthest-Out Times – mast/fetishes
Interlude 3 – The Farthest-Out Times (so far) – TV/CD , mast, fetishes
Well, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go masturbate immediately! (He said he was going to do the same thing, too, but who knows, he may have just been being kind!)
NAILS – Of course I have seen/read discussions for years about how you can buy multiple sets of long dragon lady nails, and start with a size that actually fit your fingers, then pick a size that fit the end of those nails, and glue them on, and so on, keep extending them longer and longer. I went to a beauty supply store once, thinking I would do just that, and got a case, which contained about 20 of every size, including huge ones for thumbnails. I also got nail glue and a but pint widemouth jar of glue solvent (luckily!) I already had a piece of foam rubber about a foot long by 4” by 4”. I cut slits in it to hold 10 nails so I could paint them before I applied them. I found the 10 nail sizes that fit my fingers, and inserted the base of the nails into the foam, then painted the part which stuck out of the foam a delicious slutty red! (I can’t remember if it was Revlon red or not, but it may have been, because I love that bright shade, and so do most men!) I used my hair dryer to dry the nails more quickly than they would have dried normally. Then I reversed the nail, and stuck the painted tips into the foam rubber, and painted the bases of the nails. Again, I used the hair dryer to dry them more quickly. I dressed (shaking with excitement), and laid the nails out in the correct order. I used the super-glue to apply a dot of glue to each nail, and pressed it to my own fingernail, and held it there securely for whatever length of time was suggested, perhaps a minute or two. My cum-clitty was getting so HARD in my panties as I was doing this! I had never had nails 2 full inches long before! The only nails I had before were the Lee “Press-On” types, with the little double-sided tape tabs (which never held the nails on well), and those nails were nowhere nearly this long! As each finger gained a long, sexy, claw-like extension, doing every task, like picking up the glue and applying it, and pressing the nail down and holding it, became more difficult, because I was so unused to having long nails. At last, the project was complete! I admired my nails, and stood up and looked at them in the mirror, as I held mu (always huge) tits with my hands (the nails made my tits look even better), as I moved my hair on the shelf my tits made (the nails made my hair look even better), and as I extracted a Max120 cigarette from the pack (the nails definitely made me holding the cigarette look MUCH sexier!) It was difficult to use the cigarette lighter with the long nails, to be honest, but as I usually lit a long taper candle when I dressed anyway, I used the candle to light my cigarette. I looked in the morrow, and with a lot of imagination and a bit of squinting, I could see one of my objects of adoration starting back at me, long nails and all! I took another drag, exhaled at myself in the mirror, then discarded my Max into the toilet, and stroked myself to a huge orgasm with my long-nailed hands in mere seconds! And yes, as you might suspect, my massive load of white sperm looked very sexy indeed on those long red nails!
However! I undressed, and then sat down, naked to remove the nails. I dabbed a few drops of the nail remover on ever edge of each nail and waited patiently for a minute. Nothing, Not a bit loose. That super-glue was holding TIGHT! I was starting to panic! I can’t to go work like this! Luckily, I had bought a whole pint of remover, and it was in a widemouthed jar. I dunked one finger in it at a time, and let it soak for over a minute. Then with the help or orange sticks, I was able to pry a bit of nail up. More soaking, more prying. It took me over 90 minutes to get those nails off! Of course the nail polish turned the solution red right away, which stained my fingers, and there was one piece of nail that I could not get off one thumbnail for over a week. It was smaller than the real thumbnail, as I had cut off all that I could pry up. So I put a big bandage over that thumb for a week until I was able to finally take enough hot showers and soak it with soapy water to get that plastic to let go! That was the one and only time I used glue to put nails on! It was sexy as hell for a few minutes, but scary and annoying as hell for hours afterwards!
