Christmas gift
so the wife wakes up this morning and hints she is super horny from a dream. i said really what was it about ? she said this guy at her job has been flirting with her alot lately and friday she grabbed his cock at work . he then grabbed her ass and she said her pussy got really wet and she told him she was soaked . so he said let me see then she went in the bathroom and took a pic and texted it to him . she said he had a hard on the rest of the day and she dreamed he was fucking her and came in her mouth . so she asked if her christmas present this year could be go and fuck him cause she really wants to now so 1 o'clock christmas eve she is on her way to get her present . when she texted him she wanted to fuck within 1 min or so he got back to her and said when and where all i asked was for video of it to watch her enjoy her present this year
7 years ago