Where Do You Draw The Line?
I've talked with people of all different ages here and it's got me wondering about people's limitations and preferences, so I have a question for all of you:
First, tell me how old you are.
Second, when it comes to a partner, tell me your preferred age range. In other words, how old is too old for you? How young is too young? Why do you draw the line where you do? Just curious...
First, tell me how old you are.
Second, when it comes to a partner, tell me your preferred age range. In other words, how old is too old for you? How young is too young? Why do you draw the line where you do? Just curious...
13 years ago
For the social acceptance of a female partners age for a man, they found a rule: It's half the age of the man plus 8 years, So with 50 it is 25+8=33 years old would be the younget socially accepted age for my partner. I guess that's pretty accurate.
But in the end it turns out I correlate best with women 40 to 45. A woman that has seen a lot but not necessarily everything.
Friendships you can be any age, color, religion, etc. no judgement, just sincerity and enjoyment!!
What about you CuriousNewGirl?
In partners, six years is probably as far as I'd go. Too much more difference and I find we're on different life paths -- maturity level, experience, view of the world, desires out of life, etc. But it really depends on the person, because some people are very mature at 24, and others aren't even remotely so at 36!
It's a good question, but I'd say in the end it comes down entirely to the relationship and the people in it.
What about you?
and as long as they're over 18 and not older then my mom. although prefer someone close to my age so maybe round it up to 20 to say 35 for me
I find a 5 years age grap each way perferred range. But no more than 10 years. With that been said everycase is different. You might have women that like younger men or vise versa.
Age is just a number. There are so many things that makes a relationship work. It's a friendship and a bond.
My only limit would be a legal one, cause I like people,it's a mind thing, not an age issue. And from Sauna I know some very hot looking 60 Year old ladies. As a partner i would prefer same age plus-minus 5 years, as otherwise the targets and expectations in life are to different.
Yes I like to fantasize about being with hot, young 20-somethings (and sometimes it happens!), but when it comes to sex I find women in their 30s and 40s fantastic in bed. So I guess you could say that's my preferred age range. Having said that, I rarely turn down the opportunity to have sex