Threesome sex - Story 7

Some days just go from bad to worse and today was definitely one of those days.

It started way too early with my phone ringing because my mother doesn't understand how time zones work. I avoid talking to her whenever possible so I didn't answer. That's when the text messages started. I shouldn't read those either, but I have no self-control. I mean she's my mother, what if there's something wrong with her? What if she's really calling to make sure I'm okay for once?

There was nothing wrong with her and she wasn't calling to check on me. Then I had a crap assignment with a jackass manager who thought hiring an admin meant playing grab ass in a construction trailer. I reported him to the agency, but that still means I didn't work today. Thankfully, Mike isn't making me pay rent, but my student loans, credit cards, insurance, and car payment all still have to be paid. I need to find a permanent position if I have any hope of getting back on my feet and I need to do that. I'm getting way too attached to Mike. After the revelations I had in that sex club I'm doing my damnedest to be objective about him but it's nearly impossible. I tell myself it's just sex it doesn't mean anything and then I catch myself daydreaming about an actual relationship. It's stupid. Even worse it's reckless. I'm going to get my heart broken, that much is certain the question now is how bad is it going to be.

Thankfully, getting home early means I'll have the house to myself for a few hours. Which gives me a chance to be in the right frame of mind when Mike comes home. Not an emotional train wreck.

Too bad he came home early too.

"What's wrong?" He asks as soon as he sees me.

"Nothing." I smile and immediately turn off the tv. I'm not crying because I don't cry. So, I'm not sure how he knows there's something wrong. He sits down beside me and levels that piercing gaze on me. Man, that look makes me feel like he can see right through me.

"You can tell me."

"What makes you think there's anything wrong?"

"You're wearing sweats." I immediately look at my legs, my knees are pulled up. He's right, I am wearing sweats I put them on when I got home and took my work clothes off.

"You're balled up on the couch." Mike continued, "You're watching a zombie movie. You hate zombie movies. So, what's the deal? Period? Do you need chocolate? Wine? A heating pad?" I can't help but laugh at that. I've never met a guy that wanted to be helpful with a period, most just disappear.

"Thank you, but no. I'm on long-term birth control. No periods."

"Wow, that's nice I guess."

"It's very nice."

"So, what's up?"

"I just had a crappy day, no biggie."

"Gimme a foot." He put his hand out but I'm not sure what he means. Still, I hesitantly put my foot in his hand. He pulled my sock off and began rubbing the arch. It felt really good I just wasn't sure why he was doing it. Was this leading to a foot fetish interlude? I hope so.

"Tell me about your day." His magic fingers are magic on feet too because it feels really really good. I can't resist turning more and relaxing back against the armrest on the couch.

"My mom is getting married." I blurted it out completely forgetting that it might bother him to hear about her. But he continued rubbing my foot without faltering.

"Isn't she already married?"

"Divorced last year."

"I haven't met this new guy, don't care to, but she called and texted and basically demanded that I be there for the wedding."

"Maybe she just wants you to be a bridesmaid or something."

"Yeah right, she has an angle she always does." I hate that her antics bother me so much, I'm an adult, I should be over it but I'm not.

"Yeah, probably."

"Did she... hurt you badly?" He looked surprised by the question and I guess he would be, it's kind of weird for me to be asking.

"No. I... I knew what I was getting into with her." I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I'm not sure I should question it.

"I think yours is still her longest marriage to date. Which I guess isn't surprising because her taste in men is... awful and you're actually a decent guy." Mike didn't say anything he just reached for my other foot and pulled the sock off. "I... I wouldn't have made it through my teen years if it wasn't for you. I know that and you should know that I really appreciate that and I regret the trouble I caused you."

"You didn't cause me any trouble and I didn't do anything extraordinary. You're tough and self-sufficient you survived your upbringing on your own. I'm glad I made things a little easier for you but it's your accomplishment."

"What accomplishment." I huffed, "I can't talk to her and yet I can't not talk to her. As much as I want to I can't tell her to fuck off. I still have this delusion that she gives a shit. I can't block her because what if she actually calls to see how I am. What if she actually remembers my birthday once." I can't believe I just spewed all that! I clamp my hand over my mouth to stop the flow of words but Mike just smiles at me.

"It's normal to want her approval. You've done a damn good job of distancing yourself from her example. Otherwise, you wouldn't have made it through college. You would have been married and divorced by now. Be proud of the woman that you are because you're amazing."

His words make me warm. My friends don't understand my weird love-hate relationship I have with her but he does. He sees a hell of a lot more than I ever gave him credit for. He's seeing a lot more now and I'm not sure that's a good thing. This is supposed to be about sex I need to keep it that way.

"You're a great listener, Dr. Montgomery." His eyebrows go up, and my foot slides lower. "I just don't know what this uncontrollable attraction I have to men in positions of authority is. I mean my professors, my supervisors... Doctors." I sit forward a little and rub my foot along his cock. It's starting to grow behind his slacks.

"Why don't you tell me what exactly it is you find yourself doing with these men."

"When I see them I just want to take my clothes off. I can't stop thinking about taking their dicks in my hands. I want their cum all over my tits I want them to fuck me doggy style and then come all over my ass." He's fully engorged now, he feels good against my foot. "What do you think Doctor, it must be some kind of mental defect to want your cum all over me right? Oh, I mean their cum."

"I don't think it's a mental defect at all just a sign of healthy sexuality. Have you tried acting out your fantasy?"

"Of course. How else would I have gotten an A in microeconomics?"

Mike laughed at that but I notice that he's now holding my foot against his cock, directing my movements.

"I was thinking maybe I should act out my fantasy with someone else. Maybe a professional that can make sure it's a normal fantasy and not a mental defect."

"That sounds like a very reasonable plan."

"Oh good, I was hoping you would think so." I sit up and sweep my shirt over my head. My bra quickly follows.

"Do my breasts look normal to you doctor? Maybe you should examine them."

"I'm not that kind of doctor."

"I think you should give me a very thorough examination, Doctor. Just to be sure there's nothing wrong with me. Maybe it's a physical affliction that's made me fuck every one of my professors... twice."

"I suppose there could be a physical cause." Mike reaches up and takes hold of my waistband and pulls my sweats down and then off."

"No panties, Ms. Carmichael?"

"When I wear them they're always wet."

Mike leans over me running his nose over my lower stomach. "You smell very enticing, no defect there. Spread your legs for me." Those words send a shudder through me. But my knees part immediately. He licks very slowly in three long swipes. "You taste delicious, no defect there." He slides two of his magic fingers into me and I can't suppress a moan. He moves his fingers against my g-spot and sucks my clit and I cum immediately.

