The Mature Cuckold
If you look at cuckold stories, pictures and videos on the most popular adult sites (for example Xhamster) the majority of what you see shows or tells of younger people – in their 20’s and 30’s – and what you see is all too often is fake, or (semi) professional. Personally I’d much rather real couples, not slick or professional where the wife is ‘normal’ and the husband seeming to be genuinely humiliated. I personally think the choice or reality of wanting to experience cuckoldry grows more likely as couples grow older.
My wife Diane and I have been together for over 40 years now, she is 60 and I am 64. We are very happy together in many ways, but our sex life and sexualities are not conventional. Diane has always been quite reserved sexually, at least until in her late 50’s, and at times showed little interest in sex. I’ve always known I’m bisexual, and throughout our marriage have preferred gay sex, cottaging before the age of the internet, online arranged meetings over the past 10 or so years. We did have enough sex to have two daughters, who we love.
Our sex life was also hampered by my own sexual inadequacies. I have a very small (tiny) penis, suffered (or enjoyed?) premature ejaculation (when we had sex I only occasionally lasted more than a couple of minutes, usually coming within seconds). Needless to say this left Diane extremely frustrated.
The most sexual excitement we had as a couple was in our early 30’s when Diane a close friend of ours, Chris, started having what I, at the time, thought of as an affair. Chris was probably our oldest friend, a couple of years older than us, and would often pop in for the evening to have a drink and a chat. My job at the time meant I was up in the morning very early, and so went to bed in the evening early too, and was often in bed by 9:30pm. At first only occasionally but then more regularly Chris would stay after I had gone to bed. And, over time Diane began coming to bed later and later. I was a bit naïve I guess but the tension went up a bit, I had strong suspicions, and eventually confronted Diane and asked if anything was going on. I expected her to deny it and was shocked when she told me they had kissed and cuddled. When I asked her she denied they’d had sex, but when I asked her if she wanted to she said yes, which made me jealous but also strangely excited. (As it happened I was the last to know, as their activities so far was common knowledge in our peer group.) For reasons I only properly understood many years later, I offered to leave our home, stay with friends so that they could become lovers.
I saw Diane and Chris often in this time (our then eldest daughter was 3 years old and I took her out often. I was extremely jealous (which I expected) but also sexually turned on at the thought of them together, and this I found very weird. The word ‘cuckold’ was unknown to me then. I was with friends for about 2 months until Diane and Chris’s relationship came to a natural end. We both remained good friends with Chris, and he still visited, though not as often, and was always deferential to me.
Diane and I did fuck occasionally (and in that period our second daughter was conceived) but this too fell away. In the months and years after I began buying (secretly) and reading a sex based magazine called Forum. The best part of this was the letters pages, and I was amazed to find that a large proportion (maybe 25% to 35%) were about ‘wife watching’, my first realisation that my feelings of pain, humiliation and excitement imagining Diane and Chris together was something other men experienced too. I began to seek out similar letters in other magazines (although Forum was the best), and the content of the letters gave me some of the most powerful wank orgasms ever!
Over the next years, we stopped sex altogether, a mutual decision, although there were few failed attempts in our 40’s (some quite hilarious), but as went into our 50’s we drifted apart physically and I (again mutually) moved into the spare bedroom. I do not think Diane was sexually active with men during this time (although you never know) but I was, early on via cottaging (ah, the memories!) and then online. I discovered and explore my true sexual nature (always bottom, always submissive, always compliant, transvestism) and realised I was more sexually alternative and complex than I realised. Eventually I discovered sissy sites and it was very much part of what I was craving. From tentatively buying and wearing panties and stockings, posting a few pics (face carefully hidden or blurred), over a couple of years chatted to many other men online (fellow sissies and Dominant Masterful men) who encouraged me, and sometimes bullied me into showing my face and sending them pics. The experience of deep humiliation of knowing and seeing my pics online, totally out of my control, exposed forever regardless of my fears, has been powerful, satisfying and very scary. But it’s too late to change now.
