Hello you naughty girls and boys
There are a great many forces at work in the world and sometimes they fall in just a certain way to change the course of one's life. We know opposites attract. We know about curiosity and the mix of wonder and fear when facing that which we do not understand. And we know how opportunity presents itself, seemingly out of nowhere. And we are aware of the impact our choices can make on our lives.
The following story touches on these forces where a young man is about to have an encounter with an older woman who lives in a world apart from his own. Curiosity will lead him to a bold venture, but there is a cost for his inquisitiveness.
I feel forced to mention that all characters involved in any sexual encounters are of legal age, as they are in all of my stories.
An earthquake wouldn't wake her. That's what they said. Whenever she was passed out, and that was too often according to her sister Mrs. Ellis, she couldn't be budged until her body was good and ready. Any attempts to wake her were in vain and any attempts to move her just weren't worth the effort.
The body in question belonged to Lexi Ellis, sister to Mrs. Dorothy Ellis, and therefore aunt to my best friend Steve. It wasn't a body that was around often and I had only just met her the day before. But it was a body that somehow caught my attention.
Lexi was described as rather 'wild' which I suppose was better than the second most often description which was 'irresponsible'. My guess would be she was in her late 30's but I never asked. Wild certainly seemed to fit her, at least judging by her appearance.
Her head was shaved on the sides and back and the top was dyed or bleached blonde. Her ears had several piercings, as well as an eyebrow, her nose, and her tongue. I had even wondered where else she might have piercings but I sure wasn't able to ask. Even asking Steve would have been crossing a line, plus I would probably die of embarrassment.
She also had tattoos and again I was aware of a few and knew she had more, but I didn't know where they were all located or what each one was. I found myself curious about her tattoos at least as much as I was about her piercings, both of which were quite foreign to me and something I could never do.
She was a big girl I guess. I mean she was larger than her sister Dorothy. She had broader shoulders and was wider and thicker. She was a woman and not a girl. Her tits were definitely larger than her sister's and there was no way to hide that. I wouldn't say she was fat, except maybe in her ass. I suppose she had the sort of body you would expect to go along with the Harley Davidson she rode.
Which didn't mean she was dressed all in leather and wearing some bike gang jacket. In fact what she was wearing when I first saw her the night before was more like a sun dress although the colors and patterns were perhaps a little 'wild'. However she didn't appear to be as covered as most women I came across. During the short introduction I was given a view of her ample cleavage and thought one of her tits may fall out at any moment.
So that's a brief summary of Lexi Ellis as I had seen her the night before and imagined her to be from day to day. I think part of my curiosity about her was because she was so completely different from me. I was boring, not very athletic, the one picked last when dividing groups into teams, and Steve wasn't just my best friend, he was in all practical purposes my only friend.
I was over at Steve's all the time and was treated like family. When I was introduced to Lexi, just before she left for the night, it felt like the rest of the family was embarrassed by her. She actually gave me a pinch on the cheek as she rushed through the hi's and bye's on her way out the door. It was strange but didn't really bother me.
Mrs. Ellis took a few minutes to explain about her sister and warned Steve and I together not to get any bad ideas from her behavior. She was a model of what not to do. We weren't to allow her to offer us any drinks and any suggestions she might have were to be carefully and meticulously examined for the potential trouble they might land us in.
That was all last night. I had come over in the morning as was my usual Saturday routine. Things were pretty loose on Saturdays and Steve and I would often play Xbox together or take turns while he had to do chores around the house.
They had already finished breakfast by the time I arrived but had saved some for me. I sat down to eat before having any real idea what I would do next. While I was having breakfast I heard Lexi arrive. She had been out all night; like all night, and was just getting home.
From the sound of it she was also quite drunk. Not that I heard much from her but Mrs. Ellis was mentioning her drinking and how she was a bad example to her nephew. It was a mild argument and Lexi went off to the living room. Mrs. Ellis came into the kitchen to apologize for her sister.
That's when I was told about how no one could wake her when she was passed out. She explained that Lexi was probably going to pass out in the living room and the good news was she wouldn't bother anyone. I was told I wouldn't be able to use the living room for awhile but I hardly ever went in there anyway.
After breakfast I sat down to play some Xbox and work on the latest game I had been playing. I was eager to reach the next level and depending upon how the day went I might get to the end before I had to go home. I had been making progress when Mrs. Ellis came into the room.
I had heard some activity in the house, so it wasn't a huge surprise when she said she was going out and that Steve's sister Emily had a game today. I was a little more surprised to learn that Steve would be going with them. He didn't really want to but there had been some promise to his sister and he was being held to it.
So I was going to be left on my own for awhile. That wasn't too unusual. Like I said, Saturdays were pretty loose and I was treated like family. I was asked if I wanted to tag along with the understanding that I probably would rather stay here. I told Mrs. Ellis that I needed to get to the next checkpoint in my game and that I'd be happy to stay and play through more of it while they were out.
So I was left to entertain myself as the rest of the family packed up and headed out for much of the day. I'd see them for dinner but maybe not much before then. I could always call if I needed anything. So they left and I went back to my game.
The house was pretty quiet. I was playing my game and Lexi was presumably passed out in the living room. Lexi wouldn't be bothering me and she would be out cold for hours. Yep, for hours she would be asleep in the living room. That's right, her piercings, her tattoos, her tits, her ass, all just laying in the living room; asleep.
