Giving My Very First Blow Job

I've always thought giving head would be allot of fun and boy was right. This is a true story about the first time I ever sucked a cock. It was a week of firsts that I got to experience with my best friend. Because we live far enough away, every visit with him lasts on average 5 days. This visit began with my very first pridefest. 

I have to thank him so much because I changed quiet dramatically since I've met him. I'm not as shy and I've learned that things aren't so bad outside of your comfort zone. He gave me the courage to come out to my parents and he's always there for me and vice versa, so I'm elated that he could be my first blow job. The visit began with my first pride, a night that has made my top five best experiences of my life. After pridefest he came to spend the week at my house. Usually these visits are filled with video games, movies, food, and swimming (if its warm enough). 

Because its warm enough, we spent a good portion of time swimming and hot tubbing, which is where I experienced another first. I don't know why but when we hot tub, we talk about sex and guys. I learned allot more about him and what he likes sexually and vice versa. He's far from a virgin, and far from a slut while I'm in an orange zone of virginity, meaning I masturbate a little to much, but that doesn't bother me because he's told me that he does it the same amount, if not more than I. 

We got to talking about things we wanted to try and things we thought we would like, skinny dipping being one of them. I would love to try skinny dipping, except for the fact that I'm unhappy about my size, and therefore incredibly self conscious. I thank what ever force pushes things into motion for giving him the courage to ask if he could try skinny dipping, without which my first blow job would not have come this soon. 

It was really liberating to be naked in front of another person, and while I was still nervous, I felt oddly at ease being that vulnerable around him. I also couldn't see why he wished he was bigger, he's got a nice size and gigantic balls. We got to talking about how we were aroused and how it felt and somehow the conversation changed to the techniques we use during masturbation. Once again we were at the other ends of the spectrum. He admitted he does it hard and fast and I confessed that I take my time and that I can last up to three hours. I told him how intense the orgasm was after three hours of play and he admitted that he can't control himself.

One thing led to another and eventually he said something along the lines of " You can feel it" which really through me for a loop. I think if I passed it up I would probably kick myself, or force myself to fall down a flight of stairs. I had been dreaming about touching another guys dick for ages and I had my chance. 

It was one of the most nerve racking moments of my life. I was terrified that things would be weird after, or that I might hurt him. It was smooth and long and solid, heavy, I was rock hard. I've always been a balls man, something about them just make me go crazy and to feel his was incredible. They were warm and soft and I was sure he would feel me shaking. 

By some stroke of luck I was invited to wrap my lips around his member and suck my first cock, it was so much to handle. First non related gay cock I had seen, first cock i've touched, and now it would be the first dick I would ever suck. It was incredibly, how soft the head was, how hard the shaft was. I wish that it hadn't been in the hot tub, only so I could get its natural taste but I don't really care, I sucked a cock.

I couldn't get enough of it, every move he made only pushed me further and encouraged me to do more. The way he moaned in approval was more than enough to make me feel proud that I could produce such a reaction. Even though the way he moved and the noises he made told me I was doing something right, I couldn't help but think there was something I was doing wrong.

When he came, he came hard and the feeling of warm cum squirting inside my mouth sent tingles down my spine, the sweet taste was even more of a wild sensation. I hadn't expected it to taste that way, sweet with a salty undertone. Everything I had heard said it either tasted salt or bland. I was so nervous I ended up spitting, rather than swallowing, as if swallowing was forbidden. 

I couldn't even believe that I had just blown my best friend, it was so surreal and it felt like a dream. I've had dreams where I blew guys, and it was a similar experience, except I could feel it, and I didn't wake up. Needless to say, blow jobs are my forte, and it would be two hours until I blew him again.
Published by menext
7 years ago
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wearimus 1 year ago
His cum sounds delicious 
dogbreathjesus 2 years ago
my I first time I was in my mid-50's. As soon as his head was pressing into my lips I couldnt believe Id waited so log....then when his cum flooded my mouth I was, of course, hooked......mmmmm
cheatinghubby1 2 years ago
yes the first time for me i was 10 and the man was in his 40s
marylandman1502 3 years ago
Love your stories so sexy.
58nhorny 3 years ago
i remember my first time. i'm glad i did and i have had a few more since then
jojosmallone 3 years ago
never forget the first time a cock when in my mouth
rita62 3 years ago
We all remember every detail pf our first.  Mine was not romantic, we were both drunk and I remember groping him and finding him hard I went down on him and sucked his cock.  the taste was not the ambrosia I expected but was not offensive and I swallowed greedily, thinking that was what one did.  After I felt so wonderful, I was a cock sucker, I made him cum in my mouth. all was wonderful and right with the world.
njjohn53 3 years ago
I like this one best, i think . Its hard? Omg, i am!
Guy49007 5 years ago
Mmmm nice one you will always remember 
nipsiehustle29 5 years ago
You are an excellent writer....and cocksucker!  Wish you could do me!
chrisluvsgirls 6 years ago
I sucked my fist gurly cock, a few years back, heavenly experience, why did I leave it so long?
wildthang69 6 years ago
mine was in the back yard pool when i was 12
bikerm 6 years ago
my first was in the ninth grade with the cook at a cafe where i was it exciting and fun...
csforyou 6 years ago
I sucked my first cock at a very young age and glad in a way I did
grayfoxjohn 6 years ago
I was addicted after my first BJ and swallowed my first load while cruising a local park not long ago. I now crave more cum every chance I get.
jayymie 6 years ago
So nice !
glildic 6 years ago
My first was a great experience
addict2CD 6 years ago
Shared my first blow job recently at the age of 66, wonderful experience.
explorer_3x69 6 years ago
to boppizza : You are so right!
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william2015AND 6 years ago
to boppizza : yes
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william2015AND 6 years ago
to explorer_3x69 : yes, yes, yes
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explorer_3x69 7 years ago
It only gets better and more pleasurable every time! To offer you mouth and your sissy pussy to a lover with a beautiful cock is so fulfilling! I remember my first time sucking a cock, it wasn't great; but I learned so much as I learned to pleasure my male lovers and it wasn't long before my lovers and myself both were having heavenly sex!
boppizza 7 years ago
yes, that's how it starts. you'll be spreading your cheeks in no time :wink:
ilsybp18 7 years ago
gr8 story
glildic 7 years ago
first blow jobs are great
rodsrocket 7 years ago
jacklondonondeck 7 years ago
Sexy story! Nothing like that first blowjob!
ilsybp18 7 years ago
cock sucker for life