HEELS – Not much to say here. Is it a little outrageous to say that I looked up how to convert a man’s shoe size into a woman’s shoe size at work when I was bored? I’ve only ever really been the most turned on by black patent leather heels, pointy-heeled (not stiletto, but not thick-heeled). My first pair were 4” I wobbled in them, but learned to walk acceptably well. As most “gurls” know, we sometimes go thru “binge/purge” cycles, and they got gone. I’m only on my second pair, as I didn’t always think footwear was necessary, but these are a bit more racy … 5.5” heels (with a ½” platform). I am not crazy about the platform but it’s not hugely clunky. And damn the heels look good! I am definitely more wobbly on these, like a subbie bimbo should be, so I am happy!
HAIR/WIGS – Ah, the crowing glory! For the longest time, I would just go to local costume stores and get the LA2000 model, in jet-black and platinum-blonde. It was a sexy showgirl length, and as I have mentioned many times before, I love seeing the long tresses flow over the shelf my tits make! But then I also started doing ebay searches, and sellers like “wiglady1” came up with wonderfully huge creations, many made from multiple wigs. Though I never bought any of her dazzling wigs, I did copy and paste the photos she took to my computer, where I would masturbate to them often, and even print them out (when I finally got a color printer) to see my white sperm on the black hair! But I suppose the best was when I discovered the really not-very-good “cone-style “beehive” wigs, which were costume-quality, about twenty bucks. They were a canvas cone in the shape of a tall beehive, with just enough hair (of whatever shade) glued to the cone to make it appear convincingly real. You cannot poke a finger into the hairdo more than about a half an inch deep (not a penis, of course), but the thing looks sexy enough, and the price is right. Putting one of these on TOP of an LA2000 wig, trying to emulate Elvira, never worked particularly well… the beehive was super tall, but the diameter wasn’t big enough to fit sufficiently well over the first wig. However, I did buy a cheap “Elvira” wig, one with a little bit of a “bump” in back, not much of a beehive at all, really. But the bump was noticeable, and I knew how to enhance it. I took one black facecloth, folded halfway, and put it on top of my LA2000, running from forehead to crown of head. I then took another black facecloth, folded into quarters, and put it on the crown of my head, on top of the other facecloth. I then put the Elvira wig on top of the LA2000. I bobby-pinned the front of the 2 wigs together, and let the back of the Elvira wig rise up dramatically where the facecloths were, with the long hair trailing down the back, hiding the fake bump completely. I could tell the normal wig was doing it’s normal glamorous job of dressing my tit-shelf, and the Elvia wig was adding a little bit of volume to those long tresses. But when I looked in the mirror … SCHWING! There stood a MASSIVE hair bump that looked very much like the Mistress of the Dark’s own trademark beehive! Instant erection, instant masturbation while gazing at myself (which I rarely do), and very quick HUGE orgasm! Wow, does big and high hair turn me on! The only reason I didn’t recreate that styling on my own head is that I did it on a wig head/stand instead (when I was dressed blonde), and I shot my load all over the fantastic jet-black ultra-beehive creation – three times in one night! As we know, dried sperm does tend to have a sickly-sweet aroma, which can be a bit difficult to hide when friends visit. I had to get rid of the delicious concoction – but not before I wrapped the long tresses around me and hair-fucked it as best as I could, to one last orgasm!