I was having trouble concentrating on the game and after a few too many deaths which I should have been able to avoid, I shut it off. I sat in silence for a few minutes listening for any other sounds in the house, any sign that Lexi wasn't asleep but awake.
Then I got up and went to get a glass of water. I wasn't stomping around but I wasn't worried about being too quiet either, and I was listening for any signs of activity from the living room. I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Then I went through the cupboards looking for snacks and this time I was making a little extra noise. I could apologize to Lexi and it would also give me a chance to talk to her, although that also scared me as I had no idea what I might say. Nothing.
I convinced myself to check to see whether or not she was passed out and just make sure everything was okay. So I made my way to the living room. The door was pulled nearly closed and I stood at the crack for a few moments just listening. I could hear a slight snoring sound coming from the room.
Now I found myself wanting to be extremely quiet and that's also when I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. My hand also felt sweaty as I reached for the doorknob to slowly push it open and peer inside. I was shaking as I pushed open the door and couldn't explain why.
As the door opened and I looked into the room I became aware of Lexi lying on the couch. She was face down with her head in the far corner, one leg on the couch and the other off as her knee rested on the carpeted floor. But as the door opened and that was revealed to me, I also was shocked by what else I saw.
At first I think my mind just rejected the idea, but after a few seconds of staring and holding my breath, it was clear that the skirt portion of her dress was tucked beneath her and had otherwise been pulled up to her waist, thus exposing her entire big, bare ass to my view!
This was as much nudity as I had ever seen. I hadn't really had any girlfriends and certainly nothing serious. So this big bare ass was like something out of a porno mag for me. But so much more than that for this ass was 'in the flesh' and only a few feet from me.
My first reaction, completely involuntary, was to freeze. I had been standing for a least a few seconds when I realized I hadn't moved and that I needed to breathe. I let out a long slow breath and took a few deep breaths as quietly as I could. I was afraid to move and afraid to stay where I was.
I found myself focusing on her magnificent derriere. The curves of her full, plump cheeks were captivating. The pink pale flesh was an incredible sight and as I committed the full, round form to memory I knew I could just stare at it for hours.
It was as if I had found a lost ticket to my own private show. "You can't wake her up," I thought to myself. "She'll be out for hours," said Mrs. Ellis. And here was her beautiful bare ass in the same room with me. I couldn't just leave.
Some part of my brain took over; a primal part no doubt. Before I fully realized what I was doing I was getting down on the floor on my hands and knees. I don't know just how quickly or successfully I would have been able to hide if she suddenly awoke, but my body felt this was the best approach.
And that's when I also realized I was already slowly crawling towards her. And when I say slowly, I do mean slowly. She was less than ten feet away from me but when I went to move my knee it probably took over a minute before I brought it back down to rest in the carpet.
I was creeping along at a snail's pace, mindful of my breathing, and trying to be as quiet as a mouse, or maybe a caterpillar. My moves were very deliberate and what would have been one flowing motion became a hundred micro movements. And inch by inch I was getting closer to that amazing ass.
I don't know exactly how much time I spent as I had no way to check a clock, but my guess is it took me over ten minutes to crawl less than ten feet to where she was on the couch. The first thing I reached was her foot on the floor. For some reason when I made it that far I bent my head down and inhaled. My face was inches from the sole of her foot and when I took that deep breath it smelled like, surprise, a foot.
I carefully crawled forward, straddling over her lower leg which rested on the carpeted floor. My face bent low again, not as far as the back of her knee, before it slowly rose and followed her thigh. When I came to a stopping point I held my position and let it sink in that I was no longer at her thigh, but in fact my face was inches away from her left buttcheek. This in itself was a moment, but I felt an inner pull to my right.
Slowly, inch by inch, I moved to my right, my eyes taking in the contours and texture of her skin as the crack of her ass came front and center. I found myself just inches away from the dark divide, while my breathing matched hers. I knew she was passed out but it still felt intimate somehow, as though we were still sharing a sacred space.
I must have stayed like that for another five or ten minutes just soaking in the experience. I could smell her skin, and to some extent, her ass. I couldn't really see anything at this point as her skirt was bunched up between her legs and even if I could get low enough to be in line with her pussy, it would be blocked by fabric even though her legs were somewhat spread.
I wasn't really sure what to do next but my hands seemed to have an idea all their own. I became aware of them lifting very slowly, my right forearm coming to rest on the couch close to her right leg. Then my elbow moved forward so I could raise that hand higher and have free motion. Meanwhile my left hand rose in the air and took its place hovering over her left cheek.
I was back to microscopic movements and I could once again feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was scared of what might happen at any moment, and yet I knew I had to continue; my hands slowly descending, one above either cheek, waiting for the moment of contact.
And when that moment came it was pure bliss. I'm not sure how to describe it, though I'm sure someone more experienced would be able to. But that instant of skin to skin contact was life altering. I felt the cool skin of her ass in my hands. I mean her ass was in my hands! Slowly I let my hands sink even further so they came to a full rest and I could feel her ass under and between my fingers.
It was heaven. My life was nearly complete at that moment. Nearly, for I knew there was one more very important step. I did a slow, and I mean very slow squeeze of her cheeks. This was to ensure she was truly passed out as well as for the more obvious pleasure it gave me. A couple of slow squeezes and I was ready for the next move.
I took a deep breath first and then slowly I began to pull my hands to the side and thus spread her ass cheeks open. How many assholes have you looked at? Well it really doesn't matter because this was my first. I was aware that the darkening crack was revealing her tight little ring and there was a moment that it appeared to be stuck together before it finally gave way and popped open. And then it winked at me.
