Late night text from wifey
So the other night as I sat home having a few beers watching tv, I was under the assumption that my wife was out with her girls at a bar/club like she told me she was doing. Well about 1am I got a text with a picture attached from her. I posted the pictures. All it said was "change of plans and look what's in the condom!". I was shocked. About 1hour later I received another text with the picture of her rings covered in cum while still in the condom. And it said "bringing home you a present to clean and I want the rings sparkling". She came home around 3am. She walked thought the door Looki g like a mess, hair all messed up, makeup messed up, clothes all wrinkled and walked like her legs hurt. All she said was " I'm going to bed, enjoy ur presen and clean them well". As she handed me a condom tied at the top, with a massive load it in and her rings.
13 years ago