The Love of Lingerie - A Lifelong Lust!!

I have had a liking of the frillier lingerie since a mere lad, so I thought there may be others of you chums out there who would like to share this with me!
As a c***d, my aunt ran a catalogue sales scheme, and so when my sister and I visited, we were often given some paper, glue and an old catalogue to cut up and make pictures of. Even at 5, I seem to have migrated to the lingerie section, with its interesting bras, girdles, suspenders, petticoats, stockings, etc. Being in the early 60's, these were quite matronly, and tights hadn't really taken off!! My mother was tall(ish) but had small breast and I remember her having the height of fashion, a cone bra. I remember how easily it was to push the cups in, until she learnt to pack them out with tissues or whatever! My pictures always seemed to have at least one lingerie model in them!!
As I grew towards puberty, I started tying string round my cock and developing balls to give myself a hard-on. I didn't know why it felt good, or what to do when I was erect, just enjoyed the sensations. I quickly moved from string to a discarded stocking of my Mum's or sister's, which felt even better. I remember finding a discarded suspender belt, I think after the women folk moved to tights in the later 60's, around the time I started to wank, and realised how lovely they were to wear or wrap round my cock when wanking. I suppose this was my earliest foray into cross dressing. I well remember the first time I united the belt with some old nylons, completing the suzzies and stocking ensemble that would see me wanking furiously through school and college!!
As a lad, I was not successful with the ladies, and so, not having a gf to wear the luscious lacyness I craved, I had to make do with what I could find in the laundry basket, mainly tights, but with my trusty suzzies as a back up ( oooh, you are awful!!!). I was at an age when wanking went on every day whenever I could, as often as I could, and as multiple ejaculations at an early age have been shown to protect the prostate in later life, hopefully have given me a cast-iron defence against ball rot!!
It was at college when living on my own, before I could buy stuff for myself. I still enjoy browsing through the lingerie shops, and I remember in the early days, looking for young ladies at the till to serve me, enjoying the looks they gave me over my purchases. Some even complemented me on my choice and said they hoped I'd enjoy their use, assuming they were a present for a lover. Buying one full set, bra, knicks and suzzies, I did tell one fulsome lass that they were for me and was pleased as she reddened a bit and said she was sure they'd look great on me. She then slipped a pair of stocking in the bag for free, saying I would need these to complete the outfit!! Those undies help a great thrill for me, and saw me through many great wanks thinking of her!! While the outfit has long gone, the memory still gets me hard and gives me a warm feeling as I stroke myself to ejaculation!!
As gf's came and went, if you'll excuse the pun, I always made sure I bought them a suspender belt and explained why I wanted the girls to wear them. I usually didn't say I wore them too, but one did ask, and said I should wear them (just before calling me pervy and leaving for good!!), but I can't say I saw many comply with my request!!
I was very close to one of my cousins, she was of a similar age, and we discovered sex together, well, not actually together ie. doing it together, but she did give me the odd handjob. I well remember buying a set of red bra, Knicks and suzzies during my first job and photographing myself wearing them. I sent them off for processing, and as she was sharing a flat with a girlfriend, I used her address for the return to save embarrassment because I was living at home at the time. When I next saw her, she presented me with the opened package, and said how she and her friend had enjoy ed looking at them, and how her friend was quite impressed with my taste! It later turned out my cousin is a lesbian, as was her friend, and they had thought of introducing me to some of their other gay friends, but chickened out. Shame, really, I might have enjoyed some of them, in many, many ways!!!
Another friend loved them when I presented her with some undies and stockings as a birthday present. She said she'd wanted to try stockings but hadn't got round to trying them, so was willing to wear them as a daily item instead of tights especially when I explained how healthy they are, and I bought her many pairs of stocking through our long friendship. Notice, I said friendship, we had no direct sex, although I did wank myself while she watched a few times, and certainly we enjoyed phone sex, me jacking off, she jilling, trying to cum together!! BT must have made great profits from some of our calls!