And once again I froze solid. Was she waking up? Was her asshole somehow raising an alarm? I had just parted the cheeks and the little round hole suddenly squeezed closed and then relaxed again. I stared at it waiting for whatever was to come; but nothing came. After a few seconds I did another slow squeeze as much to make sure my hands were still part of my body.
I also noticed a freshly released aroma. It was a damp, musky smell, only hinted at before I parted the chasm. Now it was in full force and let me know I had entered new territory. It wasn't the smell of flowers yet I found myself intrigued and I began a shallow sniffing to better understand its nature.
My head dipped a few inches closer to explore the scent and that's when I became aware there was also a heat radiating from this private place. The warm, moist musk washed over me as my face acclimated to this sinful sauna. My eyes closed and on some level I was relaxing.
When I opened my eyes I was pleased my dream had not evaporated. I was still between her cheeks. I could look up the valley and see the hills on either side as the path led to her lower back. Lowering my gaze I could see her dark anus, the center of my world, and below that the taint which disappeared into the fabric of her dress; the fabric which brushed against my chin as I looked down.
The ass remained where it was and the asshole just kept looking at me, waiting for my next move. Thinking back now I can't really tell you why I did it. I certainly hadn't planned all this out when I first opened the door to the room to find her bare ass staring back at me. But now, here, with cheeks spread and asshole on display scant inches from my face I leaned in; and in one quick motion I licked her asshole.
It was too quick, too impulsive for me to really be able to process what I just did. I mean I was aware I had just licked her asshole but even though it had just happened and my face was still in her ass, I couldn't tell you anything about it. So I took a second lick.
I'm sure some of this was a deep rooted curiosity and no doubt some of this was sexually driven from somewhere deep inside me. But again it was also all so very new. This time I reflexively pulled my tongue back but it would still be difficult to describe the taste. It tasted...dirty. And yet after rolling my tongue around in my mouth for a few moments, I found I was going in for my third lick.
It was salty; maybe? Perhaps a little bitter? I mean this wasn't something meant to be tasted, right? Maybe it was just her sweat from the night before, but I felt sure there was more to this concoction than a little perspiration. It wasn't easy to identify and yet I tried.
It was a new sensation and a new experience and somewhere in the back of my mind I could hear my mom saying 'Well at least try it. Clean your plate this once and if you find you really don't like it then you don't have to have it again'. And with that in mind I began to clean my plate.
Next time my tongue made contact with her I decided to explore around her ring rather than just passing my tongue across the center. I went clockwise and then counterclockwise, letting my tongue become familiar with the tiny ridges there.
I used the tip of my tongue to make a few rapid pokes at the center and then made another lick with my tongue broad and flat, licking across her asshole as well as the side of the crack of her ass. A second big lick and this time I treated it like an ice cream cone and more than just passing over it, I tried to draw in into me.
My tongue continued to make introductions to her asshole. Sometimes it was an explorer, looking for all the tiny details and in search of a new discovery. Other times it was more like a c***d, looking to play on a new secret playground. Whatever personality my tongue had it kept going back for more.
And there was a wealth of sensations. Some places were soft but had more texture. The wrinkled ring of her anus certainly offered ridges for my tongue to rake across. And the ring was taut like thick rubber, at least when I began. As I continued my exploration I felt it yield just slightly and then tighten again.
As I really got into all the work my tongue was doing I also took a moment to remember my hands. They were still holding the soft, sexy flesh of Lexi's ass and I went back to more squeezing. This time my squeezing went up a notch as well. I squeezed deeper and harder and began to move my hands in small circles.
And then in another move by instinct I suddenly pulled her cheeks close together, squishing them against my face as I took one very deep breath. What can I say? I had already been swimming in the musky air but I needed a fuller, more intense discovery. It was a forbidden aroma, a hidden treasure, and I was claiming it. I spread her cheeks open once more and took a few breaths of fresh air before diving in again and pulling her ass flesh around me.
It was a sensation overload. It was the smell of her skin, of her ass crack, and of her asshole. It was the feel of her ass in my hands as well as the fleshy globes on my face. It was the touch of my tongue on her wrinkled rosebud. My hands on her flesh, her flesh on my face, her hands in my hair, my tongue on her asshole, her...wait!...what? Were those really her hands in my hair!
I froze and almost everything within my world froze as well. My face froze, my hands froze, my tongue froze, my breath held, and yet something was still moving. It was the fingers in my hair which were moving to the back of my head. Part of my brain wanted to flee and told me I had to move, but it wouldn't have mattered.
Before I could convince my body to act, Lexi's hands found their place at the base of my skull and pulled me hard into her waiting ass, forcing me against her asshole which came alive and began kissing me. It was no longer my choice to be here.
"That's it sweetie; don't stop now."
While that helped to break me from my frozen state I still didn't know what to do. I had been the active one, working my tongue over her asshole, but now it was her hands holding me in place and moving me against her soft cheeks. Now my tongue wasn't licking her asshole as much as her asshole was sucking on my tongue.
My heart was pounding in my chest and I broke out in a sweat. My body was shaking as a fear washed over me. She was awake! I clung to the hope that she was just dreaming but it was falling apart with every passing second.
"You're a very naughty boy and we're going to have some naughty fun together."