"Hmm that seems to be an overactive orgasm response, this may be the problem."

"What should I do about it?"

"Have more orgasms, as many as possible." He begins licking my clit again making me squirm from the sensitivity.

"But Doctor I already have so many orgasms" I pant.

"In that case maybe a little orgasm denial is in order." His fingers backed off and his tongue circled around my clit not touching it. "Maybe It would help if I just work you up and up until you beg to come."

"Whatever you think is best doctor."

"Why don't you show me exactly what it is that you do to these men to make them cover you in cum." He stood and stripped off his clothes.

"What can you tell me about foot fetishes doctor?" Mike smiles and reaches for my foot.

"A fascination with feet or items that pertain to feet." He lifts my foot and puts his mouth over my big toe and sucks and I gasp. It's an odd sensation but it shoots sensation straight to my pussy, just like when he sucks my nipples. He moves down licking and sucking every one of my toes and I'm panting before he's even finished.

"Wow, that's... fantastic." He grinned and repeated the entire process, then took my other foot and did the same. I hope he wasn't serious about the orgasm denial because I'm really close to coming just from what he's doing to my toes.

"How do I make you come with my feet?"

He helps me sit up and move to the ottoman. My knees are bent and butterflied out to the side with the bottom of my feet together. Mike dribbles some lube on my feet and the holds them while he slides his cock in between. It feels really good. Mike's cock rubbing against my arches, but it seems wrong. I'm not doing it, he's just using my feet.

"Okay, doc I think I got it." Mike stops stroking his cock on my feet and releases them. I'm pretty flexible and my feet are pretty limber so I think I can do a better job.

Holding his cock up with my feet I lay over and suck the head of his cock.

"Mmm. Strawberry." I murmur against his cock. He switched to the flavored stuff after I told him I liked it. He groans and I know I'm on the right track. Sucking just the head while stroking with my feet. Unfortunately, this isn't the most comfortable position. I sit up and move back a little so I can actually use my toes. The slippery lube makes my toes slide easily and my red toenails make the visual pretty hot too. This is a lot more fun than a hand job and Mike seems to be enjoying it too. At least until he abruptly pulls away.

"Up on your knees." He barks and I quickly roll over and he penetrates me from behind in one hard push that makes me cry out. He doesn't hit my g-spot in this position it feels really good but I need him to touch my clit if I'm going to come. I reach to do it myself and he bats my hand away. I try again and he pushes me away again and delivers a sharp slap to my ass that makes me gasp. God, I love when he spanks me. Even the initial pain isn't all that painful anymore.

"What did I tell you? You have to wait. Let it build. I'll let you come when you beg." I want to come but the idea of begging, even in character leaves me a little cold. Mike puts his hand over the warm stinging spot on my ass and just leaves it there. Not hitting me again just letting his hand ride there while he rocks into me and it is unbelievable. I can't focus on anything but his hand. I want him to slap me again while at the same time I hope he doesn't. It's driving me crazy. Making my body pulse and tingle.

"Please make me come Dr. Montgomery," I cry out and he abruptly pulls out. He sits down on the couch and pulls me over to straddle him. He holds his cock up allowing me to impale myself and as soon as I slide down, the head of his cock runs right over my g-spot. And he knows it. He holds my waist controlling the depth and pressure of his cock.

"Why is it only men of authority Ms. Carmichael? Do you enjoy turning them into a quivering mass of need? Or do you enjoy the degradation, having them come on you, mark you?

"Mark me, yes please." I pant gripping Mike's shoulders. He alters his angle slightly targeting my G-spot and I come and just keep coming because he's not letting up at all. Finally, he lifts me just enough for his cock to slip free and it slaps against my mound and spurts milky fluid between us. I lean over just in time to suck the last few drops from his cock. He tastes like cum, and me, and strawberry lube. I rub his cum into my skin while I lay my head on his shoulder and he tugs me closer.

"What do you think Doctor. Is my nymphomania a mental defect?"

"I think you should probably see a ther****t about that, I'm an optometrist. But your eyes are very healthy."

I tried not to laugh but I couldn't hold it. I laughed and Mike laughed. I laughed until my eyes watered and still I couldn't stop. Erupting in giggles every time I thought I was done.

"Are you hungry?" He asked at last. I'm starving. I really didn't eat anything today. "Chicken Piccata?"

"Mmm, my favorite." I murmur against his neck.

"I know." He turns his head and kisses my forehead. "Why don't you go clean up and put on something that doesn't say back the fuck off and I'll start it."

"If it said back the fuck off you didn't listen very well."

"Yeah, it's a character flaw."

A quick shower is the easiest but I don't know what to wear. I'm seriously tempted to go down there naked. If sweats say back the fuck off, then naked has to say take me now, right?

I don't go down naked just because I'm pretty sure he'd make me stay that way and I don't want to sit on a bar stool and eat dinner in the buff. So, I put on a pair of really short loose shorts and a light pink T-shirt that clings to my breasts. No underwear of course and I don't bother with a bra. We are definitely not finished tonight I need a little revenge for making me beg.

Mike is standing at the sink when I come down. He changed too he's got jeans on and a tight black T-shirt that looks really good stretched over his broad shoulders. I'm a little surprised that he put jeans on though unless he's planning to leave again.

"Hey, smells good. What's with the jeans?" I reach into the fridge for a bottle of wine as he turns.

"It's not Mike." My breath catches and I take a step back. He is nearly identical. Tall, well built, same dark eyes, hell even the same hairstyle but there are some differences. This man doesn't have any gray in his hair at all. He doesn't have little laugh lines by his eyes and his face is covered in dark stubble.

"Liam." I don't know what to say, I really wish I had my sweats back now. Or better would be a skirt and some heels, a full contingent of makeup. That's my battle armor. "I uh... I thought you were your dad." I look around, but Mike is nowhere to be found. Thankfully, all the evidence of our recent tryst is gone as well.

"I get that a lot," he said dryly.

"I bet. You uh... want some wine?" I'm still holding the bottle might as well offer.

"I'm good." He indicated a beer on the counter.

"K." I move to the cabinet where the wine glasses are because I have to do something I can't believe how off balance I feel.

"So how long have you been screwing my dad?"

I sigh and close my eyes because I know he can't see. I knew I was going to need that armor. "I'm just borrowing the guest room."

"Right, so it was some other hot blond getting fucked on the couch a little while ago?"

"I really couldn't say." I'm not looking at him. Pouring my wine instead.

"Don't worry about it, Jen. Liam and I are on the same page when it comes to sex." Mike's arrival in the kitchen makes me feel a lot better.