TITS – It started sneaking my mother’s blouses, balling up another blouse each for boobs, and that was it. Then the bras I could find at stores. Yes, I bought bras at Sears (for my “Mom” or “girlfriends”), not caring what looks I got. D-cups were the biggest I could find, back then. Then later, out on my own, I had woman’s apparel catalogs sent to my apartments, including bra catalogs, which is where I got my current Glamorize 56J lovelies (in white and black). I am pleased to say they will do me the honor of each cup holding two wadded-up bath towels as “breasts”, if stretching the elastic a bit, and wearing a 6X nightie or a very stretchy top does give me the ultrabusty look and “tit-shelf” I desire. However, since we are mentioning the exxxtremes…. Once, when I vacationed in Vegas, I used 24" inflatable beachballs for tits... the valve stems made great nipples. The same 6X stretchy top had to really stretch to accommodate them. I couldn’t wear a bra underneath, obviously, and it was difficult to keep them in relative place on my chest. I suppose I could have used some folded-back on itself duct tape on my chest to keep the damned things in place if I cared enough! I actually measured this tit-creation way with a ball of twine, as best as I could, and it was right at a 120" bustline = ten feet of tits! I get so hard saying that, because of my smoking fetish... 120mm cigarettes, the exxxtra-long all whites (used to be MAX120s, now just VS120s). Anyway, it looked fucking INCREDIBLE (I wish I had bought a Polaroid camera and taken a few snapshots (this was before my first cell phone!)) I literally had to turn sideways and squeeze thru the bathroom doorway at the hotel I was staying at... and even so, halfway thru, the door jamb was pushed into my cleavage like it was trying to tit-fuck me... and that made me horny! FUCK! EVERYTHING was making me horny! I oohed and ahhed and gave into the urge, my hands on the giant “tits” rubbing them on either side of the doorjamb, making like I was tit-fucking it, like I was going to make the fucking hotel room COME! I was horny over the fact that when I laid down on my back in the bed, I couldn't see much of the room around me. I was horny that I couldn't really roll to either side, since the balls stuck out from my body so much. I really loved the EXTRA-HUGE shelf they made, and I was able to spread the long LA3000 "showgirl" style wig's wavy hair out in front of me, all over the amazing tit-shelf, just so turned-on by all the hair glistening there on my fantastically huge breasts! I got up off the bed and literally bounced around the room a bit, loving seeing the massive fake tits bounce wildly on my chest. I couldn’t SEE my cum-clitty to stroke it, but God I was stroking it well! I had am 18” double-headed dildo with me. Obviously the blouse was stretched so tightly I couldn’t get much sagginess in it, but I managed to tit-fuck myself a little bit, but the big dong was really swallowed up by the much bigger boobs. I wanted to cum, but I wanted something even more special. I reluctantly took the blouse off, and the balls floated down to the floor. I took the blouse and ball to the bathroom, and recreated the huge “rack” in the tub. I knew I couldn’t tit-fuck this huge pair with my tiny cum-clitty, but that wasn’t what I was going for. While keeping a hard grip on my she-cock, I squirted one full can of shaving cream on each “tit”, then smoothed it into a seamless white mountain on top of the already-mountainous globes. The black blouse seemed to have two basketball-sized creamy tits now! My sexy blonde hair was piled around my face, even though there was no tit-shelf to support it. I was going to have to creamy tits smother me! I took a big lungful of air, knelt beside the tub, started stroking myself fast, and plunged my face right into those cream-covered tits! I couldn’t breathe or see! I rubbed my face deeper and deeper in it, feeling my hair get entangled in the creamy goo, too! I exhaled my air and struggled to breathe but could not, as I started squirting my sperm on the bathroom tile floor! Right before I passed out, I raised my head up, still unable to see, but gasping in air! Such a strong, hard orgasm! Those lovely, huge, jamb-fucking tits had nearly smothered me to death! Just remembering it now makes my so aroused! Sadly, there was no good way to clean and reuse the beachballs, so since they were 99 cents anyway, I punctured them, washed off the shaving cream, and discarded them in the trash. The Blonde wig was going to be a loss, too, but I did save it to masturbate with later, and it did feel heavenly!