She relaxed her grip enough that I could pull back to gulp in some fresh air; well air at least. But it was only for a moment and then she pulled me back in. Now her whole ass felt like it was pushing back against me. Her ass was no longer a stationary object, but rather it was a battering ram to be used against my face.
Asleep or not I couldn't get away now if I wanted to. I tried to calm down. Her asshole found my nose and pressed against it. There was nothing I could do. I was trapped.
"Now don't you pass out on me. You were off to such a good start. Get back in the groove."
It took a second for me to accept she was actually speaking to me. She hadn't pushed me away or shouted at me or slapped me across the face; all of which I thought she was entitled to. Instead she was comforting and encouraging, and I found myself giving in and going back into the dream I had been so enjoying.
Soon we were both moving aggressively. My tongue went back to work tasting and probing her ass as she slid around my face and kissed me with her puckered hole. My face was sliding between her cheeks in a mix of sweat and saliva.
"That's it. Now deeper; deeper! Keep tongue-fucking my ass! We've got a long way to go before you get your first break."
Clearly she was in charge. I had begun my journey alone, but upon her waking she took hold of the driver's seat. I did my best to follow her instructions. My tongue pushed deep into her anus as my hands spread her cheeks so I could get my face deeper between her cheeks.
As she slid and rubbed against my face I knew at some point I felt her pussy cross my chin and mouth. But her pussy wasn't what I was here for. I had started with her ass and that's where she wanted me to finish. Her asshole was the center of all the action, but we were no longer confined to that small space.
Her whole body rocked against me and she swayed from side to side. She lifted herself up off the couch and in so doing her ass lifted my head higher. One of my hands was knocked way from her butt for a moment as she changed the grip she had on my head and neck.
I came to realize that she had one hand down between her legs at the back of my neck while her other hand had reached over her leg and ass to find my head. Her fingers met and locked together at the base of my skull and I knew there was no possible way I could escape.
I tried to keep up with her. I had no experience in what I was doing but I didn't want to disappoint. However I was also having trouble breathing and several times I was clutching at her ass not out of appreciation, but rather a sense of desperation.
She would change up a little. After sticking my tongue in and trying to go deeper as she insisted, she then would allow me a breath of air before assaulting my nose. She commanded me to sniff her ass and I was surprised when she told me to 'nose-fuck' it. Was that really a thing?
But then she would switch my back to mouth on ass, either sucking on her ass, kissing her ass, licking her asshole, or trying once again to get my tongue ever deeper inside her. And when I felt she might be finished with me, she would just change up again.
I don't know how long this went on. I lost all track of time. I tried to keep up as best I could be she was wearing me out and she was providing most of the motion. We went through phases of quickening moves and then a tense, tight pause before a slight shift in position.
Eventually there was a more noticeable change. With her hands still locked behind my neck and my face buried deep within her ass crack, she began to roll over on the couch. My body, having no other choice, twisted along with her as she moved to her side.
But she didn't remain there for long. She wrestled with her legs and the cushions and continued rolling over onto her back. As this happened I was forced to bring my legs up off the floor and with some difficulty I managed to swing them over the arm of the sofa.
But my legs were a secondary concern. Moving this way not only put my face and head in her ass but also under it. I was now lying on my back and she was all but sitting on my face. In fact as I felt her move above me I was sure she was sitting up.
The weight was now crushing me and worse still was that I couldn't breathe. Thankfully she must have realized my predicament, because she rocked on my face and letting go of my neck she lifted a cheek to allow for the slightest access to air.
But it didn't last near long enough. I was beginning to panic and it felt like she was just settling in. She did another shift and I wheezed in some much needed air. I couldn't see just what was going on above me, but using her hands, arms, and legs she tucked my arms beneath me pinning them between my body and the cushions.
And then we went back to the rocking and rubbing of her ass against my face. Her pace picked up immediately and I could hear her making moaning sounds above me. While I couldn't be sure I also felt a vibrating somewhere above my chin and thought she was rubbing her hand against herself.
I was convinced we were nearing a climax but I was not convinced I would make it that long. I was trying my best to tongue-fuck her asshole as she wanted in the hopes she would climax soon and I could get some air, but I felt myself getting dizzy and my tongue was slowing.
From somewhere I heard her cry out and her body shuddered over mine. I felt a wet spray fall on my chest and stomach and I confess it took me a moment to guess what it was. A couple more sprays and then the liquid seeped through my shirt and I felt it pooling in some places and in others I could feel it running down the side of my body.
Thankfully the heavens then parted above me and I was able to suck in some air. She moved a fraction and while her anus rested heavily on my lips, and my nose was still wedged between her cheeks, I was able to breathe. We both took a few moments to bring our breathing back to normal. She of course managed that before I did.
I came to the realization that it was over. It was my first sexual experience which I had begun on my own but which Lexi took control of and rode to the finish line. It was also an awkward moment as I wasn't sure just how I could look at her after such an event. What would happen next?
Well I didn't have to worry about meeting her gaze as I found she was in no hurry to get up off my face and body. In fact she sounded and moved like she was just getting more comfortable. I felt her thighs coming to rest alongside my body and the heel of one foot found its way to my crotch, hooking my balls within my jeans.
"Well, Jim was it? That was quite a pleasant surprise. Not bad baby boy, but I'm not finished with you yet. Let's just relax for a few minutes while I decide where we go from here."