"Used to be," Liam grumbled.

I take my wine and slip the bottle back in the fridge. "I'm gonna go and let you guys catch up."

"Stay, dinner is almost ready." The words are a reminder that I'm starving.

"OK, I'll just go put some more clothes on then."

"Don't." Mike turns and steps toward me, "You look great." He slips a hand over my hip and drops a light kiss on my lips. "Liam is going to be nice, aren't you, Liam?" There is a subtle command in his voice and I know it's directed at both of us.

"Sure," Liam muttered but it didn't sound very convincing. Still, the kiss makes me feel better. Like I'm legitimate.

Out of options, I sit on the bar stool with my wine. And watch them. It's remarkable how alike they are. They don't just look like father and son, they look like a mirror image of the same person. They are exactly the same size, they move the same. They even sound the same. It might be creepy if they weren't both so hot. Liam was like a slightly rougher version of Mike. In his jeans and work-boots where Mike is in slacks and loafers.


"Hmm?" I realize a second too late that Mike asked me a question. While I was daydreaming.

"I said do you want some more wine?"

"Oh, yes please." I hold out the glass while he pours and he catches my eye.

"Okay?" He asks pointedly and I know what he's asking but he did a great job of cheering me up earlier so I'm over my little pity party.

"I'm good, thank you." He smiles at me before moving away to check the chicken.

"So, Jenny, how's the degree going? Art History, right? Or was that the one you dropped out of?" Liam holds my gaze while he takes a swig of his beer. I hate it when he calls me Jenny and he knows it. Though at least he didn't say it with the Forrest Gump inflection like he used to, Jen-nay. Of course, the art history comment was just to bait me as well but I'm not taking it.

"Finished actually, though I was never an art history major. I graduated with honors with a Bachelors in Business Administration and a minor in Construction Technology."

"Who'd you have to screw for that."

"Liam." There is a warning in Mike's voice but neither of us relents.

"Sallie Mae did the screwing."

I see a smirk play around the corner of Liam's mouth but he hides it with his beer.

"I thought your mom paid your tuition?" Mike is frowning at me as if I had told him that but I know I didn't.

"Nope. She paid for my first semester. But she refused after that. So, I transferred to a state college that was cheaper, and filed for financial aid. Then I had to file for emancipation even though I was over eighteen because she wouldn't sign for financial aid. Set me back a year but I worked my ass off and made it up."

I met Liam's eyes daring him to belittle the accomplishment. But this time he stayed quiet.

"Some people never change," Liam muttered.

"And some people do. Namely me. I'm not the same person I was at fifteen so I'd appreciate it if you gave me the chance to make you hate the person I am now."

Mike laughed and then coughed to try to cover it as he put plates on the table. "Let's eat."

The first few minutes of the meal passed in silence. But it was clearly still bugging Liam because he finally spoke up.

"Age has nothing to do with it. You're still responsible for your actions."

"What actions? I never did anything to you that you didn't do to me. You dyed my hair pink!"

"You shaved my eyebrows."

"Only one." I defended trying not to laugh.

"This is all ancient history it's time to move on," Mike said calmly like the voice of reason but neither of us was listening to reason.

"I'm so glad you find this amusing I'm sure you thought it was hilarious when you put Ben Gay in my cup."

I'd completely forgotten about that. Liam was a Pitcher on his college baseball team and I put Ben Gay around the edge of his cup after he packed it for an away series. I felt justified at the time but I didn't find it funny now.

"You know I had to play the whole game like that? I missed the next two games in the series and spent a week icing my balls."

"I don't think it's funny actually. I'd forgotten about that. It was over the line and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you pain."
"Yeah right. Like there would be any other reason for Ben Gay."

I'm really trying not to let him get to me but his self-righteousness pisses me off. "Are you serious? I got the idea from you! You put it in my tampons! The whole box! That goes inside my body! You could have killed me! If you washed your jock strap and cup once in a while you would have been fine."

"I couldn't wash them, we were on a winning streak!" That I did laugh at. He glared at me but even he had to admit it was stupid and he broke and huffed a laugh.

"Shut-up, it's a thing." He grumbled. He was quiet and I felt bad. I really didn't want to have this weird rivalry between us.

"Look, I said I was sorry, I really don't know what else you want me to do. If I could go back and change it I would, but I can't." I really was sorry, I felt really bad for causing him that much pain. "I am sorry, it was a stupid thing to do. A stupid prank."

Liam reached for his beer and took a swig. He didn't look appeased at all. If it were anyone else, or another time and place I might offer to kiss it better, but that wasn't really an option now. Or at least I thought it wasn't.

"Maybe a spanking is in order." Mike was leaning against the counter in the kitchen. I didn't really notice when he gave up trying to referee. But now I looked at him wide-eyed.

"What?" I looked at Liam and he looked just as shocked.

"He's obviously not going to just let it go, you two need some kind of outlet. I'd suggest mud wrestling but I'm fresh out of the mud."

"So, you think the solution is for him to hit me?" I'm pretty shocked that he would even suggest that.

"Not hit you, spank you. I would never let him hurt you, Kitten. We both know what spanking does to you." Liam looks at me immediately and I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks.

"What does spanking do to you?" Liam has a smile playing around the corner of his mouth now.

I'm glaring at Mike now. No way in hell am I answering. Mike is holding my gaze but he doesn't relent. So, I look back at Liam and smile. "Maybe I could just kiss it better for you."

Liam's brows go up and he shifts on his bar stool. He looks back at his dad and shrugs. "You know I'm always game for anything you want me to do."

It's funny now that the option to fuck me is on the table he doesn't seem nearly as pissed. Obviously, Mike knew exactly what he was doing. I look at Mike and he's still watching me. When he catches me looking he smiles.

"You said you liked the idea of a threesome with another guy. Liam and I work very well together."

I can't say I'm not attracted to Liam. He looks way too much like his dad and this is definitely the closest I'll ever get to a threesome with Mike and his clone.

"Do I get to spank him? He started all the prank stuff to begin with."

"Absolutely, though I should tell you giving spankings turns him on a whole lot more than receiving them. And I have a feeling that being on the receiving end does a lot more for you."

"Do you like it barehanded or with something." Liam's eyes are glittering with excitement now and he looks so much like Mike that it excites me too.

"Down boy, I never said I was going to let you spank me. I never said I was going to let you do anything." I glare at Liam but when I look back at Mike he's walking toward me.

"Spread your legs for me, Kitten." My legs open immediately and I know I've lost this battle. His fingers are a smooth glide and he smiles. "You're very turned on, Kitten."

