Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MM
Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MM
Living with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or who they knew.
One such guy was Mike. Mike was one of the truly nicest guys you could ever meet. With one older sister, one younger brother, and a widowed Dad, his family was close-knit and supportive. Mike was in great shape physically, and was pretty sharp mentally as well, making A’s and B’s in high school, just like me, just a year behind me in age. However in size, he was easily 5 or 6 inches taller than me (over six feet) and easily thirty pounds heavier, and all of that muscle. Mike was an outfielder on the school’s baseball team, and had hit 25 home runs his senior year, the most of anyone in the county. What he really loved, though, was martial arts. He worked out at karate three times a week. He rose to the rank of third degree black belt over the course of six years before he had to drop out because of money issues.
Anyway, when I had my first job, in the finance department of a local office of a national bank chain, and Mike was working for a regional accounting firm, his roommate moved out on him, giving only three weeks’ notice. I was ready to move out but had not yet saved enough to comfortably afford a one-bedroom apartment on my own (which I really wanted for privacy for my crossdressing). I reasoned that since Mike was working out at least three times a week (on his own, at the apartment complex’s gym) and often out with friends on the weekends, I would have time to indulge my fantasies and crossdressing. So I agreed, and we moved me in over a weekend, so Mike wouldn’t have to break his lease, and so I could get out into the world.
The arrangement worked well. Mike was naturally a neat roommate, and cleaned up after himself very tidily. I was a little messier, but soon got into the habit of being neater, once he reminded me a few times. We had always been friends, but got to be better friends, and spent much of our free time together (with or without other friends from our larger group of friends) going to movies, playing games, doing some outdoors stuff like tennis or putt-putt or bowling (this was before the Internet was huge – a LONG time ago!) We both liked porn, but were too nervous to watch it together, but would tacitly share our collections, and the communal television and VCR was in the living room. Often one of us would go to our bedroom and the other would “watch TV”, and I’m sure he watched as much porn when I was out, as I did when he was out!
Side item: One time I was leaving the house one Saturday morning for an errand, and I was in a hurry. He was in the living room, casually watching TV, in shorts and a T-shirt, having just woken up. Within 100 feet of trying to leave the parking lot, I remembered I’d left my wallet in the apartment. I zoomed back home, ran up the stairs, and swung open the front door, which just happened to be unlocked, which was NEVER the case. Imagine my complete surprise when I saw Mike kneeling in front of the TV, completely naked, with a huge erection is his hand, with a porn video playing on the TV! I stammered something about forgetting my wallet, turned my face away, went to my bedroom, got my wallet, and left quickly. He was sitting on the sofa, clothed, face as red as a beet, by the time I left, and neither of us mentioned it ever again! He must have been SO HORNY, just waiting for me to leave! Damn, what a missed opportunity!
Anyway, the two bedroom apartment had one bathroom in the hall, and another bathroom attached to the bedroom I inherited, which was great, as I would furtively smoke it in while dressed when Mike was gone, then lightly wet-mop the walls afterward to diminish the smoke smell. Since he never came in my bedroom, much less that bathroom, my smoking secret remained safe.
The remaining two months on the lease ran out, and we decided to renew for six months. We signed the lease. To celebrate, we went out for Mexican food, and of course had Margaritas. When we got back home we sat on the couch and watched something on TV. Whatever it was, was boring. He said, “Fuck this shit, Pabst Blue Ribbon!” (One of our favorite lines from the movie “Blue Velvet”), and hit the PLAY button on the VCR remote. The VCR sprung into action, and whatever porn tape was in there started playing. I recognized it as one of his movies, one I figured was one of his favorites. It featured the busty blonde named Samantha Strong (who I also liked), who happened to bear a resemblance to our mutual sex-kitten and group-of-friends flirt Vicky. She was making out on a sofa with some lucky guy, rubbing his crotch, then unzipped him, then he pushed her head down on his cock and she started sucking lustily and lovingly like the cock-hound she was. Mike said, “God damn, she’s hot! And she looks just like Vicky, doesn’t she?” I replied, “Fuck yeah she is, but actually Vicky’s tits are bigger than Samantha’s … but I’m not complaining! But what I wouldn’t give to get a blowjob from either of them!’ He agreed, and fidgeted around a bit, obviously to give his big cock a better placement in his shorts, because it was plainly very stiff already. I was a lot aroused sitting so close to him, but a little uneasy, too. He must have been a lot drunker than I was, because as she started talking dirty to the guy on screen, then jammed her face down and started bobbing her big-haired head up and down faster and faster, he started moaning, and rubbing his cock through his shorts like I wasn’t even there! I stood up and said, “OK Cowboy, I’m gonna go to bed, you have fun rubbing a few off. Just make sure you clean up after you’re done!” He stropped rubbing, but just kind of laughed a bit, and I went back to my bedroom, as I heard the porno keep playing. I tried to go to sleep, but the thought of him out in the living room with a huge boner, drunk as hell but stroking his prick madly, got me so aroused that I locked my door, and I went to my bathroom, leaned over my toilet bowl, and I stroked a fast but large load into the toilet, dreaming I was brave enough to rush back in there and help him finish the job. After that I was able to get to sleep immediately.
