Beach handjob
I'm lying in bed listening to the wind howl outside and browsing xhamster videos, following trails wherever they lead me. I do this with music too: pick a starting point on Spotify and follow wherever it leads. Today's trail started with a woman giving a handjob to a stranger on a beach and has taken me through a chain of related videos ending with one of the best handjobs I've ever seen: slow and sensual, working up to faster strokes and culminating in a gush of come onto her wonderful tits. It took me back to an experience I had on my local beach a couple of summers ago.
I was lying in a hollow in the dunes, idly stroking my semi-erect cock - not really a proper full-on wank, more a comforting coddle of myself. I love the feel of the sun and gentle breeze on my cock head when I roll back the foreskin: I swear I can feel the vitamins and power of the sun entering me by osmosis...well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. A couple were lying a few yards away and had taken no notice of me and appearing to be asleep, but I'd enjoyed whiling away the time looking at the woman's figure. Now, however, I noticed she was awake and looking over at me. I smiled and she gave a small grin and stretched her arms above her head, yawning, and giving me a fine view of her round tits. My cock twitched to show its approval. Keeping her eyes on me, she reached out and put her hand on her partner's cock. He grunted but didn't wake up.
She started to lift it off his chest, stroking along the shaft slowly and with a light touch and he began to stiffen. Still looking at me, she wrapped her fingers round his cock and pulled his foreskin back. He made a small noise of appreciation, and so did I, my cock now fully erect as I stroked it in time with her movements. She smiled and began to stroke the full length of his cock, her tits jiggling slightly as she sped up her hand movements. I kept time with her, my foreskin rubbing back and forth across the glans as I wanked myself.
He arched his back and grunted again, and she leant down and licked the end of his cock, then sat back up and, looking directly at me, nodded. I felt my come rise from my balls and as I began to pump onto the hot sand, he also came, spunking into her hand.
She smiled again, lay down and closed her eyes, and took no more notice of me for the rest of the afternoon... except that as I left while they were still there I said "thanks" as I walked past them. She smiled again and waved. A memory to cherish as the wind howls outside and I dream of the long days of summer, hot oiled bodies on the beach, tits and cocks, pussies and balls glistening in the sun and fun to be had for those with the patience to wait quietly and unintrusively for nature to take its course.
I was lying in a hollow in the dunes, idly stroking my semi-erect cock - not really a proper full-on wank, more a comforting coddle of myself. I love the feel of the sun and gentle breeze on my cock head when I roll back the foreskin: I swear I can feel the vitamins and power of the sun entering me by osmosis...well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. A couple were lying a few yards away and had taken no notice of me and appearing to be asleep, but I'd enjoyed whiling away the time looking at the woman's figure. Now, however, I noticed she was awake and looking over at me. I smiled and she gave a small grin and stretched her arms above her head, yawning, and giving me a fine view of her round tits. My cock twitched to show its approval. Keeping her eyes on me, she reached out and put her hand on her partner's cock. He grunted but didn't wake up.
She started to lift it off his chest, stroking along the shaft slowly and with a light touch and he began to stiffen. Still looking at me, she wrapped her fingers round his cock and pulled his foreskin back. He made a small noise of appreciation, and so did I, my cock now fully erect as I stroked it in time with her movements. She smiled and began to stroke the full length of his cock, her tits jiggling slightly as she sped up her hand movements. I kept time with her, my foreskin rubbing back and forth across the glans as I wanked myself.
He arched his back and grunted again, and she leant down and licked the end of his cock, then sat back up and, looking directly at me, nodded. I felt my come rise from my balls and as I began to pump onto the hot sand, he also came, spunking into her hand.
She smiled again, lay down and closed her eyes, and took no more notice of me for the rest of the afternoon... except that as I left while they were still there I said "thanks" as I walked past them. She smiled again and waved. A memory to cherish as the wind howls outside and I dream of the long days of summer, hot oiled bodies on the beach, tits and cocks, pussies and balls glistening in the sun and fun to be had for those with the patience to wait quietly and unintrusively for nature to take its course.
6 years ago