What could I do? I was trapped beneath her. But then was I really trapped? I mean I couldn't go anywhere but did I really want to? I was able to breathe now as long as I didn't try to exert myself. And I was still able to enjoy that which brought me here. I was deep inside Lexi's amazing ass and I had no desire to be anywhere else.
The following story touches on these forces where a young man is about to have an encounter with an older woman who lives in a world apart from his own. Curiosity will lead him to a bold venture, but there is a cost for his inquisitiveness.
I feel forced to mention that all characters involved in any sexual encounters are of legal age, as they are in all of my stories.
An earthquake wouldn't wake her. That's what they said. Whenever she was passed out, and that was too often according to her sister Mrs. Ellis, she couldn't be budged until her body was good and ready. Any attempts to wake her were in vain and any attempts to move her just weren't worth the effort.
The body in question belonged to Lexi Ellis, sister to Mrs. Dorothy Ellis, and therefore aunt to my best friend Steve. It wasn't a body that was around often and I had only just met her the day before. But it was a body that somehow caught my attention.
Lexi was described as rather 'wild' which I suppose was better than the second most often description which was 'irresponsible'. My guess would be she was in her late 30's but I never asked. Wild certainly seemed to fit her, at least judging by her appearance.
Her head was shaved on the sides and back and the top was dyed or bleached blonde. Her ears had several piercings, as well as an eyebrow, her nose, and her tongue. I had even wondered where else she might have piercings but I sure wasn't able to ask. Even asking Steve would have been crossing a line, plus I would probably die of embarrassment.
She also had tattoos and again I was aware of a few and knew she had more, but I didn't know where they were all located or what each one was. I found myself curious about her tattoos at least as much as I was about her piercings, both of which were quite foreign to me and something I could never do.
She was a big girl I guess. I mean she was larger than her sister Dorothy. She had broader shoulders and was wider and thicker. She was a woman and not a girl. Her tits were definitely larger than her sister's and there was no way to hide that. I wouldn't say she was fat, except maybe in her ass. I suppose she had the sort of body you would expect to go along with the Harley Davidson she rode.
Which didn't mean she was dressed all in leather and wearing some bike gang jacket. In fact what she was wearing when I first saw her the night before was more like a sun dress although the colors and patterns were perhaps a little 'wild'. However she didn't appear to be as covered as most women I came across. During the short introduction I was given a view of her ample cleavage and thought one of her tits may fall out at any moment.
So that's a brief summary of Lexi Ellis as I had seen her the night before and imagined her to be from day to day. I think part of my curiosity about her was because she was so completely different from me. I was boring, not very athletic, the one picked last when dividing groups into teams, and Steve wasn't just my best friend, he was in all practical purposes my only friend.
I was over at Steve's all the time and was treated like family. When I was introduced to Lexi, just before she left for the night, it felt like the rest of the family was embarrassed by her. She actually gave me a pinch on the cheek as she rushed through the hi's and bye's on her way out the door. It was strange but didn't really bother me.
Mrs. Ellis took a few minutes to explain about her sister and warned Steve and I together not to get any bad ideas from her behavior. She was a model of what not to do. We weren't to allow her to offer us any drinks and any suggestions she might have were to be carefully and meticulously examined for the potential trouble they might land us in.
That was all last night. I had come over in the morning as was my usual Saturday routine. Things were pretty loose on Saturdays and Steve and I would often play Xbox together or take turns while he had to do chores around the house.
They had already finished breakfast by the time I arrived but had saved some for me. I sat down to eat before having any real idea what I would do next. While I was having breakfast I heard Lexi arrive. She had been out all night; like all night, and was just getting home.
From the sound of it she was also quite drunk. Not that I heard much from her but Mrs. Ellis was mentioning her drinking and how she was a bad example to her nephew. It was a mild argument and Lexi went off to the living room. Mrs. Ellis came into the kitchen to apologize for her sister.
That's when I was told about how no one could wake her when she was passed out. She explained that Lexi was probably going to pass out in the living room and the good news was she wouldn't bother anyone. I was told I wouldn't be able to use the living room for awhile but I hardly ever went in there anyway.
After breakfast I sat down to play some Xbox and work on the latest game I had been playing. I was eager to reach the next level and depending upon how the day went I might get to the end before I had to go home. I had been making progress when Mrs. Ellis came into the room.
I had heard some activity in the house, so it wasn't a huge surprise when she said she was going out and that Steve's sister Emily had a game today. I was a little more surprised to learn that Steve would be going with them. He didn't really want to but there had been some promise to his sister and he was being held to it.
So I was going to be left on my own for awhile. That wasn't too unusual. Like I said, Saturdays were pretty loose and I was treated like family. I was asked if I wanted to tag along with the understanding that I probably would rather stay here. I told Mrs. Ellis that I needed to get to the next checkpoint in my game and that I'd be happy to stay and play through more of it while they were out.
So I was left to entertain myself as the rest of the family packed up and headed out for much of the day. I'd see them for dinner but maybe not much before then. I could always call if I needed anything. So they left and I went back to my game.
The house was pretty quiet. I was playing my game and Lexi was presumably passed out in the living room. Lexi wouldn't be bothering me and she would be out cold for hours. Yep, for hours she would be asleep in the living room. That's right, her piercings, her tattoos, her tits, her ass, all just laying in the living room; asleep.
I was having trouble concentrating on the game and after a few too many deaths which I should have been able to avoid, I shut it off. I sat in silence for a few minutes listening for any other sounds in the house, any sign that Lexi wasn't asleep but awake.