Neither of us said anything the next day, although he was a bit quieter than normal, and seemed a little more distant. More and more I stopped fantasizing about being brunette Julie and started fantasizing about being blonde Vicky, knowing how much she turned Mike on (as much as she turned me on). So I wore the blonde wig more, and the black wig less. And I started planning. In that film, Samantha started the scene by wearing a black silk blouse (before taking it off to share her decently-large tits with the world). Of course, blonde hair shows up wonderfully well on black fabric. So I ordered a black polyester blouse from one of the women’s wear shops I used: Roaman’s or Woman Within or some place – sent to my PO box. Likewise, I got a reasonable replica of Sam’s skirt, heels, and jewelry. I hadn’t gone to this much trouble before in dressing, since I never really looked at myself in the mirror when dressed… it was feeling the hair on my head, seeing it flow onto the shelf my huge tits made, etc. but for what I had planned, I wanted this to be just right.
Whenever I got the chance, I watched Mike’s favorite tape, at that favorite scene, and I memorized Samantha’s lines. It wasn’t difficult – porn movies aren’t know for their intricate dialogue! I also practiced my actions on one of my favorite toys. It was a John Holmes lifelike cock and balls dong with suction cup base. Previously I had tried to stick it to the bathroom wall and tile wall of the shower, but of course its length, and thus, weight, made it droop a lot, and so made sucking it hands-free a bit problematic. Still, the sheer size of it was thrilling, and I loved the way it filled my mouth, and the way it looked moving between my big fake breasts as I “tit-fucked” myself with it! Plus, it wasn’t much larger than Mike’s real equipment!
In about a month, I got my chance. I knew Mike would be getting home at about midnight Saturday night after going out to a bar with a few other friends (some of whom drank but did turn in early to go to church on Sunday mornings). I set the VCR up and cued the tape to the right spot. I dressed as Vicky, in my blonde wig, nervously, but so excitedly that my pink panties already had a wet spot of pre-cum on them as I slipped on my short skirt over them. I watched out our window for Mike’s car to come down the apartment complex driveway and pull into our section of the parking lot. There it was! I pressed PLAY on the VCR remote, and retreated to my bedroom, making sure I left my door open all the way. I was kneeling beside my bed, with my back to the open doorway. In about a minute I heard our front door open and close. The dialogue from the movie was going. “—yeah, I’m glad you came over, sit down here with me for awhile.” I heard Mike laugh as he recognized the film immediately. He called out, “Hello?”, asking if anyone was home. I said nothing. The scene progressed, as Samantha said, “Oh wow, let me rub that for you!”, as she rubbed the guy’s big cock through his shorts, and the guy starts moaning. Mike seemed a bit entranced by the film, and said in a low voice, “Yeah, Sammy rub that cock for him, baby.” The guy onscreen was moaning, and I wasn’t sure if Mike was or not, too. Then the next line, I said with Sammy, not too loud, but loud enough to be heard, and my timing was right on the money, “Let’s unzip you and see that big dick!” I was holding the huge dong on the bed with both hands and facing away from the door, but I though just maybe I heard footsteps … maybe? Still, I had to pretend I didn’t. Next nile, from Sammy and “Vicky”: “God, it’s so big!” At that point we each grab the shaft with one hand and start slowly stroking it up and down. The moans from the TV increase, but they seem muffled like someone may be standing in my bedroom doorway. I don’t dare look! Next line. “Ohhh I just have to suck it!” Blonde Samantha and blonde Vicky-me push our sexy faces down onto our respective cocks. A groan come from the TV and I distinctively hear a hissing intake of air behind me. I pull my mouth off the dong but still hold onto it, and swivel the top half of my body around toward the noise, my huge fake tits tracing a wide arc that stop only when they smash into