Two other events happened a few years ago. The first was admitting to Diane that I was mostly gay. This did not come as a shock to her – quite the opposite, and it is a relief to have admitted it, to her and myself as well. She has made it clear, however, that she would not want anyone else to know. The other event was Diane finding a receipt in my pocket for a wig. At first she was shocked as I confessed to liking cross dressing occasionally, but she has now accepted this, although it is rarely mentioned.
Things would probably have continued like this had we not, as a new year’s resolution 2 years ago, both joined a gym to keep us fit as we got older, at a time when I was working away from home 3 days a week.
We investigated the possible gyms in our area to make sure they were ‘oldie friendly’ as we did not want to be seen struggling amongst a gym full of healthy young people. The gym we chose was good in this respect, a good mix of all ages, but during the week at day times more people of our age. It better for Diane than myself as she could go during the week while I was away or working. I was restricted to evenings or weekends. Diane and I sometimes went together, and sometimes separately.
When we went together, I was surprised how Diane looked in her gym kit. I always knew she had a good figure, and has kept in better shape than me, but I’d forgotten how good she looked. A few sessions together in I also saw that other men noticed her figure, and feelings of both pride and a little jealously stirred in me.
Over the next few months the gym became not just a place for fitness but also a social event. There were regulars attending at the same times as us, and as we got to know them it was not unusual for us to join others for a coffee or juice together after our sessions. These occasions would be both couples and singles and we began to make some nice friends. Perhaps it is inevitable in a predominantly physical environment that I began to notice various pairings between people. Nothing overt but subtleties, like who spent more time listening or talking to who. It took a little while for me to notice this was also happening between Diane and a regular called Brian. He was in his late 50’s, had told us he ran a small building firm, and physically looked better than average amongst our social group. His was taller than me, had a strong looking body, with powerful hairy thighs (my type!!). In the gym he seemed to be very comfortable with the various pieces of apparatus, using it faster, more confidently that others of our group, almost needing to dominate the equipment. I also noticed that when we all sat around the table in the café I would sit in different places and next to different people but Brian usually sat next to Diane. Or was Diane usually sitting next to Brian?
I guess it was about 6 months after we had joined the gym that I realised there was a definite connection between Diane and Brian. Small glances, body language. It was impossible to ignore. And if I’d noticed then I wondered if others had. And it didn’t take long for me to realise that the moment was approaching to at the very least give Diane the nod that if she wanted to take things further then I’d not put obstacles in her way. As things turned out this was not my decision to make.
The opening came quite outside of any movement on my part. On a Saturday morning around the table someone mentioned that we were becoming the “Saturday regulars”. A few laughs all round. Then someone else said there also seemed to be a “Wednesday regulars “ group. She nodded around the table to indicate a couple more who went to the gym on Wednesdays, and then looked at Brian and Diane, sat together as usual, and said “And you two are usually here on Wednesdays too”. It took a few seconds for me to realise she had referred to my wife and Brian as a couple, that the group had gone quiet, that there was something definitely happening and some of the others had some knowledge of it. Diane was blushing and looked awkward to say the least, but Brian was playing it cool and smiling at me, not unkindly, and his face was definitely making contact.
The coffee session ended shortly after that, with others politely saying “see you next week” or similar. Diane and I walked to the car, and drove home in silence. I was shaking inside, my mind a bit of a mess. Diane attempted a bit of small talk and I joined in, thereby establishing at least possibilities that this was not a fatal situation. When we got in I made a cup of tea for us both and we sat in separate chairs (not unusual) and for about 10 mins kept silent. Then I said
“I think we’re both old enough to talk honestly?” Diane looked at me and nodded.
“Can I ask how far have things gone?” I asked
“Nothing really serious yet” she replied
“Meaning?” I asked
“A few drinks out while you’ve been away”
“Anything physical?”
There was a pause, a hesitation which itself gave me a sort of answer.
“Kissing good night” she said. “Car cuddling”
“That’s all?”
She looked down and blushed.
“We’ve touched each other”
“Touched? You mean . . .”
“You know what I mean Neville.”
“When? Oh, and where?”
Another pause.
