Dice Blackmail game MULTIPLAYER Mode

read carefully till the end before joining in...

Dice Blackmail Game

by dirty-dom on tumblr

Original game:

You will roll once for each section and then complete the required step based on your roll, sending the photos and information to your Blackmailer. Then you may move on to the next roll.

Roll number 1: Easy info

1: The country you live in
2: You last name
3: The county you live in
4: Your first name
5: The first name of someone in your family
6: All of the above

Roll number 2: Easy Pictures

1: Full body shot, no face, just wearing underwear
2: Full nude frontal, no face
3: Fully clothed picture with face
4: Full body picture, underwear around your ankles, no face
5: Closeup shot of your face
6: All of the above

Roll number 3: Moderate info

1: The name of the last person you had sex with
2: The number of times you masturbate a week
3: Your house number
4: Your mobile number
5: One sexual fantasy in at least 20 words
6: All of the above

Roll number 4: Moderate pictures

1: Closeup of your ass
2: Fully body nude photo, no face
3: Fully body nude photo, full face
4: Closeup of your genitals
5: Full nude body shot from behind
6: Full frontal full face shot

Roll number 5: Hard info

1: Your first name
2: Your last name
3: Your street name
4: Your number
5: Your full name, first and last
6: All of the above

Roll number 6: Hard pictures
1: Three full face nudes
2: A nude full body photo of you with face
3: A nude photo kneeling down, full face
4: A closeup of a dildo in your ass
5: A fully body shot with face, holding a sign of your choice
6: Go back and complete every single photograph from the easy, moderate and hard dice rolls

Roll number 7: Extreme info

1: Your full name, first and last
2: Your full address
3: Your email address
4: Your facebook information
5: The first and last name of one male and one female friend and their email addresses
6: All of the above

Roll number 8: Extreme photos

1: A nude full face photo from a public park
2: Five full face nude photos
3: Every single nude photo of yourself you currently have on.
4: A nude full face photo with your full name written on your chest in big black letters
5: A nude full photo face photo showing your ID with nothing censored.
6: All of the above

Roll number 9: Length of Blackmail time. This roll will determine the length of time the dominant will blackmail you for. If you complete all of the tasks given during this time, then the dominant must delete all pictures and info he has of you.

1: 1 day
2: 3 days
3: 1 week
4: 2 weeks
5: 1 month
6: Bad luck, as long as the dominant wants

If you wish to complete this dare, post below saying ‘I consent to this dare’ and/or message pm to your Blackmailer. Once you start rolling, your only two options are to play the dare through to the end or to let the dominant expose whatever information he/she have gathered on you up to that point.

Good luck.

Anyone want to play?

Additional rules, Multiplayer Mode
by cake77

The idea is to have 2 contestants play against each other + 1 blackmailer/referee.

The referee does the first roll, the two contestants have to provide info/Photo as quick as possible.
the contestant who delivers last, has to roll again and answer both rolls.
if the 2nd roll matches the first one, the whole section has to be answered.

As for the last question: Both contestants roll for the time period they are being blackmailled. The one with the higher number gets blackmailed for the time of both rolls combined, the contestant with the lower number does not get blackmailed at all.
In the event of a draw, so both contestants rolling the same number, both contestants get blackmailed for the combined number of their rolls.
Published by cake77
6 years ago
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schwanzstute 3 years ago
Da würde Ich mitspielen
CipciaOliwcia 4 years ago
I agree to this challenge
piepkonijn 4 years ago
Sounds a nice game
Geil en eng idee deze challenge!
sissyslaaf39jr 5 years ago
to Katja3 : Ja heb het echt een keer gedaan :smile:
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Katja3 5 years ago
to sissyslaaf39jr : Ieeee... was benieuwd of je echt hebt gegooid met de dobbelstenen ? Xxx 
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sissyslaaf39jr 5 years ago
i consent to this dare
NoLimetslavehh 6 years ago
we readdy to play Faggot sissy slave 666AmberRayne666 like high risk no limt
webpigliz 6 years ago
Would be cool and exciting, but I outed myself years ago. ( sigh ) how do i get to be a blackmailer ???  and who holds the dice ?
cake77 Publisher 6 years ago
to fistncider : Wanna play a game?
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fistncider 6 years ago