My years of being molested with my close friend E
i write this not to get anyone off, nor do i write this for sympathy, i am simply putting pen to paper to release these memories that have been hiding away all these years. if it turns u on, so be it, if it makes u angry, use that anger to help others by LISTENING to them. don't think that their claims need evidence, more often than not, these events occurred so long ago that there is scant evidence to be had. such is the case with me. i will not judge u nor get mad at u if u tell me the details u are about to read turn u on, i had buried these memories so deep that until the #meetoo movement started, i had forgotten about them. since that time, they have periodically resurfaced in my mind, so now that they have come flooding back in wave after wave, i have decided to tell my story since i cannot bring myself to tell my loved ones in my real life. perhaps there will come a day when i can, but today is not that day.
i dont remember days, i dont remember the faces of the abusers, i do remember the sights and sounds of those many days i endured m*****ation from my babysitter and her boyfriend or boyfriends. i say this cuz i dont remember if it was just one man or more than one. these experiences no c***d should ever have to endure went on from the time i was 5 years old until i was 8 years old and they only stopped cuz my family moved out of the country. as i write this there are c***dren all over the planet going thru what i went thru, i tear up just thinking about it, wishing i can protect them, hold them, tell them its going to be okay, but if i did i would be lying to them, cuz for most of them, those hurting them are adults they trust, or worse are their family.
i guess u could say that i was lucky it wasnt my family, but whoever my sitter was, was no doubt friends with my parents and the parents of my best friend, a girl my same age. we were with each other ever day it seemed like. we looked like brother and sister, we felt like brother and sister. i still know her and still keep in touch, but i have not yet decided if i should bring up what went on those many years ago.
my mother and my BF's mother would drop us off on another floor of the vast highrise building complex we both lived in. i do not remember if it was the same building or another, but if it was, they were laid out next to each other in a circular pattern with an adjoining parking garage and freight rooms that connected all of the buildings. us k**s were able to roam around the buildings going up and down elevators, into other buildings often without supervision cuz we all lived on a key military base that was surrounded by military police, soldiers, planes, tanks, helicopters u name it. my father was a high ranking officer and so was the father of my friend which allowed us certain privileges that most other k**s didn't have.
im sorry im rambling, as i write this more and more details of these many wonderful c***dhood moments (other than what im about to tell u) are firing off in my brain, dragging up long trapped memories. but i need to get back on track cuz thats not what this story is supposed to be about. so im so sorry for droning on. here it goes.
please bare with me as these are not exact details, they are just a myriad of memories that i will do my best to cobble together from many separate experiences, so though it will be one story, it is no doubt a story of details taken from many instances of my m*****ation over a period of 3 years.
our babysitter told us both to come to her cuz she had an exciting fun game to play. E and me ran over giggling with excitement cuz shes been so nice to us and fun so we were dying to see what she had for us to play. as we stood there giddy and giggling, she got serious and told us to never tell anyone about these games cuz they are secret between her, her friend and us. her friend was her boyfriend who had come over before so it was no big deal. he wasnt there yet but she wanted to make sure we could be ready to show her friend our game. we were so ingrained by military life that c***dren ALWAYS listened and obeyed adults so we did as we were told when she told us to get undressed. we have done that many times before to take baths. after we were completely naked we stood there in front of her. she told us to get on her lap one on each leg facing each other and her. she was wearing clothes but her boobs were mostly out and she told us to grab them, and squeeze and play with them like a ball. so we did and then i remember her moving our hands on her boobs up to her nipple and then she took her shirt off. she said we need to suck on her nipples like a baby does a bottle so here me and E were, on her lap sucking on her nipples as she had her hands on top of ours grabbing and rubbing her boobs.
then she moved her hand down our bodies and onto my tiny dick and E's little pussy. we both knew this was weird and not right but we just kept doing it cuz thats just how it was. plus i remember liking it, i had been thinking about naked bodies of others and wanting to see more. i dont know when it started but it was definitely before this moment. then there was a knock at the door, it was her boyfriend. she moved each of us off her lap and told us to sit down and wait.
she went over to the door and let him in. he was so happy to see her and so very happy to see us. they came right over to us and he immediately started undressing as she took off the rest of her clothes and sat back down and told us to get back on her lap as before. he sat down naked next to us and then told us to get on his lap. he then moved our hands onto his dick and told us to play with it, it was SO BIG, i remember giggling and so was E, this was still a game to us even though we both knew it was very weird if not wrong, but since we were told to trust and listen to adults, i remember thinking that it wasnt that bad, no matter how many other times it happened. remember this is one story of many different memories from many different times with her and her boyfriends. next thing i knew he took us off his lap and got up. then she sat in front of him and grabbed his dick then put it in her mouth. soon after she was telling us to do the same thing. she would hold it while me and E would take turns sucking on it as she moved his dick back and forth between our little mouths. i remember her being so excited and making funny noises, but nothing compared to the noises that her boyfriend was making. yes i know that those noises were moans, grunts, shrieks and so on, but at that time we had never heard adults make noises like that before.