SMOKING – Hard to pin this one down. Started seeing one of my Aunts smoke, the sexy, busty one who constantly wore updo wigs. And the TV shows and movies back then when smoking was prominent. Favorite cigarettes were Max120s (blue), as I have repeatedly mentioned. I did purchase a carton (10-pack) of 10 cigarette packs of Nat Sherman MCD (164mm all-whites), when they were available. They were as large in diameter as a regular cigarette, and difficult to draw, and did not produce a decidedly thick exhale, but the look of holding something that long was exquisite! Of course I have also described my being to exhale into my own face by using 2 bendy straws, one end pinched and inserted into the other straw, so I made a U-shape. This way I could exhale into my face, which was erotic, or into the hair (again, piled on the tit-shelf) and watch the smoke slowly waft up from the jet-black hair, which is thrilling indeed. I suppose one of the most fun smokeplay experiences I have had, though, was briefly, when one girlfriend was not repulsed by my crossdressing and also smoked herself, we set up probably 30 candles of all sizes along the sides of my dining room table (about 8 feet long). In that otherwise unlighted room, she sat naked, I sat dressed, and we both smoked 120s and exhaled the smoke in the valley of semi-darkness of the table, between the light the candles gave off, at each others’ faces, taking turns, which we masturbated. The smoke looked divine flowing back and forth in the candlelight, and the small room soon had a pall of smoke which slowly hung from the ceiling. It produced a strong orgasm from me, before which I stood up, so I shot my load onto the table, in long spurts. She applauded my climax, came over and blew an exhale of smoke onto my sperm load, then pushed my head down and commanded me to lick up every drop off the lacquered wood. I did so eagerly, while she continued to exhale plume after plume onto the table and into my face. I miss that lady!
ORGASMS – One old flame and I decided to see how many orgasms we could have between us in a weekend. We took the day off from work Friday, and started one minute after midnight Friday morning, and went until the last minute of the day Sunday night, for 72 hours (minus sleeping time.) We had sex with each other and by ourselves with the other watching. We didn’t get especially fancy, we just tried to cum quick and often. We hit our goal of 100. I had 39 (yes, by the end I was “shooting blanks”, where perhaps a drop of clear liquid would ooze out, or sometimes not, but my brain registered an orgasm), so her count must have been 61. Or maybe my count was 31 and hers was 69? It was a long time ago, but I know I came 30+ times in three days.
There must be more I could write, but I can’t remember right now. If you have questions, send me a message, and perhaps there will be a second installment!
Well, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go masturbate immediately! (He said he was going to do the same thing, too, but who knows, he may have just been being kind!)
NAILS – Of course I have seen/read discussions for years about how you can buy multiple sets of long dragon lady nails, and start with a size that actually fit your fingers, then pick a size that fit the end of those nails, and glue them on, and so on, keep extending them longer and longer. I went to a beauty supply store once, thinking I would do just that, and got a case, which contained about 20 of every size, including huge ones for thumbnails. I also got nail glue and a but pint widemouth jar of glue solvent (luckily!) I already had a piece of foam rubber about a foot long by 4” by 4”. I cut slits in it to hold 10 nails so I could paint them before I applied them. I found the 10 nail sizes that fit my fingers, and inserted the base of the nails into the foam, then painted the part which stuck out of the foam a delicious slutty red! (I can’t remember if it was Revlon red or not, but it may have been, because I love that bright shade, and so do most men!) I used my hair dryer to dry the nails more quickly than they would have dried normally. Then I reversed the nail, and stuck the painted tips into the foam rubber, and painted the bases of the nails. Again, I used the hair dryer to dry them more quickly. I dressed (shaking with excitement), and laid the nails out in the correct order. I used the super-glue to apply a dot of glue to each nail, and pressed it to my own fingernail, and held it there securely for whatever length of time was suggested, perhaps a minute or two. My cum-clitty was getting so HARD in my panties as I was doing this! I had never had nails 2 full inches long before! The only nails I had before were the Lee “Press-On” types, with the little double-sided tape tabs (which never held the nails on well), and those nails were nowhere nearly this long! As each finger gained a long, sexy, claw-like extension, doing every task, like picking up the glue and applying it, and pressing the nail down and holding it, became more difficult, because I was so unused to having long nails. At last, the project was complete! I admired my nails, and stood up and looked at them in the mirror, as I held mu (always huge) tits with my hands (the nails made my tits look even better), as I moved my hair on the shelf my tits made (the nails made my hair look even better), and as I extracted a Max120 cigarette from the pack (the nails definitely made me holding the cigarette look MUCH sexier!) It was difficult to use the cigarette lighter with the long nails, to be honest, but as I usually lit a long taper candle when I dressed anyway, I used the candle to light my cigarette. I looked in the morrow, and with a lot of imagination and a bit of squinting, I could see one of my objects of adoration starting back at me, long nails and all! I took another drag, exhaled at myself in the mirror, then discarded my Max into the toilet, and stroked myself to a huge orgasm with my long-nailed hands in mere seconds! And yes, as you might suspect, my massive load of white sperm looked very sexy indeed on those long red nails!