“On Tues or Weds when we go to the gym we’ve been going for a drink. He gives me a lift home and comes in here for a nightcap.”
She watched my face as I took this all in. Although at the start of this conversation I she’d been hesitant, reluctant even, as she had been whenever matters of sex had come up over the years, there was an edge to her voice now.
“Yes we sat together on this sofa. And yes when we kissed and cuddled our hands wandered and felt each other. Yes most of our clothes came off and yes we both wanted to go to my bed and make love, fuck, whatever you want to call it.”
I was now rocking.
“But no, we didn’t do what we both wanted to do, what I very desperately wanted to do. Respect for you was one reason. The first time it was not too hard to say no as I was shy with him and unsure, and we still had some of our clothes on. But the next time, last week, we were both almost naked and we almost did, but I stopped it.”
Again I couldn’t find the words to reply. I guess she took my silence and the expression on my face as objecting to what was now obviously happening and said
“And don’t look like that Neville but it’s been years of real frustration and we’re not getting any younger and this might be my last chance. I understand you’re gay or bi, and I know you’re not really into me or any other wome, and you’re far too small to even be felt inside . . “ I looked up sharply as she said this and she realised what she’d said.
“I’m sorry – that was cruel. Really sorry” but we were too far in now to reverse and so I said
“No, it’s true. All of it.”
She came and sat next to me on the sofa so that we were close.
“Neville, we’ve sort of hinted about this occasionally for years. You’ve said you’d understand if I took a over but I always said things like ‘who’d be interested in me’. Brian is interested Neville. Very much, and we are about to become lovers. I guess you’ll be hurt, but maybe if you helped clear the way to allow it to happen then we can limit and even live with the damage.”
I looked up at her, smiled and nodded, accepting her words.
“And I have a suspicion that this actually excites you Neville. Am I right?”
Again, I nodded, accepting the inevitability of what was going to happen. In my head (which was now spinning in all directions) I was trying to decide whether to take some sort of initiative but my previously hesitant wife once again surprised me. She sat back and looked at me, almost grinning.
“Well Neville. I was expecting at least some resistance, but you really are sweet, aren’t you?.”
She took my hand
“But we owe it to each other, after all these years, to be absolutely sure. Tell me”
A deep breath and I started to say
“I agree I think . . . .”
“OK. So you agree. We’re sure. Now tell me what should happen next”
I knew what I wanted to do next. And I also wanted to surprise Diane with the same positive but unusual (for me) strength as she had opened up to me. So I said
“Phone Brian and when he answers tell him I want to talk to him”
A smile and nod from Diane as she understood I was now onboard. She took her phone and dialled Brian’s number. When has answered she said
“Hi – it’s me. Yes everything’s ok here – no drama. Look, I’m pasing you over to Neville who wants to talk to you. And no I’m not sure what he want’s to say.”
Smiling she passed me the phone.
“Hi Brian”
“Hi Neville. Are you OK?”
“Yes, I think so. Quite shocked but less surprised than I should’ve been.”
“So how much has Diane told you?”
“Most of it I guess. I think we adults should get together as soon as we can and see how to manage this? Do you agree”
“I’m so glad this is a positive call Neville, and agree getting together soon is essential. What did you have in mind? Meet for a drink, in a quiet corner of a pub – something like that? I know its very quick but I can go out for a drink with you tonight if you two are free?”
”Drinks are perfect Brian but why not you come here? I mean it’s not like you’ve never been here is it?”
My voice sounded friendly and Brian caught my mood. He said
“If you are definitely sure Nike than yes lets do that. What time?”
Diane had been watching me face all the time as I talked to Brian, even stroking my hand a bit. But even she looked stunned at my last comments to Brian.
“How about 8pm Brian. The three of us can get to know how each of us feels.”
“OK Neville I’ll see you both then”
“Good – that’s arranged. Oh, and Brian . . “
“If things go as we all hope, relaxed, human, and understanding, I’ll go to a hotel tonight.”
An unusually long pause from Brain, and anamazed look on Diane’s face, and then
“Are you sure Neville?”
“Very much Brian. Isn’t it what we all want?”