then she told us to stop and she laid back on the couch and lifted her legs up and then her boyfriend moved in front of her and started licking her pussy. after a little bit she told us to lick it and he backed off and we did. then he sat down next to her and grabbed my arm and told me to suck on him some more. so there we were, standing on the floor in front of the couch licking pussy and sucking cock, we would switch off when they told us to switch. her noises would get louder and weirder and his grunts would do the same, i remember lots of swear words, im sure u could guess what they were. suck my dick little boy, suck my dick little girl, lick those balls, lick that pussy, make it feel good. ur doing so good, we're both so proud of u and remember to stay quiet and not tell anyone or else youll be in big trouble.
i dont remember if they made more specific threats but its likely that they did. so then we were both told to suck his cock and move our little hands up and down and dont stop no matter what. he started to shake and then she wrapped her hand around our little hands and made us jerk him harder and faster all the while she told us to keep sucking. and then it happened, he let out really loud groans and he started cumming all over our mouths and faces, i remember trying to pull back but they both grabbed our little heads and kept them there as he emptied his balls all over us. then we were told to lick up our mess. i will never forget the taste of his cum, i liked it but i dont think E did cuz she started crying but we both licked it all up and then they both collapsed back onto the could all sweaty. she was slowly playing with herself as me and E just stood there with cum all over our faces. she made us kiss each other and then lay on top of them while they held us in their arms.
then his hands started playing with my asshole and E's asshole and pussy. i remember how weird it felt but that it also felt good, until he put a finger in, then all i remember was pain. but he never went further than a finger in either of us, it was always sucking her pussy, then sucking his cock till he came. he did fuck her while using us. she would lay down, then E would lay on her back against her, then i would lay on top of E and he would lay on top of all of us but no, he didnt put much weight on us, he just rubbed against us as he fucked her. when all the sex was done, we would all go lay in the bed for a while and watch TV. then she would tell us to get in the bath and get cleaned up. she was so nice and loving during bath time, washing our bodies, splashing water on us and just being so happy. after she dried us off, he would wrap the towel underneath my armpits and then run around the rooms pretending that i was flying, he did the same with E. she would make us all food while we rolled around with him on the floor in our jammies pretending to wrestle him and beat him up. he was very loving too, they both were, even when they were m*****ing us.
i know it was wrong now but they were never mean to us other than m*****ing us. yes i guess u could say that was mean, but they never yelled or got angry and we never told anyone about our fun together. i remember looking forward to it and wanting to do it. maybe thats why i just love cock so much now, i dunno. would i be a sissy jap cock addicted trap if they didnt m***** me? i will never know, but im not mad at them for it. its a part of my c***dhood and im okay with it.
thanks for reading and i welcome comments or questions, i will do my best to answer them.
xoxoxo Naomi
i dont remember days, i dont remember the faces of the abusers, i do remember the sights and sounds of those many days i endured m*****ation from my babysitter and her boyfriend or boyfriends. i say this cuz i dont remember if it was just one man or more than one. these experiences no c***d should ever have to endure went on from the time i was 5 years old until i was 8 years old and they only stopped cuz my family moved out of the country. as i write this there are c***dren all over the planet going thru what i went thru, i tear up just thinking about it, wishing i can protect them, hold them, tell them its going to be okay, but if i did i would be lying to them, cuz for most of them, those hurting them are adults they trust, or worse are their family.
i guess u could say that i was lucky it wasnt my family, but whoever my sitter was, was no doubt friends with my parents and the parents of my best friend, a girl my same age. we were with each other ever day it seemed like. we looked like brother and sister, we felt like brother and sister. i still know her and still keep in touch, but i have not yet decided if i should bring up what went on those many years ago.
my mother and my BF's mother would drop us off on another floor of the vast highrise building complex we both lived in. i do not remember if it was the same building or another, but if it was, they were laid out next to each other in a circular pattern with an adjoining parking garage and freight rooms that connected all of the buildings. us k**s were able to roam around the buildings going up and down elevators, into other buildings often without supervision cuz we all lived on a key military base that was surrounded by military police, soldiers, planes, tanks, helicopters u name it. my father was a high ranking officer and so was the father of my friend which allowed us certain privileges that most other k**s didn't have.
im sorry im rambling, as i write this more and more details of these many wonderful c***dhood moments (other than what im about to tell u) are firing off in my brain, dragging up long trapped memories. but i need to get back on track cuz thats not what this story is supposed to be about. so im so sorry for droning on. here it goes.
please bare with me as these are not exact details, they are just a myriad of memories that i will do my best to cobble together from many separate experiences, so though it will be one story, it is no doubt a story of details taken from many instances of my m*****ation over a period of 3 years.