However! I undressed, and then sat down, naked to remove the nails. I dabbed a few drops of the nail remover on ever edge of each nail and waited patiently for a minute. Nothing, Not a bit loose. That super-glue was holding TIGHT! I was starting to panic! I can’t to go work like this! Luckily, I had bought a whole pint of remover, and it was in a widemouthed jar. I dunked one finger in it at a time, and let it soak for over a minute. Then with the help or orange sticks, I was able to pry a bit of nail up. More soaking, more prying. It took me over 90 minutes to get those nails off! Of course the nail polish turned the solution red right away, which stained my fingers, and there was one piece of nail that I could not get off one thumbnail for over a week. It was smaller than the real thumbnail, as I had cut off all that I could pry up. So I put a big bandage over that thumb for a week until I was able to finally take enough hot showers and soak it with soapy water to get that plastic to let go! That was the one and only time I used glue to put nails on! It was sexy as hell for a few minutes, but scary and annoying as hell for hours afterwards!
HEELS – Not much to say here. Is it a little outrageous to say that I looked up how to convert a man’s shoe size into a woman’s shoe size at work when I was bored? I’ve only ever really been the most turned on by black patent leather heels, pointy-heeled (not stiletto, but not thick-heeled). My first pair were 4” I wobbled in them, but learned to walk acceptably well. As most “gurls” know, we sometimes go thru “binge/purge” cycles, and they got gone. I’m only on my second pair, as I didn’t always think footwear was necessary, but these are a bit more racy … 5.5” heels (with a ½” platform). I am not crazy about the platform but it’s not hugely clunky. And damn the heels look good! I am definitely more wobbly on these, like a subbie bimbo should be, so I am happy!
HAIR/WIGS – Ah, the crowing glory! For the longest time, I would just go to local costume stores and get the LA2000 model, in jet-black and platinum-blonde. It was a sexy showgirl length, and as I have mentioned many times before, I love seeing the long tresses flow over the shelf my tits make! But then I also started doing ebay searches, and sellers like “wiglady1” came up with wonderfully huge creations, many made from multiple wigs. Though I never bought any of her dazzling wigs, I did copy and paste the photos she took to my computer, where I would masturbate to them often, and even print them out (when I finally got a color printer) to see my white sperm on the black hair! But I suppose the best was when I discovered the really not-very-good “cone-style “beehive” wigs, which were costume-quality, about twenty bucks. They were a canvas cone in the shape of a tall beehive, with just enough hair (of whatever shade) glued to the cone to make it appear convincingly real. You cannot poke a finger into the hairdo more than about a half an inch deep (not a penis, of course), but the thing looks sexy enough, and the price is right. Putting one of these on TOP of an LA2000 wig, trying to emulate Elvira, never worked particularly well… the beehive was super tall, but the diameter wasn’t big enough to fit sufficiently well over the first wig. However, I did buy a cheap “Elvira” wig, one with a little bit of a “bump” in back, not much of a beehive at all, really. But the bump was noticeable, and I knew how to enhance it. I took one black facecloth, folded halfway, and put it on top of my LA2000, running from forehead to crown of head. I then took another black facecloth, folded into quarters, and put it on the crown of my head, on top of the other facecloth. I then put the Elvira wig on top of the LA2000. I bobby-pinned the front of the 2 wigs together, and let the back of the Elvira wig rise up dramatically where the facecloths were, with the long hair trailing down the back, hiding the fake bump completely. I could tell the normal wig was doing it’s normal glamorous job of dressing my tit-shelf, and the Elvia wig was adding a little bit of volume to those long tresses. But when I looked in the mirror … SCHWING! There stood a MASSIVE hair bump that looked very much like the Mistress of the Dark’s own trademark beehive! Instant erection, instant masturbation while gazing at myself (which I rarely do), and very quick HUGE orgasm! Wow, does big and high hair turn me on! The only reason I didn’t recreate that styling on my own head is that I did it on a wig head/stand instead (when I was dressed blonde), and I shot my load all over the fantastic jet-black ultra-beehive creation – three times in one night! As we know, dried sperm does tend to have a sickly-sweet aroma, which can be a bit difficult to hide when friends visit. I had to get rid of the delicious concoction – but not before I wrapped the long tresses around me and hair-fucked it as best as I could, to one last orgasm!