A few seconds and then Brian said
“Yes it is. See you later.” And rang off.
Diane moved close to me, hugged and gently kissed me.
“A new adventure my little husband”
“Indeed my frustrated wife”.
My wife Diane and I have been together for over 40 years now, she is 60 and I am 64. We are very happy together in many ways, but our sex life and sexualities are not conventional. Diane has always been quite reserved sexually, at least until in her late 50’s, and at times showed little interest in sex. I’ve always known I’m bisexual, and throughout our marriage have preferred gay sex, cottaging before the age of the internet, online arranged meetings over the past 10 or so years. We did have enough sex to have two daughters, who we love.
Our sex life was also hampered by my own sexual inadequacies. I have a very small (tiny) penis, suffered (or enjoyed?) premature ejaculation (when we had sex I only occasionally lasted more than a couple of minutes, usually coming within seconds). Needless to say this left Diane extremely frustrated.
The most sexual excitement we had as a couple was in our early 30’s when Diane a close friend of ours, Chris, started having what I, at the time, thought of as an affair. Chris was probably our oldest friend, a couple of years older than us, and would often pop in for the evening to have a drink and a chat. My job at the time meant I was up in the morning very early, and so went to bed in the evening early too, and was often in bed by 9:30pm. At first only occasionally but then more regularly Chris would stay after I had gone to bed. And, over time Diane began coming to bed later and later. I was a bit naïve I guess but the tension went up a bit, I had strong suspicions, and eventually confronted Diane and asked if anything was going on. I expected her to deny it and was shocked when she told me they had kissed and cuddled. When I asked her she denied they’d had sex, but when I asked her if she wanted to she said yes, which made me jealous but also strangely excited. (As it happened I was the last to know, as their activities so far was common knowledge in our peer group.) For reasons I only properly understood many years later, I offered to leave our home, stay with friends so that they could become lovers.
I saw Diane and Chris often in this time (our then eldest daughter was 3 years old and I took her out often. I was extremely jealous (which I expected) but also sexually turned on at the thought of them together, and this I found very weird. The word ‘cuckold’ was unknown to me then. I was with friends for about 2 months until Diane and Chris’s relationship came to a natural end. We both remained good friends with Chris, and he still visited, though not as often, and was always deferential to me.
Diane and I did fuck occasionally (and in that period our second daughter was conceived) but this too fell away. In the months and years after I began buying (secretly) and reading a sex based magazine called Forum. The best part of this was the letters pages, and I was amazed to find that a large proportion (maybe 25% to 35%) were about ‘wife watching’, my first realisation that my feelings of pain, humiliation and excitement imagining Diane and Chris together was something other men experienced too. I began to seek out similar letters in other magazines (although Forum was the best), and the content of the letters gave me some of the most powerful wank orgasms ever!
Over the next years, we stopped sex altogether, a mutual decision, although there were few failed attempts in our 40’s (some quite hilarious), but as went into our 50’s we drifted apart physically and I (again mutually) moved into the spare bedroom. I do not think Diane was sexually active with men during this time (although you never know) but I was, early on via cottaging (ah, the memories!) and then online. I discovered and explore my true sexual nature (always bottom, always submissive, always compliant, transvestism) and realised I was more sexually alternative and complex than I realised. Eventually I discovered sissy sites and it was very much part of what I was craving. From tentatively buying and wearing panties and stockings, posting a few pics (face carefully hidden or blurred), over a couple of years chatted to many other men online (fellow sissies and Dominant Masterful men) who encouraged me, and sometimes bullied me into showing my face and sending them pics. The experience of deep humiliation of knowing and seeing my pics online, totally out of my control, exposed forever regardless of my fears, has been powerful, satisfying and very scary. But it’s too late to change now.
Two other events happened a few years ago. The first was admitting to Diane that I was mostly gay. This did not come as a shock to her – quite the opposite, and it is a relief to have admitted it, to her and myself as well. She has made it clear, however, that she would not want anyone else to know. The other event was Diane finding a receipt in my pocket for a wig. At first she was shocked as I confessed to liking cross dressing occasionally, but she has now accepted this, although it is rarely mentioned.