Mike’s legs! My face turns more, and his unzipped hard cock is literally millimeters from my open mouth! I look up at him and we speak at the same time. I say, “Ohhh I just have to suck it!”, and he just says, “Suck it!”, in a louder, more commanding tone! His hands clasp the back of my head, clenching through my masses of blonde hair, and give me no choice it the matter as he pulls my head forward onto him as he thrusts his cock forward into my open mouth! I am off balance and almost fall over, but Mike is strong and his cock has effectively speared my head in place! I of course drop the dildo, manage to shuffle around on my knees, ducking my tits out of the way enough that I am situated directly in front of him, bobbing my head as best as I can, although his strong hands don’t let me pull back very far. When I start to gag and choke a bit, he notices, and looks a bit embarrassed, and released his grip, and says, “Oh, I’m sorry, tony!” I pull off just long enough to gasp in a big lungful of air, and say, “I’m Vicky, and don’t apologize, and I love it, now shut up and fuck my face, stud!” That’s all the license he needed! He did exactly that! He treated my mouth like a pussy, fucking that massive cock of his hard and fast. He didn’t try to push it all the way into my throat yet, but I took over half of his massive shaft, and he really loved feeling his tip rub against the opening to my throat and my tonsils. I was rubbing his muscular legs and squeezing his hard ass cheeks and even tugging his big ripe balls, which made him moan louder than the guy from the TV! All too soon, I feel his sack tighten up, and his shaft swell up, and he said, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Well, I knew I wanted to taste his cum, but as a guy, I also knew what I and every guy would want in this situation: a great cum shot. So I reluctantly pulled his cock from my mouth and started jacking him off right in front of my face with both hands (he was certainly long enough for me to do that), looked up at hin and said, “Yeah, baby, I want you to cum for me! Cum all over Vicky! Give me a nice hot FACIAL! Squirt me with your white-hot SPERM! Squirt it on my face and hair and big TITS! Drown me in your hot load, stud, just like in the movies!” BANG! My idea about the “money shot was right on the money, because Mike delivered! Spurt, spurt, spurt! Ropes of thick white gluey come shot from his throbbing prick like clockwork, as I stroked him with my eager hands. The first few shots flew up into my forehead and hair, the next ones hit me squarely in the face, before I aimed the rest down onto my chest, where his semen made rivers and pools on my black blouse.
His moans subsided and his legs buckled under him and he collapsed to the floor, nearly falling on me. He sat there, breathing heavily, then finally opened his eyes. He seemed to take a minute to focus, then said to me, “How long have you … ?” “Been dressing?”, I replied. “”For many years. Been doing what I just did? Never – that was my first time – I hope it felt alright. How long have I *wanted* to do that with you? Well … since we’ve been roommates, and since we’ve gotten close enough that if you’d rejected me that I knew it wouldn’t totally kill our friendship, and especially since the day when I walked in on you by accident and saw what a huge and delicious cock you have.” Mike look a little bit relieved, but still a little bit befuddled, and naturally still a little bit drunk. I looked down and scooped up a big glob of his cum off one of by boobs, pulled down my panties, and started rubbing it on my hard cock, and said, “Look, honey, I know it’s a lot to take it right now, and you’re drunk, and just had a great orgasm. Why don’t you go to your bed and get some rest. I need to go rub one off of my own right now, and we’ll talk in the morning – either mike and Vicky, or Mike and Tony, OK? OK.”
And that’s what happened. I helped him stand up, got him to his bed, closed his door, went to my bedroom, closed my door and bathroom door, lit a VS120, and using the sperm from the first cock I ever sucked as lubricant, stroked myself to the strongest orgasm I have ever had in my life, before or since. Thank you, dear Mike!