"You always turn me on." My voice is a whisper.

"I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't know you would enjoy it."

His fingers are still inside me moving, but not moving where I need them to. This has to be a persuasion technique and it's working because I'm about ready to start humping his hand.

"Okay," I whisper and he kisses me but then he removes his hand.

"Aren't you gonna?"

"Nope, it will be better if you wait."

"I think you should make me cum now and then again after I wait."

"Oh really?" There is an unsettling look in Mike's eyes and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. "This is your show, Kitten. You want to come as many times as possible?" Of course, I want to come as many times as possible, so why do I feel like this is a trick question?

"Y-yes." I'm a little hesitant but Mike smiles and that makes me feel a little better.

"Anything else?"

"I want you to come on my skin," I whisper the last, too embarrassed to look at Liam.

"No problem. Take your clothes off, Kitten." I quickly stand and drop my loose shorts and pull my t-shirt over my head. Since I'm not wearing a bra or panties I'm done.

"You're so gorgeous," Mike says and runs his tongue up my neck to my earlobe. He nudged me back onto the stool and then moved behind me his hands cup my breasts and his thumbs sweep over the very sensitive nipples.

Liam hasn't moved, but now the way I'm sitting has me looking straight at him. He's watching everything and it's embarrassing. My knees tighten and Mike whispers for me to spread my legs and of course I do. His finger circles my clit spreading my cream.

"Liam." With that one word, he's on his feet and approaching me. He doesn't need any further instructions. His hands run slowly up my thighs, his hands are rougher and more calloused than Mike's but it feels good. Mike's hand moved back to my breast where he starts toying with the nipple again, squeezing them both harder. Liam moves his work-roughened fingertips to my pussy. He circles my clit and then slides his two middle fingers deep.

"Ah Jen, you feel like hot satin. Is she always this creamy?"


"I can't wait to put my dick in there."

"Do it." I gasp. This is going way too slow for me.

"Impatient little thing aren't you!" He moves his fingers a little deeper and I know what he's doing. Exactly what his dad does. He finds my g-spot and rubs my clit at the same time and I'm coming. I moan and Liam grins.

"I love a good noisemaker." He runs his hand over my thigh and groans. "Jen, your skin is so beautiful, so perfect I want to mark it so bad."

"No bruises," Mike warned and my heart rate kicked up.

"Of course not, I'll be gentle."


"Whatever you want sweetheart. Have you ever had a belt?" He unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled it free from his belt-loops. It was erotic and terrifying. Mike pinched my nipples and my excitement increased.

"I uh I don't know if I'm there yet."

"Don't worry, you will be." He looped the belt in his hands holding onto the ends. His forearm tendons bulged and I knew I would let him use it on me.

"I know what you're thinking," Mike whispered.

"I doubt that," I whisper back and Liam laughs.

"Strip." Mike directs Liam before he moves to the ottoman. He opened it and takes out nearly everything inside. It's lube and sex toys and an assortment of items he might need. I wondered where he put all that stuff but I'm shocked to see it all stored in the ottoman. Before I can ask if that's really the best place, Liam grabs the bottom of his shirt with crossed arms and pulls it over his head. His cut abs flex and twist and I forget about the ottoman completely. His chest looks a lot like Mike's except he has tattoos. There is a tattoo ringing his left bicep and another on his right peck. I think I saw one on the back of his shoulder but I'm not sure.

"Like what you see?" He teased.

"Yeah, don't you?"

"Definitely." He glanced over at his dad and sucked in a deep breath. "Listen, I forgot about the tampon thing. You're right that could have hurt you. I was a dumb ass, I didn't know about toxic shock syndrome back then. So I'm sorry too."

"Are you only sorry because you want to fuck me?"

"No." He made a face and smiled, "Eh maybe ten percent because I want to fuck you."

I have to laugh because I appreciate the honesty. His fingers run lightly up my bare thigh and goosebumps follow in in their wake.

Mike is unbuttoning his shirt as he comes back and Liam steps away to take off his boots and jeans.

Mike's shirt is hanging open again. I love that look on him. "If you wore less clothes you'd already be naked. Let's make a no pants rule for you."

Mike grinned and leaned in and kissed me long and slow. "Do you trust me, Kitten?"


"As of right now you don't make any more decisions." I'm not sure what that means so I frown and he runs his thumb under my lower lip. "Trust me to make sure you're taken care of."

"But... so I can't... like... tell you to stop?"

"Do you think you'll want me to stop?"

He had a point of course, but it was still scary. I looked over at Liam, he was naked now, partially turned away from me but he had that belt in his hand.

"Liam is going to do exactly what I tell him to. We won't hurt you but we are going to drive you out of your mind with pleasure. You might think you want us to stop but you don't. Spread your legs, Kitten."

I spread and he slides his fingers into me. "You're going to love knowing you can scream and fight as hard as you want and we're still going to fuck you. Imagine me holding you down, holding your legs wide while I drive my cock in. While I come all over your beautiful tits. It's exciting, isn't it?"

It really was. Just imagining made me wetter and he knew because his fingers were deep inside my cunt gently stroking my g-spot.

Mike put his lips against my ear and ran his tongue all the way around it. "I'm going to fuck you till you scream, Liam is going to fuck you till you scream, and together we're going to make you purr like a Kitten." He urges me off the stool and leads me to the living room. I know this is my last chance to change my mind. If I refuse right now I could probably get out of it, but I know how he gets. I know once we get started it won't stop. It's terrifying and thrilling.

Liam is laying on his back on the ottoman with his knees up. His cock is only about half hard but it looks like he's pretty evenly matched with his dad there too. I can't believe I'm about to do this. My heart is pounding, but I'm so excited.

"What are you doing?" I ask Liam because he's just laying there like he has all day.

"I'm waiting for you to come and sit on my face, Princess." He grinned up at me and I can't help but laugh.


Mike directs me putting a knee on either side of Liam's head. I've never actually sat on anyone's face before. This is a really embarrassing position. I can feel the heat of a flush and that's when Mike tweaks my nipple. The unexpected pain catches me off guard and I gasp and flinch away.

"Get out of your head, Kitten. You're going to like this and it's happening either way." He smiled and kissed my surprised lips. "Now, I think you promised him a kiss right? Let me just pull your hair back." Liam's cock is fully erect now, bobbing against his stomach. This is more of a 69 position. I can handle that. I can feel Liam's tongue running up and down the inside of my thigh waiting for me to move down. Mike is right I have to get out of my head. I really want to do this and yet I'm not acting like it. As soon as Mike is done pulling my hair into a messy bun I reach down and touch Liam. I run my hands down his washboard stomach slowly to his hips.

