Please let’s not ruin this for everyone !!!!

Been really freaked out this morning by a guy
That has been able and gone out of his way
To do a search of my full name and date of birth
And inboxed me this saying these details are easily
To obtain well we can all work out my year I was born
But try and search my last name is a bit weird
If certain guys and I say guys because it’s not normally
Woman are going to start sending me weird stuff through
My inbox that then I believe I have to protected myself
And my family I withdraw myself straight away from the site
Every picture and video will be deleted and sally will not
Be on here any more !!!
I mean that from the bottom of my heart ❣
Felt some what freaked out !!!
Have to say !!! RANT OVER !!!
Published by Sallyt2008
7 years ago
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capricorn16 6 years ago
What a complete arse. Some guys have no boundaries !
daniellovings 7 years ago
Hope you keep your wonderful profile
HPboy1987 7 years ago
Wow. Sorry you had to deal with that. Some people are crazy assholes and just want to problems for people. Hopefully you don't have to deal with that anymore. I hope dealing with a person like that does not stop you from posting on here, I really like your pics, you are a very pretty and sexy lady.
ivyboy 7 years ago
There are some very crazy people out there . That's why I keep my friends to a minimum. I have to get to know someone before I will let them in. Keep safe and enjoy yourself on here.
Sexy-Steff 7 years ago
I had a similar thing happen to me..
Guy reckoned he had my address and was going to print off my pictures and post to my neighbours... either i sleep with him or pay for his silence...
Reporting him on here will get him removed (he will only start new profile) xham were shocking in that they said they work well with the police if you wish to report him...

Just great... picture's oneself entering local police station... "I'd like to report someone blackmailing me..." as if !!!

Though blackmail is a serious offence and if convicted it's a jail sentence !!!

I am know extra careful with what's seen in my photographs... family picture's, signs, basically anything personal to me

Do hope this loser sees sense and quits being a nut job...

Great Tits BTW

Steff x

_gojira_ 7 years ago
Rule number one on any social site is to NEVER give out more info than you want people to have, so if you want your privacy it's not about people to not invade it, it's up to you to make sure you don't let them do it. It's not about everyone's responsibility and who's guilty of what, it's about you avoiding issues.
gameboy2010 7 years ago
Block him and report him... that's stalking behaviour!!!
johnnyvagas 7 years ago
Name and shame the shite
Bennekks 7 years ago
What an arsehole. I hope this conversation doesn't egg him on. 
cumtoyou 7 years ago
I am so sorry!
onebbc4u2c 7 years ago
sorry to hear that but there are ass holes on here that dont understand that this is just for fun. be safe.
giantschnauzer 7 years ago
Just want to echo the other comments Sally , please don't let this bastard get to you and spoil things for the guys here who love you to bits. Anything we can do to help just shout!
Love and kisses xxx
doug60000 7 years ago
what a nob sally why do some guys spoil it for others who are quite content to follow the rules you girls set it beggars belief xx
oepro 7 years ago
What a shame that one person spoils the fun that thousands get from your profile. I think we would all understand if you deleted your profile. Maybe you could delete this one and start another without so much information? ?
wildcard1 7 years ago
I follow other people on here who have suffered the same thing. Sad that people cant be allowed to do what they want without someone being out of order.
happystaff 7 years ago
Just read this and am really sorry that this hapo4ned  toyou, fabulous content on your profile and if you leave xhamster will be worse because of it
super41969 7 years ago
Sorry to hear this,it's sad that you have to go through shit like this.
VentusXXX 7 years ago
I am so sorry to hear of this Sally."Don't let the bastards grind you down"
paulcheffe 7 years ago
Oh god Sally what an absolute cunt !! He deserves to be kicked in the balls 
oxonman 7 years ago
Scary what details are online about us all
elementh 7 years ago
to Sallyt2008 : Sorry to hear that, the only thing you can really do it put your content on private. You have great tits and I love seeing them every day, but there's only either that, deleting your profile or just plain ignoring it and the last two aren't really great options.Sadly it can be somewhat easy finding the person if they put one too many things about themselves online. I don't think legally there's anything wrong with it (don't know about UK, though), but if you report him to xhamster support or someone like that, they can ban their IP and although that's not exactly a permanent solution, it might help for a bit and if the harassment continues outside XH, then authorities should be involved. I'm presuming they can be discreet about it, but realistically speaking, it may be easy to find people online, but acting on it takes some balls. Either way really, hopefully you don't decide to delete your profile, but if you do and decide to return at some point, please use fake name/location/age and even a mask to hide your face, even if it's a pretty one, it should be harder for people to find you then. Good luck, hopefully it turns out fine int he end.
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timmac2469 7 years ago
Report, block and expose him. Your true friends will rally for you to keep posting!
Sallyt2008 Publisher 7 years ago
I blocked him straight away but guys can start a new profile easily
That’s my concern, he did have the spelling of my last name slightly wrong
But close enough, I love sharing my pictures and videos, but allow me to have my private
Life private or simple I will remove everything and myself and I don’t want to do that for the individual
Wankers that want to ruin it for my loyal fans that comment on my pictures and videos time after time x
So thank you all for your support each and every one of you for the years I’ve been here
And hope to be here for few more years yet x
Lots of love sally t xxx
rodney725 7 years ago
So weird get him band by xh ,you post for the pleasure of all ,and what a pleasure it is to view your beautiful body ,block ,ban ,cut his dick off arse, we show what we want to show the rest is private xxx
Smoker15 7 years ago
So sorry to hear about idiots like that who have no respect. I guess you can block him and hope it doesnt go farther. 
Mr-8-BBC 7 years ago
That is weird Sally. I hope you don't remove your post over some arsehole trying to scare you off. Like the previous post stated... respect Sally's privacy.
pvrs 7 years ago
To the guys who do stuff like this: Please respect the privacy of the women who post here. Even if you accidentally find some personal information about them just keep it to yourself and don't use it for any purpose ! It's bad enough that you scare them but it will also result in less and less amateur content here which I'm sure you wouldn't like either even if you don't care about their feelings. Sally: If it was an extortion attempt do report him to the admins. The server logs may contain enough information to reveal his own identity and he can be served some of his own medicine.
Owen34 7 years ago
Oh my god sally I hope you are ok? It’s people like that, that spoil it. Big hugs and kisses x
xHackster 7 years ago
What a dickhead!! Huge hugs of support!!
Report the dick head to xham, then block him and tell us, your friends, his username sexy lady.....