Living with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or who they knew.
One such guy was Mike. Mike was one of the truly nicest guys you could ever meet. With one older sister, one younger brother, and a widowed Dad, his family was close-knit and supportive. Mike was in great shape physically, and was pretty sharp mentally as well, making A’s and B’s in high school, just like me, just a year behind me in age. However in size, he was easily 5 or 6 inches taller than me (over six feet) and easily thirty pounds heavier, and all of that muscle. Mike was an outfielder on the school’s baseball team, and had hit 25 home runs his senior year, the most of anyone in the county. What he really loved, though, was martial arts. He worked out at karate three times a week. He rose to the rank of third degree black belt over the course of six years before he had to drop out because of money issues.
Anyway, when I had my first job, in the finance department of a local office of a national bank chain, and Mike was working for a regional accounting firm, his roommate moved out on him, giving only three weeks’ notice. I was ready to move out but had not yet saved enough to comfortably afford a one-bedroom apartment on my own (which I really wanted for privacy for my crossdressing). I reasoned that since Mike was working out at least three times a week (on his own, at the apartment complex’s gym) and often out with friends on the weekends, I would have time to indulge my fantasies and crossdressing. So I agreed, and we moved me in over a weekend, so Mike wouldn’t have to break his lease, and so I could get out into the world.
The arrangement worked well. Mike was naturally a neat roommate, and cleaned up after himself very tidily. I was a little messier, but soon got into the habit of being neater, once he reminded me a few times. We had always been friends, but got to be better friends, and spent much of our free time together (with or without other friends from our larger group of friends) going to movies, playing games, doing some outdoors stuff like tennis or putt-putt or bowling (this was before the Internet was huge – a LONG time ago!) We both liked porn, but were too nervous to watch it together, but would tacitly share our collections, and the communal television and VCR was in the living room. Often one of us would go to our bedroom and the other would “watch TV”, and I’m sure he watched as much porn when I was out, as I did when he was out!
Side item: One time I was leaving the house one Saturday morning for an errand, and I was in a hurry. He was in the living room, casually watching TV, in shorts and a T-shirt, having just woken up. Within 100 feet of trying to leave the parking lot, I remembered I’d left my wallet in the apartment. I zoomed back home, ran up the stairs, and swung open the front door, which just happened to be unlocked, which was NEVER the case. Imagine my complete surprise when I saw Mike kneeling in front of the TV, completely naked, with a huge erection is his hand, with a porn video playing on the TV! I stammered something about forgetting my wallet, turned my face away, went to my bedroom, got my wallet, and left quickly. He was sitting on the sofa, clothed, face as red as a beet, by the time I left, and neither of us mentioned it ever again! He must have been SO HORNY, just waiting for me to leave! Damn, what a missed opportunity!
Anyway, the two bedroom apartment had one bathroom in the hall, and another bathroom attached to the bedroom I inherited, which was great, as I would furtively smoke it in while dressed when Mike was gone, then lightly wet-mop the walls afterward to diminish the smoke smell. Since he never came in my bedroom, much less that bathroom, my smoking secret remained safe.
The remaining two months on the lease ran out, and we decided to renew for six months. We signed the lease. To celebrate, we went out for Mexican food, and of course had Margaritas. When we got back home we sat on the couch and watched something on TV. Whatever it was, was boring. He said, “Fuck this shit, Pabst Blue Ribbon!” (One of our favorite lines from the movie “Blue Velvet”), and hit the PLAY button on the VCR remote. The VCR sprung into action, and whatever porn tape was in there started playing. I recognized it as one of his movies, one I figured was one of his favorites. It featured the busty blonde named Samantha Strong (who I also liked), who happened to bear a resemblance to our mutual sex-kitten and group-of-friends flirt Vicky. She was making out on a sofa with some lucky guy, rubbing his crotch, then unzipped him, then he pushed her head down on his cock and she started sucking lustily and lovingly like the cock-hound she was. Mike said, “God damn, she’s hot! And she looks just like Vicky, doesn’t she?” I replied, “Fuck yeah she is, but actually Vicky’s tits are bigger than Samantha’s … but I’m not complaining! But what I wouldn’t give to get a blowjob from either of them!’ He agreed, and fidgeted around a bit, obviously to give his big cock a better placement in his shorts, because it was plainly very stiff already. I was a lot aroused sitting so close to him, but a little uneasy, too. He must have been a lot drunker than I was, because as she started talking dirty to the guy on screen, then jammed her face down and started bobbing her big-haired head up and down faster and faster, he started moaning, and rubbing his cock through his shorts like I wasn’t even there! I stood up and said, “OK Cowboy, I’m gonna go to bed, you have fun rubbing a few off. Just make sure you clean up after you’re done!” He stropped rubbing, but just kind of laughed a bit, and I went back to my bedroom, as I heard the porno keep playing. I tried to go to sleep, but the thought of him out in the living room with a huge boner, drunk as hell but stroking his prick madly, got me so aroused that I locked my door, and I went to my bathroom, leaned over my toilet bowl, and I stroked a fast but large load into the toilet, dreaming I was brave enough to rush back in there and help him finish the job. After that I was able to get to sleep immediately.
