Update: Date Night w/Ben..how far will she go?!

7/2/18 - Just got off a super hotttttt phone call with Wifey J. She is a bit (alot?) nervous, yet still wants to go out on the Date with Ben (in Indy).

We had a good talk about how secure we are in our Marriage and our deep Love for each other, and how proud and excited I was for her initial acceptance of Ben's invite to go out on a Date. She wanted to know if she went out with him, if I would then want to go out with someone myself, to which I told her I am not interested in that, but 100% interested in her pleasure, which gives me immense pleasure, and just talking like this with each other about her being naughty was turning-me-on sooooo much! She asked me "What if he wants to touch me?". I thought about that for a few moments, and then said "Relax and enjoy it...go with it...encourage it....". A bit of a pause on her part, and then she said "I really want to go out with him. I think I'm going to take the car into the carwash (where Ben works) tomorrow and let him know, and see if he still wants to go out." I told her she should call him to let him know she was dropping by...she giggled knowing that really signals the level of her interest, desire and availability, even though she is a Married White Wife.

We then talked about how big his Chocolate cock might be and if she was going to suck his cock, which she does sooo good (and loves to swallow a nice load of cum). I reminded her how much she loves to suck cocks and how good she is at it, and she giggled. I pushed the point by asking her if she liked to suck cocks...she giggled and mumbled an answer, so I asked her again...this time she lowered her voice and "I do like to suck cocks...it turns me on" (!!!). I told her she should indeed enjoy the pleasure of giving him, her mouth so he can fill with his cock and cum. I said I'd love to hear all the details, no matter what may, or may not happen during or after her Date, and she giggled again, and asked if I was sure, to which I reassured her how much I am OK with this, and Thanked her for this special gift to us both. She promised to share everything...I wonder if I can talk her into having Ben take a few pictures? Hotttttttt!!!!

Sooo...like I said....a super hottttt phone call! Don't wanna jinx anything, so I am going to just leave it right there...for now. I'm like a cat on a hot-tin roof right now...the communication lines between us are WIDE OPEN, and I've given her every green-light to go-with-the-flow and enjoy the experience.

~ Hubby
Published by bdholmes
6 years ago
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bdholmes Publisher 6 years ago
Update:  Wifey J has since returned home, and as far as I know, she didn't go on the Dinner Date w/Ben. We'd had a talk about her SAFETY, and the inability for me to be able to protect her from 1,000 mile away. I left it totally 100% up to her to decide what she wanted to do, and I would support her decision. BUT...this "near experience" has certainly re-opened the door for any future possibilities of her Dating other men, then coming home and whispering naughty details and showing me "the evidence" of her hot times out! Stay tuned! ~ Hubby
soumis_cub 6 years ago
So how was friday ? I really really envy you, but I really wish your dream to come true ! It's one of my biggest fantasy too, but for now the only thing my wife accepted to do was a topless massage (by a man) on a spa (which was already a big thing for her )
bdholmes Publisher 6 years ago
to LoveMySexyHotWife : No new updates yet...and I am making it a point to not bring it up in our daily phone conversations.  Don't what to put any pressure on her....much better that she handles this in her own way. I know she hasn't gone to see Ben @ the carwash yet.  Pretty sure she will, but with the 4th of July being yesterday, there were a lot of things going on with her Family, and I think just too busy.  She usually goes to the carwash on Friday's, so I am thinking maybe tomorrow.  Stay Tuned!
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LoveMySexyHotWife 6 years ago
to bdholmes : Im sure she will be fine!
Any updates?
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drknbig 6 years ago
hope it works out for the both of you
bdholmes Publisher 6 years ago
True....they may not have the right chemistry for anything beyond dinner, or the opposite might be true, and they skip the whole dinner thing and instead head somewhere private and let Mother Nature take it from there.  And, really, on my part, there are concerns...her safety is #1 priority.  Its all fun & games in a perfect world, and most likely, as Wifey J has a keen sense of her surroundings & situations (Military Speak: Situational Awareness), if she decides to take this to the next level, she'll be making the right decision and everything will be cool.  But, nothing is 100%, including her Womanly Radar....gives me a bit of worry.  From 1,000 miles away, I am not there to protect her & ensure HER safety.
LoveMySexyHotWife 6 years ago
to bdholmes : im so with you on this. i would love my wife and i to experience something like this.
Who knows where they will end up?
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bdholmes Publisher 6 years ago
to LoveMySexyHotWife : Exciting beyond description, for BOTH of us!  I (Hubby) can barely concentrate on anything BUT this!  LOL!!  Same for Wifey J, contemplating what Ben & her may be doing as their Date Night progresses.  I can picture her getting ready to go out with him, making sure her Married White Pussy is freshly shaven, dressing-to-impress and titillate, putting on a nice perfume....then walking out of the house to go meet him.  This is HEADY stuff!!
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LoveMySexyHotWife 6 years ago
This is very exciting...