This friend was also introduced to my beloved suspender or 'body free' tights. I discovered these in a BHS store in St Albans when I worked there, and have loved to openness of stockings without the trouble of suspenders. She took to them like a duck to water, and I used to buy them for her in bulk. She liked them so much she introduced her mum and auntie to them, and I ended up buying for all three. Her mum was young went she had my friend, so was still very sexually active. Her aunt had been a nurse and seen it all, and while a few years older than the mum, still a goer. Certainly I would have slipped mum the odd length if offered (which it wasn't!!) but I got on well with all three, who knew well about my lingerie list, and my friend would regale us all with the details of any new undies I bought her and how she'd worn them.
On one occasion, I offered to take my friend for a drink. She asked if a old friend from schooldays could come too, and I joked only if she wore stockings too. OK was the reply, and off we trooped to the pub, where both girls proved they were wearing stockings with a glimpse of thigh. The schoolfriend said she'd put here on specially cosI asked, and I immediately got a stuffy and mumbled that I was wearing stockings too, but they have to wait til we got home to prove it. We had a great, if hurried, evening, before I took them home and took my clothes off to display my dark green bra, pants and suzzies (and large stuffy!!!). Amid a lot of ooohing and aaahing, it was decided the girls would 'show me theirs' at which point the schoolfriend confessed that while she had put suzzies on specially for us, she hadn't expected to prove it and so hadn't worn a bra....but off came her dress and we all three sat around drinking coffee in our undies. As a reward for them at the end of the evening, they demanded I had to wank for them, which I was happy to do, watching the schoolfriend rub her heavy tits in time with my stroking ( she really should have worn a bra for support, but she was young and they were pert!!)
I continued cross dressing until the lady who eventually became the OH said she didn't mind what I did in my own time, but not with her. So everything went in the bottom drawer until she was out of the house, when it was party time!!! I still buy her odd items, but she rarely wears them. She does like thongs and certainly has the perfect bum for them, but I guess if Charles, her lover, bought them, she'd never be out of them!! The last items I bought were a black thing with 'fuck me' on them, and a white one with a No Entry sign, so she can colour coordinate between black lover and white cuckold with the correct operating instruction!!!!
Anyway, I seem to have drifted off the point a bit!, but rest assured, as I only go on xHamster when she's not about, if I'm on here, I wearing lingerie for your pleasure. So get wanking and enjoy whatever you might be wearing!!!
Published by Hotlips001
6 years ago
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Hotlips001 Publisher 3 years ago
to ericalace : I never worried about 'gayness', I've never loved men or wanted to spend my life with one, I just like them as sexual partners!! My OH never really approved of my cross-dressing, so like you, I'm limited to when I'm on my own.....the one good thing about the long lockdown last year!!! I've been limited in my experiences with chums during that time,Ā  but Madam Palm and her Five Daughters have been regular guests!!!
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Fav! Great retelling of our discovery years. I, too, grew up with a love of lingerie. I didn't know anything about "crossdressing" and was more concerned that I was "gay". Now, I enjoy dressing (when wife not around) and pleasing men when I can. Wanking is my second favorite past time when I can't find cum.Ā 
Hotlips001 Publisher 5 years ago
I think it's great you have support from your wife, even if it is limited. I have never seen my likes and loves as being wrong or perverted, just different. If you've read my other posts, you will see that anal and oral with school chums was my start in sex, and I admit I thoroughly enjoyed all our games (we knew no different and, lets face it, orgasm/ejaculation is great, whatever the stimulation! The cross-dressing came about like most guys, if they're honest, who find lingerie very arousing but often lack the appropriate lady to model it! Certainly it was a large part of my developing interest, getting erect during looking led to trying on, led to even hsrder erections.....and on down the 'slippery slope'!! There has never been any trace of homosexuality, although I've never worried about my partners. Once safely married, I was straight as a die, fathering two lovely girls through 'normal' intercourse, and I kept my dressing secret from all!! The OH has never really enjoyed sex with me (I admit to being rather short fused, probably due to excessive masturbation as a youth!!) and sfter our second child, sex dried up altogether. When she came back from a business trip saying she'd met up with a chap she knew at college, I asked if anything happened. She said no, but she had regretted not having had him at college and if he asked, she would say yes. Well to cut a long story short, he did and she did. She was away two days and admitted she'd had him three times each day, a surprise to me as I'd never been allowed more than twice a week at the best!! I asked to stop seeing him, which she agreed to, but some (sexless) years later, I found she'd been seeing him on most of her trips, which were evry three or four weeks!! They made love three or four times a night, and on one occasion, when Charles's brother visited from Zimbabwe after he'd been released from prison (a supporter of Mugabe and Minister for Telecoms, he had been arrested on trumped up charges as a political prisoner!), she had had both in the same bed! She admitted to having enjoyed the spit-roasting, but the high point had been the fouble penetration, fist one up her fanny, the other up her arse, then both in the cunt, really stretching her but giving her multiple orgasms with very few thrusts! I had no knowledge of this at the time, only finding out when I saw the two of them in the nearby town by accident, I wasn't meant to be there, but had decided to go, worst decicion I ever made. On confrontation with her, she admitted everything and cited what she percrived as a lack of interest on my part, pushing her into his arms! She confessed she didn't want to leave me, but had absolutely no interestĀ  Ā in sex with me in any form ever again. So I've been forced back to wanking, so I decided to add the interesting lingerie again to please myself!