our babysitter told us both to come to her cuz she had an exciting fun game to play. E and me ran over giggling with excitement cuz shes been so nice to us and fun so we were dying to see what she had for us to play. as we stood there giddy and giggling, she got serious and told us to never tell anyone about these games cuz they are secret between her, her friend and us. her friend was her boyfriend who had come over before so it was no big deal. he wasnt there yet but she wanted to make sure we could be ready to show her friend our game. we were so ingrained by military life that c***dren ALWAYS listened and obeyed adults so we did as we were told when she told us to get undressed. we have done that many times before to take baths. after we were completely naked we stood there in front of her. she told us to get on her lap one on each leg facing each other and her. she was wearing clothes but her boobs were mostly out and she told us to grab them, and squeeze and play with them like a ball. so we did and then i remember her moving our hands on her boobs up to her nipple and then she took her shirt off. she said we need to suck on her nipples like a baby does a bottle so here me and E were, on her lap sucking on her nipples as she had her hands on top of ours grabbing and rubbing her boobs.
then she moved her hand down our bodies and onto my tiny dick and E's little pussy. we both knew this was weird and not right but we just kept doing it cuz thats just how it was. plus i remember liking it, i had been thinking about naked bodies of others and wanting to see more. i dont know when it started but it was definitely before this moment. then there was a knock at the door, it was her boyfriend. she moved each of us off her lap and told us to sit down and wait.
she went over to the door and let him in. he was so happy to see her and so very happy to see us. they came right over to us and he immediately started undressing as she took off the rest of her clothes and sat back down and told us to get back on her lap as before. he sat down naked next to us and then told us to get on his lap. he then moved our hands onto his dick and told us to play with it, it was SO BIG, i remember giggling and so was E, this was still a game to us even though we both knew it was very weird if not wrong, but since we were told to trust and listen to adults, i remember thinking that it wasnt that bad, no matter how many other times it happened. remember this is one story of many different memories from many different times with her and her boyfriends. next thing i knew he took us off his lap and got up. then she sat in front of him and grabbed his dick then put it in her mouth. soon after she was telling us to do the same thing. she would hold it while me and E would take turns sucking on it as she moved his dick back and forth between our little mouths. i remember her being so excited and making funny noises, but nothing compared to the noises that her boyfriend was making. yes i know that those noises were moans, grunts, shrieks and so on, but at that time we had never heard adults make noises like that before.
then she told us to stop and she laid back on the couch and lifted her legs up and then her boyfriend moved in front of her and started licking her pussy. after a little bit she told us to lick it and he backed off and we did. then he sat down next to her and grabbed my arm and told me to suck on him some more. so there we were, standing on the floor in front of the couch licking pussy and sucking cock, we would switch off when they told us to switch. her noises would get louder and weirder and his grunts would do the same, i remember lots of swear words, im sure u could guess what they were. suck my dick little boy, suck my dick little girl, lick those balls, lick that pussy, make it feel good. ur doing so good, we're both so proud of u and remember to stay quiet and not tell anyone or else youll be in big trouble.
i dont remember if they made more specific threats but its likely that they did. so then we were both told to suck his cock and move our little hands up and down and dont stop no matter what. he started to shake and then she wrapped her hand around our little hands and made us jerk him harder and faster all the while she told us to keep sucking. and then it happened, he let out really loud groans and he started cumming all over our mouths and faces, i remember trying to pull back but they both grabbed our little heads and kept them there as he emptied his balls all over us. then we were told to lick up our mess. i will never forget the taste of his cum, i liked it but i dont think E did cuz she started crying but we both licked it all up and then they both collapsed back onto the could all sweaty. she was slowly playing with herself as me and E just stood there with cum all over our faces. she made us kiss each other and then lay on top of them while they held us in their arms.
then his hands started playing with my asshole and E's asshole and pussy. i remember how weird it felt but that it also felt good, until he put a finger in, then all i remember was pain. but he never went further than a finger in either of us, it was always sucking her pussy, then sucking his cock till he came. he did fuck her while using us. she would lay down, then E would lay on her back against her, then i would lay on top of E and he would lay on top of all of us but no, he didnt put much weight on us, he just rubbed against us as he fucked her. when all the sex was done, we would all go lay in the bed for a while and watch TV. then she would tell us to get in the bath and get cleaned up. she was so nice and loving during bath time, washing our bodies, splashing water on us and just being so happy. after she dried us off, he would wrap the towel underneath my armpits and then run around the rooms pretending that i was flying, he did the same with E. she would make us all food while we rolled around with him on the floor in our jammies pretending to wrestle him and beat him up. he was very loving too, they both were, even when they were m*****ing us.
i know it was wrong now but they were never mean to us other than m*****ing us. yes i guess u could say that was mean, but they never yelled or got angry and we never told anyone about our fun together. i remember looking forward to it and wanting to do it. maybe thats why i just love cock so much now, i dunno. would i be a sissy jap cock addicted trap if they didnt m***** me? i will never know, but im not mad at them for it. its a part of my c***dhood and im okay with it.
thanks for reading and i welcome comments or questions, i will do my best to answer them.
xoxoxo Naomi
6 years ago