Influential women promoting female masturbation

Of course, Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross have been teaching and promoting masturbation to women for decades. But times have changed and masturbation is much more accepted and openly promoted now by a new generation of sex-positive women who have made it their life's work.

Masturbation has grown and the orgasmic lifestyle has been embraced by the mainstream, more and more leaders and rolemodels have emerged. No longer relegated to hidden corners of our culture, they can be outspoken and public about it, hosting workshops, retreats, presenting on campuses and even giving inspiring TED Talks.

Who are some of the more recent leaders in the movement? I list just some below and you can find more information about the in the web and in youtube.

Keeley Olivia gave a great Ted Talk about discovering her orgasm through masturbation and it changing her life. Orgasms have become the center of her life's mission and her personal lifestyle. She now spends her days nurturing and enjoying her own orgasms as well as helping others nurture theirs. Achieving one's "Magical Orgasmic Potential" is essential to living a full life, she says. She started out helping other women verbally and in writing but realized she wanted to do more, to physically engage, to touch and guide. To really know if you are effective, you have to touch and feel each other's orgasm, not just talk about it. Some things just can't be expressed with words and an orgasm is one of those things. She has brought so many women to orgasm and helped so many embrace masturbation and so has insights many other educators may not have.

Amber Leitz on attaining deeper sexual pleasure & whole body orgasms through masturbation. She struggled a long time with her own orgasmic needs, repressing them, denying her body what it was screaming out it needed. It was not until she was 23 that she allowed herself permission to masturbate freely and often, to explore, that she discovered the power of orgasm. She has since centered her lifestyle around it and made it her mission to help other women embrace masturbation meditation to attain their own natural orgasmic state.

Natasha Salaash was influenced by Dodson and attended her bodysex workshops. She loved them so much, not just for her own orgasmic experience, but she enjoyed seeing other women achieve orgasm through effective masturbation. She quickly became a frequent masturbator herself but it was not enough. So she changed her career and became a masturbation coach. She has since helped hundreds of women in their own journey to become more orgasmic and better masturbators.

Others to check out are:
Tonya Koens
Caitlin Roberts
Dr. Laurie Mintz
Mollena Williams-Haas
Published by BatorGuy
6 years ago
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BatorGuy Publisher 5 years ago
I can easily tell from your profile you would be good at it and get much satisfaction teaching others. You are well endowed and appear to need much cliteral stimulation so I understand when you say masturbation is a big part of who you are. Glad you are in tune with yourself and embrace it. Modern and honest.  
I love these and saved this glad this is more open nowadays and accepted!