Things would probably have continued like this had we not, as a new year’s resolution 2 years ago, both joined a gym to keep us fit as we got older, at a time when I was working away from home 3 days a week.
We investigated the possible gyms in our area to make sure they were ‘oldie friendly’ as we did not want to be seen struggling amongst a gym full of healthy young people. The gym we chose was good in this respect, a good mix of all ages, but during the week at day times more people of our age. It better for Diane than myself as she could go during the week while I was away or working. I was restricted to evenings or weekends. Diane and I sometimes went together, and sometimes separately.
When we went together, I was surprised how Diane looked in her gym kit. I always knew she had a good figure, and has kept in better shape than me, but I’d forgotten how good she looked. A few sessions together in I also saw that other men noticed her figure, and feelings of both pride and a little jealously stirred in me.
Over the next few months the gym became not just a place for fitness but also a social event. There were regulars attending at the same times as us, and as we got to know them it was not unusual for us to join others for a coffee or juice together after our sessions. These occasions would be both couples and singles and we began to make some nice friends. Perhaps it is inevitable in a predominantly physical environment that I began to notice various pairings between people. Nothing overt but subtleties, like who spent more time listening or talking to who. It took a little while for me to notice this was also happening between Diane and a regular called Brian. He was in his late 50’s, had told us he ran a small building firm, and physically looked better than average amongst our social group. His was taller than me, had a strong looking body, with powerful hairy thighs (my type!!). In the gym he seemed to be very comfortable with the various pieces of apparatus, using it faster, more confidently that others of our group, almost needing to dominate the equipment. I also noticed that when we all sat around the table in the café I would sit in different places and next to different people but Brian usually sat next to Diane. Or was Diane usually sitting next to Brian?
I guess it was about 6 months after we had joined the gym that I realised there was a definite connection between Diane and Brian. Small glances, body language. It was impossible to ignore. And if I’d noticed then I wondered if others had. And it didn’t take long for me to realise that the moment was approaching to at the very least give Diane the nod that if she wanted to take things further then I’d not put obstacles in her way. As things turned out this was not my decision to make.
The opening came quite outside of any movement on my part. On a Saturday morning around the table someone mentioned that we were becoming the “Saturday regulars”. A few laughs all round. Then someone else said there also seemed to be a “Wednesday regulars “ group. She nodded around the table to indicate a couple more who went to the gym on Wednesdays, and then looked at Brian and Diane, sat together as usual, and said “And you two are usually here on Wednesdays too”. It took a few seconds for me to realise she had referred to my wife and Brian as a couple, that the group had gone quiet, that there was something definitely happening and some of the others had some knowledge of it. Diane was blushing and looked awkward to say the least, but Brian was playing it cool and smiling at me, not unkindly, and his face was definitely making contact.
The coffee session ended shortly after that, with others politely saying “see you next week” or similar. Diane and I walked to the car, and drove home in silence. I was shaking inside, my mind a bit of a mess. Diane attempted a bit of small talk and I joined in, thereby establishing at least possibilities that this was not a fatal situation. When we got in I made a cup of tea for us both and we sat in separate chairs (not unusual) and for about 10 mins kept silent. Then I said
“I think we’re both old enough to talk honestly?” Diane looked at me and nodded.
“Can I ask how far have things gone?” I asked
“Nothing really serious yet” she replied
“Meaning?” I asked
“A few drinks out while you’ve been away”
“Anything physical?”
There was a pause, a hesitation which itself gave me a sort of answer.
“Kissing good night” she said. “Car cuddling”
“That’s all?”
She looked down and blushed.
“We’ve touched each other”
“Touched? You mean . . .”
“You know what I mean Neville.”
“When? Oh, and where?”
Another pause.
“On Tues or Weds when we go to the gym we’ve been going for a drink. He gives me a lift home and comes in here for a nightcap.”
She watched my face as I took this all in. Although at the start of this conversation I she’d been hesitant, reluctant even, as she had been whenever matters of sex had come up over the years, there was an edge to her voice now.
