I felt the Need

After almost two full years of fun and fantasy on Xham, I have found the need to limit my interaction on-line.
After certain "interactions" with members that gave me "false hope" for possibilities,
I feel it best to re-group and take time to sharpen my instincts!

Shame on ME for allowing my trepidation's to be cast aside!
Shame on ME for allowing my "guard" to be lowered!
Shame on me for actually Believing that what another man tells me is true!
(What a Fool I have been!)
I will be better for this....
I will be stronger, more cautious, less considerate!.....
and all of the genuine people / members in my profile-life will suffer!
My apologies!
At heart, I am always a true and caring and genuine, (and HORNY), Gay man!
Published by Guynbriefs
7 years ago
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frozenfrog 5 years ago
i am sorry some treat you poorly!~I wouldn't!
Davo60 6 years ago
Hi Guy, the world is only after looking after itself. There are some of us who have been thru the wringer and we have become better people for it. You will survive, you have a gracious & loving heart and an awesome body to go with it.
morningglorie 6 years ago
You can't argue with that!
morningglorie 6 years ago
Awww....So, I guess that you and I are going to have to Private message each other...and build trust...sharing our 'secrets'/fantasies...I will message you ~ So sorry to hear you had a BAD experience!
pifad 7 years ago
Sorry to hear of this.  I hope you regroup and come back stronger. Love you man ❤️ 
Sonoster 7 years ago
I'm so very sorry you went through this. I understand completely. I have been alone for 10 years. Just too many lies, deceit and unfaithfulness.
atlsexyguy 7 years ago
I'm sorry that you feel screwed over, but upport your time away.  You are uch an amazingly hot, sexy, fun, smart and seductive guy.  HMU / KIT.
hornybusdriver 7 years ago
Good for you mate. It's more fool on them. You are a great guy and so damn sexy. Take what ever precautions you feel needed. We'll still admire you and your post. When ever and however you want to add to your hammy world.
vsd 7 years ago
Hug and I sense your considerate mind
fghkk 7 years ago
With or without Xham...man...you are looking great for your age! Iam sorry for your dissappointings...!
Understand you by intuition...life goes on! Have a good life buddy!
ilsybp18 7 years ago
hope you will be back
majmo 7 years ago
to Guynbriefs : You’re too kind, hot stuff. 
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Guynbriefs Publisher 7 years ago
to majmo : You KNOW you are in the "Good Group"!
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majmo 7 years ago
majmo 7 years ago