TITS – It started sneaking my mother’s blouses, balling up another blouse each for boobs, and that was it. Then the bras I could find at stores. Yes, I bought bras at Sears (for my “Mom” or “girlfriends”), not caring what looks I got. D-cups were the biggest I could find, back then. Then later, out on my own, I had woman’s apparel catalogs sent to my apartments, including bra catalogs, which is where I got my current Glamorize 56J lovelies (in white and black). I am pleased to say they will do me the honor of each cup holding two wadded-up bath towels as “breasts”, if stretching the elastic a bit, and wearing a 6X nightie or a very stretchy top does give me the ultrabusty look and “tit-shelf” I desire. However, since we are mentioning the exxxtremes…. Once, when I vacationed in Vegas, I used 24" inflatable beachballs for tits... the valve stems made great nipples. The same 6X stretchy top had to really stretch to accommodate them. I couldn’t wear a bra underneath, obviously, and it was difficult to keep them in relative place on my chest. I suppose I could have used some folded-back on itself duct tape on my chest to keep the damned things in place if I cared enough! I actually measured this tit-creation way with a ball of twine, as best as I could, and it was right at a 120" bustline = ten feet of tits! I get so hard saying that, because of my smoking fetish... 120mm cigarettes, the exxxtra-long all whites (used to be MAX120s, now just VS120s). Anyway, it looked fucking INCREDIBLE (I wish I had bought a Polaroid camera and taken a few snapshots (this was before my first cell phone!)) I literally had to turn sideways and squeeze thru the bathroom doorway at the hotel I was staying at... and even so, halfway thru, the door jamb was pushed into my cleavage like it was trying to tit-fuck me... and that made me horny! FUCK! EVERYTHING was making me horny! I oohed and ahhed and gave into the urge, my hands on the giant “tits” rubbing them on either side of the doorjamb, making like I was tit-fucking it, like I was going to make the fucking hotel room COME! I was horny over the fact that when I laid down on my back in the bed, I couldn't see much of the room around me. I was horny that I couldn't really roll to either side, since the balls stuck out from my body so much. I really loved the EXTRA-HUGE shelf they made, and I was able to spread the long LA3000 "showgirl" style wig's wavy hair out in front of me, all over the amazing tit-shelf, just so turned-on by all the hair glistening there on my fantastically huge breasts! I got up off the bed and literally bounced around the room a bit, loving seeing the massive fake tits bounce wildly on my chest. I couldn’t SEE my cum-clitty to stroke it, but God I was stroking it well! I had am 18” double-headed dildo with me. Obviously the blouse was stretched so tightly I couldn’t get much sagginess in it, but I managed to tit-fuck myself a little bit, but the big dong was really swallowed up by the much bigger boobs. I wanted to cum, but I wanted something even more special. I reluctantly took the blouse off, and the balls floated down to the floor. I took the blouse and ball to the bathroom, and recreated the huge “rack” in the tub. I knew I couldn’t tit-fuck this huge pair with my tiny cum-clitty, but that wasn’t what I was going for. While keeping a hard grip on my she-cock, I squirted one full can of shaving cream on each “tit”, then smoothed it into a seamless white mountain on top of the already-mountainous globes. The black blouse seemed to have two basketball-sized creamy tits now! My sexy blonde hair was piled around my face, even though there was no tit-shelf to support it. I was going to have to creamy tits smother me! I took a big lungful of air, knelt beside