CraigsList Personals – R.I.P.

Although there were always a lot more Bots, scammers, Pros seeking clients and such on Craigslist than real people, now that the personals are closed there aren't any options, at least not good ones, that I have found for actually meeting real people. I myself met people through Craigslist. In fact I blogged about a couple of those episodes. But those days are gone.

Another thing about Craigslist was sometimes even when you weren't looking for anything, it was fun just to cruise the ads, see what was posted, especially in the “No-Strings-Attached” section. Over the years I saved a few of the more interesting ones I found. I thought maybe some of you might enjoy them. Here they are:

“The problem is, I'm too kinky. I just have so few taboos, so if you think that I wouldn't willingly try something I haven't already tried, you’d be wrong. And because of that I guess I intimidate some folks. Are you trapped in a vanilla relationship, and you just want somebody to every now and then accept you for your darker side? Well, that's me!! I will never judge you, as long as what you're doing does not involve anyone u******e, I would have no restrictions other than yours. I am - on top of being incredibly kinky - also a really nice person. It's an odd paradox. But one I think you will find very appealing!”

“ To cut to the chase, here are some of my catchphrases:
If you're not sweating you're not doing it right.
The wetter the better.
I'll try anything once, even if I don't like it I'll try it twice to make sure I wasn't mistaken.
As long as two people are enjoying it, it's not wrong.
If you like or adhere to these catchphrases as well, I would love to hear from you. No one has to know. I am incredibly discreet, I have to be, I can explain why if you're still reading, and still interested. I asked you to make sure that you put one kinky thing that you have done in the subject line, not because for any reason other than the fact that I can tell in one look then whether or not you are a bot, a scammer, or a poser. Guys who advertise on here again get maybe one true response to every hundred people phishing and trying to get you to sign up for a pay site. So it's just to weed that out.”

“I'm an old white man, one of the privileged. I want a black woman to make me hers, to dominate me, to sit on my face and make me lick her until she comes, then turn to her ass and lick it clean, or whatever she wants to do to me. I want to be dominated by a black woman.”

“When you're an older, rounder (yes I mean heavyset) man, you're not really in high demand. Even with older ladies … because the cougar phenomenon has exploded, so older women don't have to settle for older men, they can find young men. Now I'm not saying a young man with a hard body wouldn't be exciting for a woman, but what about experience? What about a man who has spent his entire adult life learning exactly how to please a woman, and then suddenly because the package that he's in doesn't seem as attractive anymore, doesn't mean that he couldn't curl your toes, make you moan and groan, and give you multiple orgasms.
An older man is also a lot more likely to spend his time with you. I mean there's some truth to the old country song, “I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was!” An older man so enjoys pleasing a woman, he takes his time. And when she is completely satisfied, he doesn't cut and run. He's going to stay, he's going to want to talk to you, he's going to want to cuddle with you, he's going to want to spend some time with you. Young guys maybe handsome and have hard bodied, and yeah, even be hung, but once they bust that nut, they're done. They got to get back to their cell phone, their computer screen, the ball game, or whatever the hell else is on their mind. Because you are never what is the only thing on their mind. And if he finishes before you do, well he's not overly concerned about that. If you ask him to finish you off he probably will, grudgingly because like I said it's 2:30 and the Mets are playing at 3. So he'll try find a way to get you at least an orgasm. But he's not going to take his time building up to a really good one. Especially not if he's already had his. I don't know about other guys, I don't even care if I come at all. That's not what I'm in it for, I'm there to please the lady I'm with. If she has 10 orgasms and I don't have one, I've had 10 incredible feelings of knowing that I have satisfied her. Hey, ejaculation takes seconds, but true pleasure takes a long, long time.”
Published by JerichoX
6 years ago
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JerichoX Publisher 1 year ago
to olaticumbo99 : Oh, I have looked at home.
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olaticumbo99 1 year ago
to JerichoX : You need to look closer to home . Easy as pie.
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JerichoX Publisher 1 year ago
to olaticumbo99 : That may be so, I've not had that many opportunities to find out here.
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olaticumbo99 1 year ago
Older black females in their 60's & 70's are not difficult to pick up, and in my experience,  they are more sexually active than their white counterparts.
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to Shadyterri : Gone are the days, and I have still not found a suitable substitute!
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Shadyterri 6 years ago
Amen to that
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to TheCatzzMeeow : Adult Book Stores and Theaters, but it's just cruising.  There is no substitute for Craigslist I have found, sadly!
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TheCatzzMeeow 6 years ago
so, where does one go now???
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to MikeTheBull82 : Me, too, but hey, they had to do that because of the government.  Is what it is...
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MikeTheBull82 6 years ago
Me too, I was a CraigsList Personals user and met real people and couples through it.
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to ScottNC : I did meet a couple (actually 4) real women through there, but yeah, it was much better for men!
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ScottNC 6 years ago
The loss of personal ads in Craigslist fucking sucks. I used to hook up with guys every once and a while for suck sessions (there were no real women on there). had some fun times! :frowning:
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to Drfeelgood6 : I know, and they are so into it!!
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Drfeelgood6 6 years ago
Yes, older guys know how to please a woman, and it is a thrill to see them get going!
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to spermaholic : Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.
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spermaholic 6 years ago
(Doublelist dot com) is kind of a new replacement. It’s not as good as CL, but we’ll see if it catches on.
JerichoX Publisher 6 years ago
to Bassbud59 : Thanks, I do miss the old Craigslist days!
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Bassbud59 6 years ago
Fantastic read I couldn't agree more 