Then I got up and went to get a glass of water. I wasn't stomping around but I wasn't worried about being too quiet either, and I was listening for any signs of activity from the living room. I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Then I went through the cupboards looking for snacks and this time I was making a little extra noise. I could apologize to Lexi and it would also give me a chance to talk to her, although that also scared me as I had no idea what I might say. Nothing.
I convinced myself to check to see whether or not she was passed out and just make sure everything was okay. So I made my way to the living room. The door was pulled nearly closed and I stood at the crack for a few moments just listening. I could hear a slight snoring sound coming from the room.
Now I found myself wanting to be extremely quiet and that's also when I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. My hand also felt sweaty as I reached for the doorknob to slowly push it open and peer inside. I was shaking as I pushed open the door and couldn't explain why.
As the door opened and I looked into the room I became aware of Lexi lying on the couch. She was face down with her head in the far corner, one leg on the couch and the other off as her knee rested on the carpeted floor. But as the door opened and that was revealed to me, I also was shocked by what else I saw.
At first I think my mind just rejected the idea, but after a few seconds of staring and holding my breath, it was clear that the skirt portion of her dress was tucked beneath her and had otherwise been pulled up to her waist, thus exposing her entire big, bare ass to my view!
This was as much nudity as I had ever seen. I hadn't really had any girlfriends and certainly nothing serious. So this big bare ass was like something out of a porno mag for me. But so much more than that for this ass was 'in the flesh' and only a few feet from me.
My first reaction, completely involuntary, was to freeze. I had been standing for a least a few seconds when I realized I hadn't moved and that I needed to breathe. I let out a long slow breath and took a few deep breaths as quietly as I could. I was afraid to move and afraid to stay where I was.
I found myself focusing on her magnificent derriere. The curves of her full, plump cheeks were captivating. The pink pale flesh was an incredible sight and as I committed the full, round form to memory I knew I could just stare at it for hours.
It was as if I had found a lost ticket to my own private show. "You can't wake her up," I thought to myself. "She'll be out for hours," said Mrs. Ellis. And here was her beautiful bare ass in the same room with me. I couldn't just leave.
Some part of my brain took over; a primal part no doubt. Before I fully realized what I was doing I was getting down on the floor on my hands and knees. I don't know just how quickly or successfully I would have been able to hide if she suddenly awoke, but my body felt this was the best approach.
And that's when I also realized I was already slowly crawling towards her. And when I say slowly, I do mean slowly. She was less than ten feet away from me but when I went to move my knee it probably took over a minute before I brought it back down to rest in the carpet.
I was creeping along at a snail's pace, mindful of my breathing, and trying to be as quiet as a mouse, or maybe a caterpillar. My moves were very deliberate and what would have been one flowing motion became a hundred micro movements. And inch by inch I was getting closer to that amazing ass.
I don't know exactly how much time I spent as I had no way to check a clock, but my guess is it took me over ten minutes to crawl less than ten feet to where she was on the couch. The first thing I reached was her foot on the floor. For some reason when I made it that far I bent my head down and inhaled. My face was inches from the sole of her foot and when I took that deep breath it smelled like, surprise, a foot.
I carefully crawled forward, straddling over her lower leg which rested on the carpeted floor. My face bent low again, not as far as the back of her knee, before it slowly rose and followed her thigh. When I came to a stopping point I held my position and let it sink in that I was no longer at her thigh, but in fact my face was inches away from her left buttcheek. This in itself was a moment, but I felt an inner pull to my right.
Slowly, inch by inch, I moved to my right, my eyes taking in the contours and texture of her skin as the crack of her ass came front and center. I found myself just inches away from the dark divide, while my breathing matched hers. I knew she was passed out but it still felt intimate somehow, as though we were still sharing a sacred space.
I must have stayed like that for another five or ten minutes just soaking in the experience. I could smell her skin, and to some extent, her ass. I couldn't really see anything at this point as her skirt was bunched up between her legs and even if I could get low enough to be in line with her pussy, it would be blocked by fabric even though her legs were somewhat spread.
I wasn't really sure what to do next but my hands seemed to have an idea all their own. I became aware of them lifting very slowly, my right forearm coming to rest on the couch close to her right leg. Then my elbow moved forward so I could raise that hand higher and have free motion. Meanwhile my left hand rose in the air and took its place hovering over her left cheek.
I was back to microscopic movements and I could once again feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was scared of what might happen at any moment, and yet I knew I had to continue; my hands slowly descending, one above either cheek, waiting for the moment of contact.
And when that moment came it was pure bliss. I'm not sure how to describe it, though I'm sure someone more experienced would be able to. But that instant of skin to skin contact was life altering. I felt the cool skin of her ass in my hands. I mean her ass was in my hands! Slowly I let my hands sink even further so they came to a full rest and I could feel her ass under and between my fingers.
It was heaven. My life was nearly complete at that moment. Nearly, for I knew there was one more very important step. I did a slow, and I mean very slow squeeze of her cheeks. This was to ensure she was truly passed out as well as for the more obvious pleasure it gave me. A couple of slow squeezes and I was ready for the next move.
I took a deep breath first and then slowly I began to pull my hands to the side and thus spread her ass cheeks open. How many assholes have you looked at? Well it really doesn't matter because this was my first. I was aware that the darkening crack was revealing her tight little ring and there was a moment that it appeared to be stuck together before it finally gave way and popped open. And then it winked at me.