Neither of us said anything the next day, although he was a bit quieter than normal, and seemed a little more distant. More and more I stopped fantasizing about being brunette Julie and started fantasizing about being blonde Vicky, knowing how much she turned Mike on (as much as she turned me on). So I wore the blonde wig more, and the black wig less. And I started planning. In that film, Samantha started the scene by wearing a black silk blouse (before taking it off to share her decently-large tits with the world). Of course, blonde hair shows up wonderfully well on black fabric. So I ordered a black polyester blouse from one of the women’s wear shops I used: Roaman’s or Woman Within or some place – sent to my PO box. Likewise, I got a reasonable replica of Sam’s skirt, heels, and jewelry. I hadn’t gone to this much trouble before in dressing, since I never really looked at myself in the mirror when dressed… it was feeling the hair on my head, seeing it flow onto the shelf my huge tits made, etc. but for what I had planned, I wanted this to be just right.
Whenever I got the chance, I watched Mike’s favorite tape, at that favorite scene, and I memorized Samantha’s lines. It wasn’t difficult – porn movies aren’t know for their intricate dialogue! I also practiced my actions on one of my favorite toys. It was a John Holmes lifelike cock and balls dong with suction cup base. Previously I had tried to stick it to the bathroom wall and tile wall of the shower, but of course its length, and thus, weight, made it droop a lot, and so made sucking it hands-free a bit problematic. Still, the sheer size of it was thrilling, and I loved the way it filled my mouth, and the way it looked moving between my big fake breasts as I “tit-fucked” myself with it! Plus, it wasn’t much larger than Mike’s real equipment!
In about a month, I got my chance. I knew Mike would be getting home at about midnight Saturday night after going out to a bar with a few other friends (some of whom drank but did turn in early to go to church on Sunday mornings). I set the VCR up and cued the tape to the right spot. I dressed as Vicky, in my blonde wig, nervously, but so excitedly that my pink panties already had a wet spot of pre-cum on them as I slipped on my short skirt over them. I watched out our window for Mike’s car to come down the apartment complex driveway and pull into our section of the parking lot. There it was! I pressed PLAY on the VCR remote, and retreated to my bedroom, making sure I left my door open all the way. I was kneeling beside my bed, with my back to the open doorway. In about a minute I heard our front door open and close. The dialogue from the movie was going. “—yeah, I’m glad you came over, sit down here with me for awhile.” I heard Mike laugh as he recognized the film immediately. He called out, “Hello?”, asking if anyone was home. I said nothing. The scene progressed, as Samantha said, “Oh wow, let me rub that for you!”, as she rubbed the guy’s big cock through his shorts, and the guy starts moaning. Mike seemed a bit entranced by the film, and said in a low voice, “Yeah, Sammy rub that cock for him, baby.” The guy onscreen was moaning, and I wasn’t sure if Mike was or not, too. Then the next line, I said with Sammy, not too loud, but loud enough to be heard, and my timing was right on the money, “Let’s unzip you and see that big dick!” I was holding the huge dong on the bed with both hands and facing away from the door, but I though just maybe I heard footsteps … maybe? Still, I had to pretend I didn’t. Next nile, from Sammy and “Vicky”: “God, it’s so big!” At that point we each grab the shaft with one hand and start slowly stroking it up and down. The moans from the TV increase, but they seem muffled like someone may be standing in my bedroom doorway. I don’t dare look! Next line. “Ohhh I just have to suck it!” Blonde Samantha and blonde Vicky-me push our sexy faces down onto our respective cocks. A groan come from the TV and I distinctively hear a hissing intake of air behind me. I pull my mouth off the dong but still hold onto it, and swivel the top half of my body around toward the noise, my huge fake tits tracing a wide arc that stop only when they smash into Mike’s