the tub, started stroking myself fast, and plunged my face right into those cream-covered tits! I couldn’t breathe or see! I rubbed my face deeper and deeper in it, feeling my hair get entangled in the creamy goo, too! I exhaled my air and struggled to breathe but could not, as I started squirting my sperm on the bathroom tile floor! Right before I passed out, I raised my head up, still unable to see, but gasping in air! Such a strong, hard orgasm! Those lovely, huge, jamb-fucking tits had nearly smothered me to death! Just remembering it now makes my so aroused! Sadly, there was no good way to clean and reuse the beachballs, so since they were 99 cents anyway, I punctured them, washed off the shaving cream, and discarded them in the trash. The Blonde wig was going to be a loss, too, but I did save it to masturbate with later, and it did feel heavenly!
SMOKING – Hard to pin this one down. Started seeing one of my Aunts smoke, the sexy, busty one who constantly wore updo wigs. And the TV shows and movies back then when smoking was prominent. Favorite cigarettes were Max120s (blue), as I have repeatedly mentioned. I did purchase a carton (10-pack) of 10 cigarette packs of Nat Sherman MCD (164mm all-whites), when they were available. They were as large in diameter as a regular cigarette, and difficult to draw, and did not produce a decidedly thick exhale, but the look of holding something that long was exquisite! Of course I have also described my being to exhale into my own face by using 2 bendy straws, one end pinched and inserted into the other straw, so I made a U-shape. This way I could exhale into my face, which was erotic, or into the hair (again, piled on the tit-shelf) and watch the smoke slowly waft up from the jet-black hair, which is thrilling indeed. I suppose one of the most fun smokeplay experiences I have had, though, was briefly, when one girlfriend was not repulsed by my crossdressing and also smoked herself, we set up probably 30 candles of all sizes along the sides of my dining room table (about 8 feet long). In that otherwise unlighted room, she sat naked, I sat dressed, and we both smoked 120s and exhaled the smoke in the valley of semi-darkness of the table, between the light the candles gave off, at each others’ faces, taking turns, which we masturbated. The smoke looked divine flowing back and forth in the candlelight, and the small room soon had a pall of smoke which slowly hung from the ceiling. It produced a strong orgasm from me, before which I stood up, so I shot my load onto the table, in long spurts. She applauded my climax, came over and blew an exhale of smoke onto my sperm load, then pushed my head down and commanded me to lick up every drop off the lacquered wood. I did so eagerly, while she continued to exhale plume after plume onto the table and into my face. I miss that lady!
ORGASMS – One old flame and I decided to see how many orgasms we could have between us in a weekend. We took the day off from work Friday, and started one minute after midnight Friday morning, and went until the last minute of the day Sunday night, for 72 hours (minus sleeping time.) We had sex with each other and by ourselves with the other watching. We didn’t get especially fancy, we just tried to cum quick and often. We hit our goal of 100. I had 39 (yes, by the end I was “shooting blanks”, where perhaps a drop of clear liquid would ooze out, or sometimes not, but my brain registered an orgasm), so her count must have been 61. Or maybe my count was 31 and hers was 69? It was a long time ago, but I know I came 30+ times in three days.
There must be more I could write, but I can’t remember right now. If you have questions, send me a message, and perhaps there will be a second installment!
5 years ago