And once again I froze solid. Was she waking up? Was her asshole somehow raising an alarm? I had just parted the cheeks and the little round hole suddenly squeezed closed and then relaxed again. I stared at it waiting for whatever was to come; but nothing came. After a few seconds I did another slow squeeze as much to make sure my hands were still part of my body.
I also noticed a freshly released aroma. It was a damp, musky smell, only hinted at before I parted the chasm. Now it was in full force and let me know I had entered new territory. It wasn't the smell of flowers yet I found myself intrigued and I began a shallow sniffing to better understand its nature.
My head dipped a few inches closer to explore the scent and that's when I became aware there was also a heat radiating from this private place. The warm, moist musk washed over me as my face acclimated to this sinful sauna. My eyes closed and on some level I was relaxing.
When I opened my eyes I was pleased my dream had not evaporated. I was still between her cheeks. I could look up the valley and see the hills on either side as the path led to her lower back. Lowering my gaze I could see her dark anus, the center of my world, and below that the taint which disappeared into the fabric of her dress; the fabric which brushed against my chin as I looked down.
The ass remained where it was and the asshole just kept looking at me, waiting for my next move. Thinking back now I can't really tell you why I did it. I certainly hadn't planned all this out when I first opened the door to the room to find her bare ass staring back at me. But now, here, with cheeks spread and asshole on display scant inches from my face I leaned in; and in one quick motion I licked her asshole.
It was too quick, too impulsive for me to really be able to process what I just did. I mean I was aware I had just licked her asshole but even though it had just happened and my face was still in her ass, I couldn't tell you anything about it. So I took a second lick.
I'm sure some of this was a deep rooted curiosity and no doubt some of this was sexually driven from somewhere deep inside me. But again it was also all so very new. This time I reflexively pulled my tongue back but it would still be difficult to describe the taste. It tasted...dirty. And yet after rolling my tongue around in my mouth for a few moments, I found I was going in for my third lick.
It was salty; maybe? Perhaps a little bitter? I mean this wasn't something meant to be tasted, right? Maybe it was just her sweat from the night before, but I felt sure there was more to this concoction than a little perspiration. It wasn't easy to identify and yet I tried.
It was a new sensation and a new experience and somewhere in the back of my mind I could hear my mom saying 'Well at least try it. Clean your plate this once and if you find you really don't like it then you don't have to have it again'. And with that in mind I began to clean my plate.
Next time my tongue made contact with her I decided to explore around her ring rather than just passing my tongue across the center. I went clockwise and then counterclockwise, letting my tongue become familiar with the tiny ridges there.
I used the tip of my tongue to make a few rapid pokes at the center and then made another lick with my tongue broad and flat, licking across her asshole as well as the side of the crack of her ass. A second big lick and this time I treated it like an ice cream cone and more than just passing over it, I tried to draw in into me.
My tongue continued to make introductions to her asshole. Sometimes it was an explorer, looking for all the tiny details and in search of a new discovery. Other times it was more like a c***d, looking to play on a new secret playground. Whatever personality my tongue had it kept going back for more.
And there was a wealth of sensations. Some places were soft but had more texture. The wrinkled ring of her anus certainly offered ridges for my tongue to rake across. And the ring was taut like thick rubber, at least when I began. As I continued my exploration I felt it yield just slightly and then tighten again.
As I really got into all the work my tongue was doing I also took a moment to remember my hands. They were still holding the soft, sexy flesh of Lexi's ass and I went back to more squeezing. This time my squeezing went up a notch as well. I squeezed deeper and harder and began to move my hands in small circles.
And then in another move by instinct I suddenly pulled her cheeks close together, squishing them against my face as I took one very deep breath. What can I say? I had already been swimming in the musky air but I needed a fuller, more intense discovery. It was a forbidden aroma, a hidden treasure, and I was claiming it. I spread her cheeks open once more and took a few breaths of fresh air before diving in again and pulling her ass flesh around me.
It was a sensation overload. It was the smell of her skin, of her ass crack, and of her asshole. It was the feel of her ass in my hands as well as the fleshy globes on my face. It was the touch of my tongue on her wrinkled rosebud. My hands on her flesh, her flesh on my face, her hands in my hair, my tongue on her asshole, her...wait!...what? Were those really her hands in my hair!
I froze and almost everything within my world froze as well. My face froze, my hands froze, my tongue froze, my breath held, and yet something was still moving. It was the fingers in my hair which were moving to the back of my head. Part of my brain wanted to flee and told me I had to move, but it wouldn't have mattered.
Before I could convince my body to act, Lexi's hands found their place at the base of my skull and pulled me hard into her waiting ass, forcing me against her asshole which came alive and began kissing me. It was no longer my choice to be here.
"That's it sweetie; don't stop now."
While that helped to break me from my frozen state I still didn't know what to do. I had been the active one, working my tongue over her asshole, but now it was her hands holding me in place and moving me against her soft cheeks. Now my tongue wasn't licking her asshole as much as her asshole was sucking on my tongue.
My heart was pounding in my chest and I broke out in a sweat. My body was shaking as a fear washed over me. She was awake! I clung to the hope that she was just dreaming but it was falling apart with every passing second.
"You're a very naughty boy and we're going to have some naughty fun together."
She relaxed her grip enough that I could pull back to gulp in some fresh air; well air at least. But it was only for a moment and then she pulled me back in. Now her whole ass felt like it was pushing back against me. Her ass was no longer a stationary object, but rather it was a battering ram to be used against my face.