legs! My face turns more, and his unzipped hard cock is literally millimeters from my open mouth! I look up at him and we speak at the same time. I say, “Ohhh I just have to suck it!”, and he just says, “Suck it!”, in a louder, more commanding tone! His hands clasp the back of my head, clenching through my masses of blonde hair, and give me no choice it the matter as he pulls my head forward onto him as he thrusts his cock forward into my open mouth! I am off balance and almost fall over, but Mike is strong and his cock has effectively speared my head in place! I of course drop the dildo, manage to shuffle around on my knees, ducking my tits out of the way enough that I am situated directly in front of him, bobbing my head as best as I can, although his strong hands don’t let me pull back very far. When I start to gag and choke a bit, he notices, and looks a bit embarrassed, and released his grip, and says, “Oh, I’m sorry, tony!” I pull off just long enough to gasp in a big lungful of air, and say, “I’m Vicky, and don’t apologize, and I love it, now shut up and fuck my face, stud!” That’s all the license he needed! He did exactly that! He treated my mouth like a pussy, fucking that massive cock of his hard and fast. He didn’t try to push it all the way into my throat yet, but I took over half of his massive shaft, and he really loved feeling his tip rub against the opening to my throat and my tonsils. I was rubbing his muscular legs and squeezing his hard ass cheeks and even tugging his big ripe balls, which made him moan louder than the guy from the TV! All too soon, I feel his sack tighten up, and his shaft swell up, and he said, “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Well, I knew I wanted to taste his cum, but as a guy, I also knew what I and every guy would want in this situation: a great cum shot. So I reluctantly pulled his cock from my mouth and started jacking him off right in front of my face with both hands (he was certainly long enough for me to do that), looked up at hin and said, “Yeah, baby, I want you to cum for me! Cum all over Vicky! Give me a nice hot FACIAL! Squirt me with your white-hot SPERM! Squirt it on my face and hair and big TITS! Drown me in your hot load, stud, just like in the movies!” BANG! My idea about the “money shot was right on the money, because Mike delivered! Spurt, spurt, spurt! Ropes of thick white gluey come shot from his throbbing prick like clockwork, as I stroked him with my eager hands. The first few shots flew up into my forehead and hair, the next ones hit me squarely in the face, before I aimed the rest down onto my chest, where his semen made rivers and pools on my black blouse.
His moans subsided and his legs buckled under him and he collapsed to the floor, nearly falling on me. He sat there, breathing heavily, then finally opened his eyes. He seemed to take a minute to focus, then said to me, “How long have you … ?” “Been dressing?”, I replied. “”For many years. Been doing what I just did? Never – that was my first time – I hope it felt alright. How long have I *wanted* to do that with you? Well … since we’ve been roommates, and since we’ve gotten close enough that if you’d rejected me that I knew it wouldn’t totally kill our friendship, and especially since the day when I walked in on you by accident and saw what a huge and delicious cock you have.” Mike look a little bit relieved, but still a little bit befuddled, and naturally still a little bit drunk. I looked down and scooped up a big glob of his cum off one of by boobs, pulled down my panties, and started rubbing it on my hard cock, and said, “Look, honey, I know it’s a lot to take it right now, and you’re drunk, and just had a great orgasm. Why don’t you go to your bed and get some rest. I need to go rub one off of my own right now, and we’ll talk in the morning – either mike and Vicky, or Mike and Tony, OK? OK.”
And that’s what happened. I helped him stand up, got him to his bed, closed his door, went to my bedroom, closed my door and bathroom door, lit a VS120, and using the sperm from the first cock I ever sucked as lubricant, stroked myself to the strongest orgasm I have ever had in my life, before or since. Thank you, dear Mike!
7 years ago