School knickers!
Over the years I've put together a small, but good collection of school uniform with some really nice retro garments. One notable item is a now rare genuine 1950s gymslip. A number of women have dressed up in these uniforms for some bottom tingling discipline and sexy fun. Normally I've bought items in ones and twos as and when I've spotted them, however I made quite a find about 25 years ago. I'd visited an historic town for a look around and some shopping. It has an expensive private boarding school. Walking down one of the back streets I found a charity shop, not far from the school, it didn't look very promising, but I thought I'd go in and have a browse. To begin with I didn't spot anything of interest, that is until I saw a small bin with what looked like blue knickers spilling out of it. On further inspection I discovered there were about a dozen pairs of blue nylon gym-knickers of various sizes. It was obvious these had come from the posh school down the road. I think the knickers were about 15p each. I looked at the counter where a forbidding looking elderly woman was in charge of the till. I was in a panic, what should I do, pick out one or two pairs and swiftly hand over 30p? But which pairs? Finally after pretending to look at some books I returned to the bin and scooped up all the knickers and took them to the till point, while counting out the exact money to hand over. The woman gave me a stern look and observed "I don't suppose these are for you are they?". I handed the coins over, grabbed the bag of knickers and hurriedly left.
On returning home I inspected my prize, 12 pairs of genuine blue nylon gymknickers ranging from about size 8 to 16. Since then probably about 15 women have pulled on various pairs of these knickers, slim pert bottoms and chubby plump ones all have found a pair of pants to pull on. Matched with a pleated games skirt and aertex shirt these women have looked the part when bending over to be strapped, slippered and caned. And with the knickers round their thighs, striped throbbing buttocks, and my cock between their legs the views have been fantastic.
On returning home I inspected my prize, 12 pairs of genuine blue nylon gymknickers ranging from about size 8 to 16. Since then probably about 15 women have pulled on various pairs of these knickers, slim pert bottoms and chubby plump ones all have found a pair of pants to pull on. Matched with a pleated games skirt and aertex shirt these women have looked the part when bending over to be strapped, slippered and caned. And with the knickers round their thighs, striped throbbing buttocks, and my cock between their legs the views have been fantastic.
6 years ago
- I would
Who those women were back
Then & when, and are nowadays !