"Damn, you guys are direct descendants of a Greek god somewhere I think." I sigh and feel Liam's chuckle. I lick the head of his cock where it's laying on him and he lets out a hiss. I have to admit I like noise makers too. Apparently, he was waiting for me because his mouth clamps over my pussy and I feel his tongue drive deep.

"Mmm." His voice vibrates against me. "She even tastes creamy."

Determined to give as good as I get I focus on the cock in front of me. I don't know how Liam likes it but I know how his dad likes it, so I take him deep. He tastes different than Mike, similar but different. I enjoy the dichotomy of giving and receiving pleasure at the same time. I don't know why I don't do this position more.

Liam's hands are busy mapping my body. Sliding all over before settling on my breasts. He's toying with my nipples so when I feel someone's hands on my ass I know whose they are. Just a single touch from him sends excitement racing through my body.

He caresses me running his hands all over before his fingers slide into me. Liam has moved down concentrating his efforts on my clit. Mike moves his fingers but then I feel his cock pushing into me. I whimper around Liam's cock because it feels so good and I'm so excited. There are two cocks inside me right now. I'm having a threesome with the two hottest guys I know. It's surreal but so exciting that my orgasm races through me. I moan and both men do as well. I can feel Liam's tongue lapping at my cream and I know his tongue has to be touching his dad's cock, his dad! This is so hot is overwhelming. I suck harder on Liam's cock and squeeze my inner muscles. As if by some unspoken command Liam pinches both my nipples and Mike breaches my ass with his thumb. At least I think it's his thumb. I gasp around Liam's cock as my orgasm rebounds and pulses through me again. I am really sucking hard on Liam now because I need the distraction. Mike's fingers are fucking my ass with the same tempo that his dick is fucking my pussy. Liam is sucking my clit and fingering my nipples. I'm overloaded and my body is starting to shake. Just as I start to think I won't be able to take all the pleasure Liam taps my shoulder as soon as I pull him out of my mouth he starts to cum this is not a good position for him to come on me so I put my mouth back over him and swallow it. Licking away what dribbled down the side.

"God that's good." Liam groaned against my clit, making me squirm. I feel lube dribbling down my ass crack, I know what comes next now. I feel the plug as he pushes it in, it feels bigger than last time but that might be because I'm more on edge. The plug likely means he's going to fuck me in the ass. Or they both will. Or one of them will be in my ass while one is in my pussy. Mike is still inside me but my arousal is faltering. Mike pulls out and I can feel his hot cum on the top of my ass. His hands run over my ass slowly massaging his cum into my skin. Finally, he moves away and helps me up. The plug is pretty uncomfortable. It makes me want to walk bow-legged.

"Ugh Mike, that thing is really uncomfortable, can you take it out?"

"You'll be thankful for it later, Kitten."


"We're not done. Not by a long shot." Liam laughed sitting up on the ottoman. I watch Mike take a pill from a bottle and then toss the bottle to Liam.

"What's that?"

"Little blue pill," Liam said before swallowing it down.

"I didn't know you took those?" I directed the statement to Mike.

"I don't normally."

"Just on rare occasions when you want to come as many times as humanly possible." Liam chimed in.


"Cuts the recovery time, princess."

"Oh, I need my wine." I walked to the kitchen but it was really more of a tiptoe because this thing in my ass wouldn't let me walk like a normal person. I downed the wine and then watched them for a moment. They were catching their breath preparing for round two. I don't know what round two is going to be but they do. I can't even sit down and wait because I can't sit. I definitely need a minute. I slip into the half bath behind the kitchen and lock the door. I put one foot up on the toilet and tug out the plug and toss it in the sink. That is so much better. That thing was definitely bigger than last time.

I wash my face with cold water but it doesn't help at all. Mike is right, I need to get out of my head but how? Why am I freaking out about this? I've loved every single interlude I've had with him up till now and some of them were kind of extreme. Like the first time, he fucked my ass that was amazing and he... He spanked me. I didn't have a chance to worry because he did it when I was drunk on the pain-pleasure overload.

I should have had them spank me first, but I can't just walk out there and ask, that's not the same at all.

Then it hits me. He knew this was going to happen, or at least he knew it could happen. He warned me. He said I could scream and fight. How is it that he knows me better than I do? Already I feel better I feel in control again. As the panic eases I can feel the arousal start to return. Now I just need to figure out the right character. To get him right where I need him. I look through the bathroom cabinets for inspiration and find a fluffy white bathrobe. I've never seen mike wear anything remotely like this but it will work. I've barely got the belt tied when I hear Mike's voice through the door.

"Jen, you okay." No, I'm extremely nervous. But I can't say that. So, I jerk the door open and Mike steps back in surprise.

"I'm fine." I walk past him and head back to the kitchen.

"What's up?" He's following close behind me.

"Nothing." I pour another glass of wine and take a big gulp.

"What's this?" He tugs playfully on the front of my too big robe. I shove his hand away and he frowns his dark brows dropping. "What's up?" He says again.

"I'm getting out of my own head." My voice sounds almost pleading and I hate it. I need my brain and my body to believe this or it won't work. Mike's chin lifts a fraction and I recognize the look in his eyes. He reaches for the robe again and I bat his hand away again.

"Now that you're back, let's get started." He reaches for the robe again and I dodge but he manages to get ahold of the belt. He tugs but I tug back and the belt slips free. I move toward the living room and my escape which is the staircase.

"Is there a problem?" Liam looks confused but I really can't help that.

"Nope, no problem." I start for the stairs but Mike cuts me off blocking access to the stairs. "Get out of my way." I glare at him.

"Not going to happen, you're not going anywhere, Naughty Girl."

My arousal surges with the pet name, it means he's with me but I don't let my brain linger on that I can't.

"You're not going to spank me." I glare at him and look at Liam, "you're not going to spank me."

"No problem," Liam says wide-eyed.

"Not only am I going to spank you, I'm going to fuck your sweet ass and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

"Dad?" I can hear the concern in Liam's voice but I ignore it and turn and run for the back door. He knew what I was going to do because I don't even make it two steps. God, he's strong. There's no give at all in his strong arms. He lifts me right off my feet so I scream and kick careful not to kick near his unprotected dick. He carried me screaming and squirming to the couch and flops me onto it. Coming down on top of me. His body pressing me down onto the cushions. It feels amazing, so much better to be powerless than to overthink everything.

"Dad stop!" Liam barks and I feel bad for scaring him.

"Don't worry son. If she needed your help she'd ask for it. She just needs to fight me."

