Enjoying my tiny flaccid penis
As I grew up , like most boys / men , wanting a bigger long thick penis. My flaccid penis was tiny , I'm circumcised, but when it was flaccid it looked uncircumcised, and it retracted into my meaty shaft skin. I was embarrassed when showering at the gym, and as I got older I enjoyed the nude beach, but was always hiding my tiny penis. When I got stimulated, my penis did grow to an average size, but is long ,slender and pointy. The women I have been with enjoyed it, but I knew it was real tiny when it was flaccid, especially when I was cold or when I was exercising. As I have matured I have started to enjoy looking at other men, and there different sized penis's ,and comparing them to mine, in both a flaccid state and erect. I have really started to enjoy the look and feel of a tiny penis and like touching, stroking and rubbing mine together with there's. I really love to be able to ejaculate all over a tiny penis, and have them do the same to mine, then slowly take the time to have us lick and suck all our cum off of each others penis's and scrotums savoring the hot sweet salty taste. I have come to except my penis size both flaccid and erect, and enjoy showing it off at the gym, nude beach, and on cam
6 years ago
I like most that it looks almost uncut when soft and flaccid and that you have started to 'grow' your remaining shaftskin to form a real 'foreskin'.
For me your penis looks most exciting when you wear a sheer nylon pantyhose and I would be happy to masturbate it for you through the nylon.