Asleep or not I couldn't get away now if I wanted to. I tried to calm down. Her asshole found my nose and pressed against it. There was nothing I could do. I was trapped.
"Now don't you pass out on me. You were off to such a good start. Get back in the groove."
It took a second for me to accept she was actually speaking to me. She hadn't pushed me away or shouted at me or slapped me across the face; all of which I thought she was entitled to. Instead she was comforting and encouraging, and I found myself giving in and going back into the dream I had been so enjoying.
Soon we were both moving aggressively. My tongue went back to work tasting and probing her ass as she slid around my face and kissed me with her puckered hole. My face was sliding between her cheeks in a mix of sweat and saliva.
"That's it. Now deeper; deeper! Keep tongue-fucking my ass! We've got a long way to go before you get your first break."
Clearly she was in charge. I had begun my journey alone, but upon her waking she took hold of the driver's seat. I did my best to follow her instructions. My tongue pushed deep into her anus as my hands spread her cheeks so I could get my face deeper between her cheeks.
As she slid and rubbed against my face I knew at some point I felt her pussy cross my chin and mouth. But her pussy wasn't what I was here for. I had started with her ass and that's where she wanted me to finish. Her asshole was the center of all the action, but we were no longer confined to that small space.
Her whole body rocked against me and she swayed from side to side. She lifted herself up off the couch and in so doing her ass lifted my head higher. One of my hands was knocked way from her butt for a moment as she changed the grip she had on my head and neck.
I came to realize that she had one hand down between her legs at the back of my neck while her other hand had reached over her leg and ass to find my head. Her fingers met and locked together at the base of my skull and I knew there was no possible way I could escape.
I tried to keep up with her. I had no experience in what I was doing but I didn't want to disappoint. However I was also having trouble breathing and several times I was clutching at her ass not out of appreciation, but rather a sense of desperation.
She would change up a little. After sticking my tongue in and trying to go deeper as she insisted, she then would allow me a breath of air before assaulting my nose. She commanded me to sniff her ass and I was surprised when she told me to 'nose-fuck' it. Was that really a thing?
But then she would switch my back to mouth on ass, either sucking on her ass, kissing her ass, licking her asshole, or trying once again to get my tongue ever deeper inside her. And when I felt she might be finished with me, she would just change up again.
I don't know how long this went on. I lost all track of time. I tried to keep up as best I could be she was wearing me out and she was providing most of the motion. We went through phases of quickening moves and then a tense, tight pause before a slight shift in position.
Eventually there was a more noticeable change. With her hands still locked behind my neck and my face buried deep within her ass crack, she began to roll over on the couch. My body, having no other choice, twisted along with her as she moved to her side.
But she didn't remain there for long. She wrestled with her legs and the cushions and continued rolling over onto her back. As this happened I was forced to bring my legs up off the floor and with some difficulty I managed to swing them over the arm of the sofa.
But my legs were a secondary concern. Moving this way not only put my face and head in her ass but also under it. I was now lying on my back and she was all but sitting on my face. In fact as I felt her move above me I was sure she was sitting up.
The weight was now crushing me and worse still was that I couldn't breathe. Thankfully she must have realized my predicament, because she rocked on my face and letting go of my neck she lifted a cheek to allow for the slightest access to air.
But it didn't last near long enough. I was beginning to panic and it felt like she was just settling in. She did another shift and I wheezed in some much needed air. I couldn't see just what was going on above me, but using her hands, arms, and legs she tucked my arms beneath me pinning them between my body and the cushions.
And then we went back to the rocking and rubbing of her ass against my face. Her pace picked up immediately and I could hear her making moaning sounds above me. While I couldn't be sure I also felt a vibrating somewhere above my chin and thought she was rubbing her hand against herself.
I was convinced we were nearing a climax but I was not convinced I would make it that long. I was trying my best to tongue-fuck her asshole as she wanted in the hopes she would climax soon and I could get some air, but I felt myself getting dizzy and my tongue was slowing.
From somewhere I heard her cry out and her body shuddered over mine. I felt a wet spray fall on my chest and stomach and I confess it took me a moment to guess what it was. A couple more sprays and then the liquid seeped through my shirt and I felt it pooling in some places and in others I could feel it running down the side of my body.
Thankfully the heavens then parted above me and I was able to suck in some air. She moved a fraction and while her anus rested heavily on my lips, and my nose was still wedged between her cheeks, I was able to breathe. We both took a few moments to bring our breathing back to normal. She of course managed that before I did.
I came to the realization that it was over. It was my first sexual experience which I had begun on my own but which Lexi took control of and rode to the finish line. It was also an awkward moment as I wasn't sure just how I could look at her after such an event. What would happen next?
Well I didn't have to worry about meeting her gaze as I found she was in no hurry to get up off my face and body. In fact she sounded and moved like she was just getting more comfortable. I felt her thighs coming to rest alongside my body and the heel of one foot found its way to my crotch, hooking my balls within my jeans.
"Well, Jim was it? That was quite a pleasant surprise. Not bad baby boy, but I'm not finished with you yet. Let's just relax for a few minutes while I decide where we go from here."
What could I do? I was trapped beneath her. But then was I really trapped? I mean I couldn't go anywhere but did I really want to? I was able to breathe now as long as I didn't try to exert myself. And I was still able to enjoy that which brought me here. I was deep inside Lexi's amazing ass and I had no desire to be anywhere else.
6 years ago