"Get off me!" I growl trying to lift him off but I've got no chance of moving him.

"Don't worry, Kitten, I'll get you off." He sucked my earlobe, "Over and over and over." A small whimper escapes me and I turn my head toward the back of the couch.

"Need some help with those arms?" Liam asks, apparently satisfied that his dad hasn't lost his mind.

"Yes, hold tight she's stronger than she looks. Must be all that tie-bo." I smile at the quip even as I prepare to fight again.

Unfortunately, Liam is pretty damn strong too and he manages to not only get my arms out from under me but also gets the robe sleeves off. So now Mike is laying on me skin to skin. His cock is riding in the crack of my ass and he's slowly stroking up and down. The man definitely knows how to turn me on.

"I need some forearm cuffs and a wedge," Mike grumbled.

"Do you have them?"

"No, but I damn sure will next time. You got her arms."

"Yeah." It was surreal listening to them talk about me like I wasn't there but it was also a turn on. Even the cool leather pulling against my nipples was turning me on. Mike lifted up and I tried to fight but it was no use. Mike's legs were holding mine down behind the knees and Liam was pinning my arms. I feel Mike's hands on my ass and brace myself for him to spank me but he doesn't. Instead, he pushes down on me and spreads the cheeks and then I feel his cock pushing into my pussy. I'm not in a good position, it's super tight but it feels oh so good. I can't resist moaning into the couch. I'm so worked up from the fight that I come after only a few strokes.

"Ah, that's a good little naughty girl, milk my cock." Mike groaned, then just as my orgasm subsided he let go of my ass and slapped it first on one side and then on the other. My entire body tensed and convulsed as I orgasmed again hard. I couldn't move anything in my body there was nothing to dispel the energy my cunt pulsed hard and I bucked but Mike was holding me down so it just pulsed again. I screamed into the couch.

"Holy shit." I've never felt anything like that. Mike panted, "You still with us, Kitten?" I groaned into the couch and he chuckled. I feel a hand on my ass in the stinging place where Mike just slapped and I know it's Liam. I try to get my hands free but apparently, it only takes him one hand to hold me this tightly because my arms don't budge. His hand runs to the other spot and then he slaps me too! I wasn't expecting it. So I gasp and tense again. It doesn't trigger an orgasm this time but Mike groans.

"Hell, you need to be here when you do that. It feels unbelievable."

He slapped the other side and I jerked again and whimpered. The burn is spreading and tingling to my pussy, but with Mike's cock in there it's pulsing and throbbing and it feels so good and so not enough. I need him to move. If I can get free I can move myself, so I struggle again but it's no use, neither of them has loosened at all.

"Move, please move." I moan into the couch and both men chuckle. Mike draws out slowly and Liam slaps low across both my ass cheeks before Mike surges back in again. That is enough to push me over again and once again I buck and get nowhere.

"Damn this is fun, I think she's coming on nearly every stroke." Mike stroked in and out again.

"I think I have some rope. We can tie these arms and we'll only have her legs to contend with."

"Good rope?"

"Yeah brand new silk rope, let me go check, you got her?" Mike leaned over me to grasp my arms which pushed his dick deeper and made me moan again.

"You look so fucking hot, you feel so fucking good." He said into my ear pressing kisses along the back of my shoulder. He gently brushed my hair back out of my face. "You should have seen Liam's face when I spanked you. I thought he was going to come on your back right then. He's a walking hard-on."

His whispered words are erotic. The idea that I have both of these men so turned on is erotic. Mike flexes his hips causing his cock to move just a bit. It feels so good. Not enough but so good.

"It's not enough is it? You want me hard and deep don't you, Naughty girl? I thought it would be hard and deep but I'm enjoying this more I think. I don't know how you manage to make me want you more every single time we have sex."

My breath hitches at those words but before I can figure out how to respond, Liam is back.

"Got the rope, and look I had a wedge too."

"Perfect." Mike shifts again moving back. His cock shifts inside me. Sending a new flood of moisture. I know Mike can feel it because he strokes in and out again.

"I also brought a crop and a paddle... just in case."

"Oh, I think she'll like the crop. Right on the inner thigh, damn I tingle just thinking how hard she'll come." They're talking about me again but it doesn't even seem odd anymore. I feel them winding the rope around my arms. I've always hated the idea of being tied but now I want it. I'm still fighting but only because it feels so good.

"She looks good in ropes." I'm not even sure who said it. They sound so similar. Mike draws out of me and I groan both from the feeling and from the disappointment.

"Before we put the wedge under her come over here and try this." Mike is still holding my legs down so when I feel hands on my burning ass I know they're Liam's. He pushes inside in one smooth thrust and we both groan.

"You feel so good." I buck and squirm just to give him a reason to do what we both want and he doesn't disappoint me. One sharp slap on the outside of my left ass cheek. It stings and burns and makes my pussy throb.

"Holy Hell," Liam says and spanks me again and I gasp. I wasn't expecting that. The slap was on my ass cheek on the same side. It feels uneven and I really want him to do the other side. I pull against the ropes but they don't budge. Mike is still holding my legs down pushing against him doesn't do me any good either. Liam knows I need him to move he's just toying with me. Finally, he draws out in a weird back and forth seesaw that makes my hair stand. When he's down to just the head of his cock he surges back in and immediately pulls out again then he slaps my ass on the lacking side and surges in again and I scream and buck and still I can't move. As soon as my twitching stops he slaps my ass again and rapidly pumps in and out I don't even know how many strokes I just know I can't breathe, my body is spasming and I can't move to dispel it. I feel Liam's hot cum splash onto my burning ass and then he starts rubbing it in. It hurts and then feels so good.

Mike lifts me up and I'm so wrung out I don't even try to fight. He holds a bottle of water to my lips and smooths my hair back out of my face.

"Okay?" He whispers.

"Okay." I sigh. Liam positions the wedge and helps me lay over it. I've never used one before but it's perfect for this because the tall part of the triangle backs up to my thighs and holds my ass in the air while cradling the rest of me on the slope down to the couch.

My hair is everywhere and getting in my mouth so I try to blow it out and then Mike is there smoothing it out of my face. He gathers it back in a ponytail but then instead of letting go, he tugs it pulling my head. He directs my mouth right over his cock.

"Mmm," I groan and let him direct the tempo. I hear the crack at the same time there is a tremendous burn right at the base of my ass. I jerk and try to pull back and look. But Mike's hand tight in my hair won't let me. I can't even talk because his cock is pushed to the back of my throat.