Hotlips001 Publisher 5 years ago
It was really after university that I could really enjoy cross-dressing. Once I was working, I could afford to buy my own lingerie, rather than having to 'borrow' things from Mom or sister (without their knowing, of course!) Sadly, things had to go on the back burner when I married as my OH doesn't approve. She said I could carry on if I wanted, but she didn't want to know when or be involved (one of my greatest dreams was to make love to her both wearing lingerie, particularly stockings and suspenders, sadly never to be realised!) Still, since she tasted a BBC friend from her college days a few years ago, her denial of sex for me has given me my freedom back, so I can wear what I like, wanking, when I like, where I like and she can't complain!
Hotlips001 Publisher 5 years ago
to RandyGuy2019 : I quite agree. I reckon far more men have enjoyed lingerie than are perhaps willing to admit, because they think its 'gay'. It isn't, I admit its a manifestation of your feminine side, but I love women so am straight as a die, but I love lounging in lingerie and sucking cock and giving and taking it up my chuff. I admit to bi-sexuality in the activities that excite me, but straightness in the long-term relationships. As a comment, I blame tights and foreign holidays for the modern lack of interest in true lingerie, rather than women's underwear. Tights as so more convenient for everyday use, particularly with shorter skirts, thereby killing off the long lusted after stockings and suspenders. Both my sister and wife had to wear suspenders as part of their school uniform in the Sixth Form (it was white knee socks in the lower school) but were amongst the ladt not to have tights. Foreign holidays have released the ladies fron the strictures of the brassiere, they can happily go topless in the sun, and braless under their loose clothing of an evening. Allied to better nutrition and sports/execise options, there are fewer big busted ladies, so they can go braless at home too. Fortunately, thongs/g-strings seem to be more preferred down below these days so all is not lost!! So I guess it's down to enjoying my secret stash of frillies, satins and silks (the OH doesn't really approve of my interests!) wanking in and on my collection!
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Sounds like Iā€™ve been the same way as you. As a new wanker, discovering the delights of my mumā€™s lingerie catalogues. Then her her knickers in the laundry basket. Love wearing them, seeing my cock in them and wanking over them or wearing them. Still get a hard over classic lingerie from the days when underwear was worth seeing women in.
Hotlips001 Publisher 6 years ago
Glad someone else was inspired by the ladies in the catalogues!! As I remember it, most of the stuff I looked at were Grannie's girdles, all rubber and straps....Even the 'ordinary' limgerie was quite tame. At one point I saw a 'Norty Nicker' type catalogue advertised in the Sunday papers and sent for one (I was about 13 or 14) but was very disappointed because, although the lingerie sets were all frills and net, all the nipples had been airbrushed out! I spend weeks with my colouring crayons adding them back in!!!
Hotlips001 Publisher 6 years ago
I suspect most guys did, but not all of them continued!! Its their loss and our gain!!! Am wear ing blue fishnet suzzie tights at the moment!!
Hotlips001 Publisher 6 years ago
to granat5356 : The good old selection!!
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granat5356 6 years ago
to Hotlips001 : just stockings and suspenders
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Hotlips001 Publisher 6 years ago
to granat5356 : So you feel all nice and nylon clad right now I hope!!
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granat5356 6 years ago
i can fully understand your leanings, I feel very similar