Classic Pornstar Stage Names

I am not sure anyone else will be interested but I have always been amused by the screen names used by some of the classic pornstars:

Tracy Duzit aka Christina Lake
Paula Pretense aka Marlene Willoughby
National Velvet aka Terri Hall
Mary Canary aka Kim Pope
Anita Laiz aka Oral Annie
Michelle DuMee aka Jenny Baxter
Dee Dee Willing aka Desiree West
Cleo Patra
Oiga Vault aka Colleen Brennan
Viagra Falls
Eve Felatio aka Yolanda Savalas
Sally Ballgargle aka Jennifer West
Buff Puff aka Kelly Nichols
Vanna Paymore aka Jeanna Fine
Stella Virgin aka Nikki Knight
Dusty Evsky
Larry Layperson aka Ken Scudder
Anne Chovie aka Angel Cash
Kitty Suckerman aka Dory Devon
Cathy Cunnsucker aka Dory Devon
Betty Bombed aka Betty Colman
Paula Kremon aka Paula Morton
Hadda Climax
Lotta Semen
Chlorine Stillwater
Janet Sucatitt aka Jeanette Sinclair
Rusty Zipper aka Tyler Reynolds
Pencil Sharp aka Tyler Reynolds
Claudia Clitoris aka Georgina Spelvin
Suki Yu aka Sandra Kyoto
Fluffy La Busche
Jimmy Cumlately
Carmen Banana
Diana Stillbottom
Betsy Boudoir
Erotica Lantern
Ona Tural aka Georgina Spelvin
Angela Poussé
Flo Zeasily aka Florence Bramley
Felicity Split aka Melissa Hall
Too Tall Teresa
Big Tits Malloy aka Denise Swenson
Veri **** aka Terry Nova, Sally Squareknot
Lotta Top
Heywood Hymen
Connie Lingus
B.J. Dyke
Aida Pussee aka Tricia Opal
Tootsie Rolls
Rose-bud Bush aka Cinda Carr, Rose Bush
Lotta Legs aka Valerie Darlyn
Page Turner aka Buffy Davis
Arnold Schwartzenpecker
Ginger Bush aka Cody Foster
Luke Gusher aka Cornhole Wallace
Eileen Dover aka Maureen Spring
Buster Hymen aka Jamie Gillis
Louis Shortstud aka Luis DeJesus
Published by seakayak
6 years ago
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cuck2hottie 1 year ago
I think Page Turner is really 'Paige Turnah' 
blackspear91 3 years ago
to biorgium : Did she marry Ben? 
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hobartzzz 3 years ago
to sound67 : You sound like a minion laughing at funny names. 
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sound67 3 years ago
"Diana Stillbottom" - LOL!
Nicksmall 3 years ago
It's relly so nice job!!! Thank you so much!!!
seakayak Publisher 3 years ago
These are simply the names that I found to be funny (and they may not seem funny if English isn't one's native language). And they are all American pornstars. I think the modern porn age began at roughly the same time (the early 70's) in both the US and Europe. The only classic era European stars I can think of are Brigitte Lahaie, Cathy Menard, and Karine Gambier but I know there are dozens more.
nusarera 4 years ago
Great job! Thanks
seakayak Publisher 4 years ago
to Francescacd : Hmm... Thanks. I had forgotten that Terri had used that one. :smile:
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Francescacd 4 years ago
What about National Velvet?
carla-mature 4 years ago
nice list xxx
bobromil 5 years ago
Good job!
biorgium 5 years ago
I once spotted one named Eileen Dover.
bigbeaverbill 5 years ago
Good post, thank you.
1awesome 6 years ago
Thank you for all of your work to assemble this for us!!