"Again," Mike says and the crack lashes across the other side of my ass. It hurts more than their hands but now the burn has spread over my entire ass. Mike moves my head up and down his cock but he doesn't let it slip free of my mouth. My focus is split I can't ignore the sensation overload in my pelvis but I really want to please Mike. Between gravity and the inability to close my mouth. I can't control my saliva. It's running down his cock and making a nice slick glide as my head slides down I'm pretty sure I'm pulling my own hair in my excitement to take him as deep as possible.

"Do it," Mike says and I clench my eyes and brace for the pain but it's not pain this time it's a tongue and he is very very good with his tongue. It starts on my inner thighs licking away the slick wetness that is coating them. Then moves up to my labia licking and twisting collecting all of the girl cum that has collected there.

"Mmm." He hums as he does and it feels so good. He focuses on my clit flicking and licking rapidly until I cum. This time when my hips twitch they have somewhere to go and it's much less intense. Liam burrows his tongue into me licking out the cream he just caused. Then he slides his hand over my red ass and the pain makes my clit tingle. I don't even notice the pain just the pleasure torture in my pussy. Liam moves up sliding his tongue over my ass and I moan involuntarily. The whole area is already overloaded but that feels so good likely intensified by the extra blood flow to the area. Liam spends as much time there as he did on my pussy and it's less intense so I focus on increasing the suction on Mikes cock. Until Liam slaps me again. It's barely a tap I can tell but it reverberates through the whole area. It's pain but it's not. All I feel is the nerves firing and all the muscles contracting and I cry out against Mikes cock as my hips hump against the wedge.

"Ho-Ly Shit." Liam breaths and Mike chuckles.

"Now she's there."

I feel Liam move and then he pushes his cock in all the way and I can feel his pubic hair touching my super sensitive ass. I can't help but whimper around the cock in my mouth. The burn over my ass is making my pussy pulse and tingle. Clenching and unclenching around Liam's dick. I feel lube running down my ass crack and then Liam's fingertip rubbing against my puckered hole he pushes past the tight ring and I can feel it all the way up my spine. He adds another finger I feel the stretch but it's not painful. At the same time, he starts stroking his cock inside my pussy. It only takes a few strokes and I'm coming again. I've lost track now I've come so many times. I'm so sensitive my muscles just keep spasming over and over. Liam pulls out and the slippery head moves up to my ass. I know I should be worried but I'm just not anymore. I know it's going to feel good because everything feels good. I feel drunk or maybe high. I definitely feel intoxicated.

Liam pushes slowly but relentlessly until the mushroom head of his cock pops through the tight ring of muscle. Liam and I both groan at the sensation he slowly pushes all the way in. It feels so full, there is so much pressure and it makes my pussy feel achingly empty.

Mike pulls out of my mouth releasing my hair and I hope he's planning on putting it in my pussy because I really need him there. I would ask but I don't remember how to form words.

Liam pulls out slowly and I moan because it feels so good it makes my hair stand. I can feel him behind my closed eyes I can see him spreading more lube on his cock, it's so big it should hurt but all I feel is the silky oily glide and the pressure the weird sensation of the pressure building as he goes in and the relief as he glides out is amazing. I can feel Liam's hands on my burning ass cheeks I know he's getting off on feeling the heat. I am too.

"Do it, Liam." He doesn't even ask what he just spanks first one side and then the other. I groan as I orgasm and he does as well shuddering against me.

"Orgasm without ejaculation?" Mike chuckled.

"Damn that's weird." Liam groaned.

"Mike." I gasp, "I need you inside me right now." I've given up all pretense of character now. There's no point I'm no longer in my head at all. I'm practically out of my body.

"Don't worry, Kitten I'll take care of you."

After some discussion about the best position and the best way to get there Liam slowly pulls out. Now I feel really empty. With my arms bound behind me and my legs like jelly, there's no way I can move myself so I'm dependent on Mike to move me. He lifts me off the wedge and onto Liam's lap. He hooks my legs over Liam's so I am spread impossibly wide and really of balance. Liam guides me back and positions his cock at my ass again but I hesitate. I feel like I'm going to fall and it's bringing me out of the headspace that I'm floating in. Liam tugs on me but I don't budge.

"Wait I..." Before I've even got the words out Mike pinches my nipple and I gasp. Liam spanks me again but he really doesn't have a good angle. Still, the dual assault eases me a little enough for Liam to begin working the head of his cock against me.

"Where's that crop?" Just as I register the words Mike is standing in front of me with the long black implement. He looks so hot, so gloriously naked and aroused.

He drags the leather flap of the crop down the center of my chest.

"Can't move huh, Kitten? Arms tied Liam holding you, spread wide. I could do anything I want to you right now and there's nothing you could do to stop me. How does that feel?"

"So good." I whimper. I can't fake it right now I'm too out of it. Liam chuckles beneath me but I'm still too tense to let him in.

"You need some help?"

"Yes, please!" He strikes my inner thigh with the crop and I jump and of course, Liam's cock slides all the way in. I cry out from both sensations. Mike moves closer, down on his knees so we're at the same level and he's looking right in my eyes.

"You're really fucking spectacular you know that." His praise warms me more than the spanking, then he leans in and kisses me. He's kissed me a few times tonight but not like this. This is a full tongue tangling marauding kiss and I love it. I tug on my arms because I want to put them around him but the won't budge. I wiggle my fingers touching Liam's belly asking without speaking but he doesn't oblige me.

"You're at his mercy, let him give you what you need," Liam whispers right in my ear and I stop struggling against the ropes. I let Mike kiss me and I kiss him back.

"You've got such perfect tits and they've been so sadly neglected tonight." Mike cups my breasts and sucks one nipple and then the other hard. My nipples are always sensitive but given the current state of my body, they are overly sensitive. I cry out at the rough treatment and he bites down on the end of my nipple. I scream and squirm, Liam's cock slides up and down in my ass and I'm cumming again and my pussy is still achingly empty.

"Oh God, Mike, hurry."

He just chuckles and moves down licking and sucking my very swollen clit. When he's done toying with me he leans back on his heels and takes his cock in his hand. He strokes slowly up and down eyeing me with his other hand he picks up the crop and twirls it between his fingers.

"How you doing, Kitten?"

"I need you to fuck me right now," I growl at him. I'm getting really frustrated with his stalling.

"I don't think you're ready."

"I am."

He flicked the crop and the leather flap hit my right breast on the outside of the nipple.

"Ow." I yelped and he flicked the other breast in nearly the same spot. My nipples tingle as the heat spreads and he leans down and sucks them again and it feels even better than it did minutes before.

