A white boi in a world Dominated by Big Black Cock
I didn't choose to be born a white boi with a tiny inadequate inferior little pre ejaculating sissy clit for a penis. Evolution decided this for me. I denied the fact that I was inferior to Superior Black Men for years and years. Guess my ego got In the way of logical thinking. But I learned that no matter how much I fought it the world went on without me. You see I realized it didn't matter what I thought or how I felt. It is all around us. Women have woken up like never before and realize they deserve to be sexually satisfied and Black Men are capable of providing all that us white boi's are incapable of. If you truly love your woman but are incapable of satisfying her then you are doing a huge injustice to her if you do not give her the freedom to express herself sexually and have the best sex possible. Us white boi's can't provide that. Women Deserve Better, Much Better. I accept my place as an inferior sissy white boi who is dedicated to serving and worshipping All women and Any Superior Black Man they may choose to make them happy.
6 years ago
signed...a sissy white faggot who knows his place is on his knees or all fours