“Yes we sat together on this sofa. And yes when we kissed and cuddled our hands wandered and felt each other. Yes most of our clothes came off and yes we both wanted to go to my bed and make love, fuck, whatever you want to call it.”
I was now rocking.
“But no, we didn’t do what we both wanted to do, what I very desperately wanted to do. Respect for you was one reason. The first time it was not too hard to say no as I was shy with him and unsure, and we still had some of our clothes on. But the next time, last week, we were both almost naked and we almost did, but I stopped it.”
Again I couldn’t find the words to reply. I guess she took my silence and the expression on my face as objecting to what was now obviously happening and said
“And don’t look like that Neville but it’s been years of real frustration and we’re not getting any younger and this might be my last chance. I understand you’re gay or bi, and I know you’re not really into me or any other wome, and you’re far too small to even be felt inside . . “ I looked up sharply as she said this and she realised what she’d said.
“I’m sorry – that was cruel. Really sorry” but we were too far in now to reverse and so I said
“No, it’s true. All of it.”
She came and sat next to me on the sofa so that we were close.
“Neville, we’ve sort of hinted about this occasionally for years. You’ve said you’d understand if I took a over but I always said things like ‘who’d be interested in me’. Brian is interested Neville. Very much, and we are about to become lovers. I guess you’ll be hurt, but maybe if you helped clear the way to allow it to happen then we can limit and even live with the damage.”
I looked up at her, smiled and nodded, accepting her words.
“And I have a suspicion that this actually excites you Neville. Am I right?”
Again, I nodded, accepting the inevitability of what was going to happen. In my head (which was now spinning in all directions) I was trying to decide whether to take some sort of initiative but my previously hesitant wife once again surprised me. She sat back and looked at me, almost grinning.
“Well Neville. I was expecting at least some resistance, but you really are sweet, aren’t you?.”
She took my hand
“But we owe it to each other, after all these years, to be absolutely sure. Tell me”
A deep breath and I started to say
“I agree I think . . . .”
“OK. So you agree. We’re sure. Now tell me what should happen next”
I knew what I wanted to do next. And I also wanted to surprise Diane with the same positive but unusual (for me) strength as she had opened up to me. So I said
“Phone Brian and when he answers tell him I want to talk to him”
A smile and nod from Diane as she understood I was now onboard. She took her phone and dialled Brian’s number. When has answered she said
“Hi – it’s me. Yes everything’s ok here – no drama. Look, I’m pasing you over to Neville who wants to talk to you. And no I’m not sure what he want’s to say.”
Smiling she passed me the phone.
“Hi Brian”
“Hi Neville. Are you OK?”
“Yes, I think so. Quite shocked but less surprised than I should’ve been.”
“So how much has Diane told you?”
“Most of it I guess. I think we adults should get together as soon as we can and see how to manage this? Do you agree”
“I’m so glad this is a positive call Neville, and agree getting together soon is essential. What did you have in mind? Meet for a drink, in a quiet corner of a pub – something like that? I know its very quick but I can go out for a drink with you tonight if you two are free?”
”Drinks are perfect Brian but why not you come here? I mean it’s not like you’ve never been here is it?”
My voice sounded friendly and Brian caught my mood. He said
“If you are definitely sure Nike than yes lets do that. What time?”
Diane had been watching me face all the time as I talked to Brian, even stroking my hand a bit. But even she looked stunned at my last comments to Brian.
“How about 8pm Brian. The three of us can get to know how each of us feels.”
“OK Neville I’ll see you both then”
“Good – that’s arranged. Oh, and Brian . . “
“If things go as we all hope, relaxed, human, and understanding, I’ll go to a hotel tonight.”
An unusually long pause from Brain, and anamazed look on Diane’s face, and then
“Are you sure Neville?”
“Very much Brian. Isn’t it what we all want?”
A few seconds and then Brian said
“Yes it is. See you later.” And rang off.
Diane moved close to me, hugged and gently kissed me.
“A new adventure my little husband”
“Indeed my frustrated wife”.
6 years ago