"More!" I gasp and he grins. He places two more marks on each of my breasts and I can feel the buzz. I didn't even realize I'd lost that buzz until now. I need just a little more, I wish my hands were free so I could pinch them myself, but of course, now I know that's why they didn't let me go. I lay back on Liam and move as much as I can fucking him reverse cowgirl. Mike slaps my inner thigh with that crop and then the other. I gasp and moan when he slaps my pussy with it. But when he slaps it right on the end of my nipple I scream.

"God Mike to it again!" I plead and he hits the other nipple and I finally succumb panting and writhing on the cock I'm impaled on but then Mike drives his cock into my pussy. There is no room. I'm sure it would hurt if I could feel the pain but he forces it all the way in and it feels so good.

"Yes, yes, yes." I moan putting my head against his neck. Mike is the driving force, plunging into me hard enough to move me up on Liam's cock and letting me sink back as he pulls out. I would be impressed if I could form a coherent thought but I can't. Instead, I'm chanting, "Oh God, oh God, oh God." All I can feel is those two cocks making everything in me roll and pulse in one long unending orgasm. I can't open my eyes and I can't lift my head and I hope it never stops.

"I'm there." Liam gasps and Mike lifts me and lays me on the floor and I feel their come splatter onto my tits.

"Thank you." I murmur but I still can't open my eyes.

When I wake I find myself on the couch on my side pressed flush against Mike. I've never woken like this before. We always manage to get to our separate rooms before morning and it is definitely morning, sunlight is streaming through the big windows. I don't want to move but I really have to pee and I'm really thirsty so I reluctantly ease my head off Mike's shoulder and out from under his arm and the blanket.

I'm still naked so I pick up my clothes I was wearing last night on my way to the bathroom. Everything hurts. My shoulders are sore my ass is sore both from the spanking and the fucking. It burns when I pee. It's going to take me a solid week to recover I think but it's so worth it. The experience, while not one I would be able to do nightly, was amazing. I'm even oddly glad it was Liam, even though we've had issues I think he really cared that it was good. And he was willing to protect me. I haven't forgotten that.

I don't look too worse for the wear, there are still red marks on me of course but they're mostly faded, they aren't bruises. As I am downing a glass of water in the kitchen I see Liam come out of the pool house. He's got a bag over his shoulder. It looks like he's leaving so I quickly slip out the back door.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, gotta get back on the job site."

"Oh, I thought you were finished."

"Nope, not even close." He chuckled.

"Why are you back then?" He smiled and his eyes crinkled at the corners the way Mike's do.

"Boss called, requested an in person. Just didn't say why."

"Boss... you mean..." I glanced back in the house. "He asked you to come for last night?" I can feel the heat in my cheeks.

"Is that a blush?" He laughed, "don't be embarrassed, that was the hottest thing ever. You want a repeat, give me a call, I'll make the trip."

"Shut up, you ass," I repeated a phrase that had been common in my teen years. Only I really didn't mean it now.

"So yeah I think we're even for the cup." He teased making me blush more.

"You think that's why he asked you to come?"

"Oh hell no."

"Why then?"

"He's got everything figured six different ways before he takes a step. Maybe he just wanted to. Maybe he thought you wanted to. Had to be me cause anyone else would make a play for you."

"You won't because you don't even like me," I teased.

"I like you just fine. And I would definitely make a play if I thought I stood a chance. Or if I thought either of you could give up the other. Or if I thought you could look at me and not see him."

I know my smile has fallen because my heart is thundering in my chest. Am I that transparent, does Mike see it? "I'm just borrowing the guest room." It sounded lame the first time I said it. It sounds even more lame now.

"Sure, If that's true do me a favor and let him down gently."

"It's just sex." I insist but he doesn't look convinced.

"I've had a lot of sex, I've never had anything that looked like what happened last night."

"Threesome?" I ask weakly.

"No," he chuckled, "I've had plenty of those as well. Even some that included him. He's the director, he watches and makes sure everyone gets off. He doesn't participate. At least not to the degree he did last night." He looked at his watch and sighed. "I gotta go, don't break his heart okay?"

He started walking toward the gate and I called out to him. "Hey Liam, thanks for coming."

"Anytime," He grinned, "and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

I had to laugh at that.

"Hey Jen, you ever wonder why he married her? Or really why he stayed married to her, why they divorced?"

I shook my head, my mother had a lot of ways of getting what she wanted from men.

"Maybe you should ask sometime." With that, he waved and walked out the gate. His words did not do good things for my peace of mind.

Mike was still on the couch when I returned. I could go upstairs. I could take a shower god knows I needed one. But Mike was naked on the couch. How could I walk away from that? I dropped my shorts and stripped off my T-shirt and slipped under the blanket. He put his arm around me and tugged me flush against him again and I put my head on his shoulder again and tucked my face up to his neck.
"Was that Liam leaving?" He rumbled.


"Mmm. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Sore all over. Like someone beat me. Or maybe a couple of people."

"I'm sorry, Kitten."

"Don't be, it was worth it."

His arm tightened around me. "So if you're sore I guess it would make me a total cad if I tried to seduce you right now, huh?"

"You can't possibly still be horny after last night."

"I have a beautiful naked woman in my arms. Of course, I've gotta try, I'm still male aren't I?"

I am sore everywhere. I had so many orgasms I don't even know how many and yet when don't I want him? Just the idea of refusing the opportunity seems absurd. So I lift my leg and hook it over his hip opening myself to him.

"Ah Kitten," he whispers kissing my neck. He nudges his cock into me, I'm plenty wet because I'm laying here naked with him. He rocks into me slowly, gently.

"Can I ask you something?" I whisper.

"Of course."

"How did you know? That I would freak out I mean?"

"Uh because I would've if I were you. You're in your head a lot always thinking. I know what that's like. It's what makes you enjoy the role play but it means you get in your own way a lot. I tried to prevent it by telling you you didn't have a choice but I guess that wasn't believable." He's still rocking into me while he's talking. And it makes me smile.

"Is there a Greek God of sex? Because that's the one you're descended from." I suck on his neck and he laughs.

He can't get much penetration in this position so after a couple of minutes he rolls pulling me under him. On the couch and then he kisses me lazy and slow like his strokes and it feels so good on my sore muscles and frayed nerves. Even my orgasm is a gentle rolling wave instead of the violent crash. When he cums he stays inside me and I'm glad because I'm not ready to be separated yet. Apparently, he's not either because he manages to turn us back into our original sleeping position without dislodging himself.

"You feel so good," he whispers and kisses me again. "I just want to stay here."

"Okay," I sigh and kiss him.



Published by Srbija_007
6 years ago
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